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20.6 hrs on record
Intangible 2 (2/2) My personal 3rd favorite Soulsborne game btw
Read the Overwatch 2 review first. (intangible 2 (1/2) )

Then After that you need to kill this guy voilà!”
*Steven shows a polaroid picture of some random guy*
“Alright, are you ready mark? To Make a big score?!”
“Steven, We need to get out of here, those pale people are gonna find us. I don't even know who the man is that you want killed..”
“Listen mark this isn't really me asking, I'm telling you to kill this man because if you don't, I will throw you to those pale things and watch you get devoured alive. Mark. You need to understand, They will eat your bone marrow while you're still alive and plant themselves into your Brain if you don't do as I say. The man I want killed is the king's Son. Just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do as your told and everything will be ok.”
*Mark spits in Steven's face.*
“I'm not killing anyone for you.”
*Steven pistol whips mark in the face.*
“EW ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ discusting pig! Boys Cuff him and string him up NOW!”
Mark can feel his front teeth coming loose and blood going down his throat. The men tie a noose around Mark's neck and handcuff him.They also bag Mark once more. Mark struggles to try to get free while also trying to avoid falling off the chair and hanging himself by accident.
“Ok let's get this over with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Old Ones Hear this plea, Send this man back to the origin so he can do your work. Old Ones grant him strength and wisdom. Let this man do your bidding so we can prosper as you see fit. Bind Blood,flesh, soul and unseen Tentacles together and let this traveler pass through your nebula Old One. Bhala-kom demursusis chalam shenher dot. ”
*Slamming coming from the ceiling starts and becomes louder and louder*
“♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ they found us! Get ready and finish the ritual fast before they can -”
*A chunk of the ceiling collapses and kills three of the men crushing them. Fire drips into the room from the hole and burns everyone, The hole gives birth to a dozen blood hungry pales ready to devour the room.*
The men Open fire at every pale they see, and when there is none to shoot they fire into the gaping hole in the ceiling that endlessly supplies more pales. The bag over Mark's head flies off and when he sees what's happening around him he panics and makes the chair slip from under him. The noose chokes him.
Steven in his last ditch effort to scavenge the situation grabs the ritual sword. A fleshy white sword with a curve near the tip.
Steven impales the hung Mark with the sword… And mark slips away from our realm…
It's dark with the only exception being the stars. The stars are dancing for Mark or maybe it's something else?
In the darkness a deep voice not voiced by humans speaks.

“Thou kind keeps coming here, hoping for me to interject into your lives to bring prosperity. Time and time again. Every fire must be extinguished . Every Bit of knowledge must be learned. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of a self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But in the end, all before me lack the stomach for the suffering you'll bring upon yourself.why you depressing mad, survivor. You're nothing without your comforts. Very well, I Pity creatures that are beyond help. Open thy eyes and emerge from the sea at once.”

*Water is in Mark's lungs, stomach and ears. But he floats regardless onto shore.*

“Bloody hells! There's another corpse washed up on the sea! Grab the wagon we got one more to bury!
Posted 11 August, 2023. Last edited 11 August, 2023.
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5.5 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Intangible 2 (1/2) tf2 better btw.My time with Overwatch 2.

The White puffy room surrounds me,I almost never leave this room unless someone takes me out of it. That's alright. I Like minimalism.This jacket makes it nearly impossible to move but I'm Ok with that because It feels like a tight hug. I love it here. It's the only place I feel safe.
The door slams open and a woman covered in red walks out from the dark hallway grasping a camcorder. She tries to keep a calm demeanor but there is nothing about her that looks calm. Her bloodshot eyes and shaking hands give away her terror.
“Get the hell up!!” She grabs hold of the jacket and puts the man on his feet.
“The Asylum Is Burning and We Are Under attack!”
This woman is suspicious. Wouldn't I hear a fire alarm if the asylum is burning? It sounds awfully quiet for a warzone.
“I'm not going, I don't believe you.”
“Dude you're literally INSANE please just follow me, I promise I'm not tricking you”
*she starts releasing him from the jacket that binds him to this room*
“NNNOOO no no no Please dont take it off!!DONT TAKE IT OFF STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP”
The last buckle gets undone.
“Come on man, last chance before I leave you here.”
The man tries his hardest to put the jacket back on but doesn't have the mental capacity to do it by himself. So he carries it with him. His arms are frail and look as if they could be snapped like a turkey wishbone.
“What's your name miss?”
“I'm Rose, let's go already!”
“Fine. Alright I'm coming, I'm Mark.”
As Mark takes his first step of freedom out the door he realizes he can't see anything in the pitch black hallways. Rose uses her camcorder's night vision to navigate the Black abyss.
“Rose what happened? When Can I go back?”
“I'm an inmate here like you, but something Bad happened in the basement level. I turned off the lights to this place to get around sneaky.”
“Who are we hiding from?”
“Pretty much everyone.Don't trust anyone.”
Five Blinding flashlights turn on all at once. Extreme anxiety bubbles in Marks stomach. His hands tremble.
“It was Rose who did it ! She FORCED me to escape, please have mercy!” His voice shook with every word, then he tried to shove her on the ground but he was too scrawny.
One of the people behind the light makes a call out to their leaders.
“We have Rose and a man.” “rodger, Mhmmmm yeah. Ok, So precede? Roger that.”
Mark, not knowing the concept of a radio, thinks they are talking to him.
“You want us to proceed?what?”
“I'm not talking to you dumbass,get on the floor, both of you”
Rose Makes a break for it and All 5 soldiers open fire into the darkness with their MP5’s.She miraculously disappears in the shadows, never to be seen again. The noise from the gun freaks Mark out and he starts to frankly scream on the ground.
The men dressed head to toe in black with gas masks put handcuffs on mark and stomp on him until he shuts up.
“That rose woman is what started this disaster You Idiot! What the hell are you doing with a terrorist??!”
Before Mark could answer, A pale figure appeared behind the armed men, then another, then another. Mark tries to warn them of the person behind them but he was so scared he froze in fear.
The pale person grabbed one mans mask and ripped it off from behind, then put his fingers so deep into the man's eye socket it killed him. The guy tried to struggle and shoot at the pale but only managed to make things worse when he shot two of his fellow men. Another pale made quick work of a man by using a pipe to slam into his throat at breakneck speeds. The last soldier surviving unloaded his rounds into the pales but only managed to kill one of them before being ripped apart by three more. Mark Watched in horror then realized he needed to run. He looks back at where Rose ran but a dozen Pales were now down that hallway. Stumbling over their own feet and walking with slouched posture.
The safest way out is to run past the pales that are beating the lifeless corpses of the men. It takes everything Mark has to get up from the pool of blood he was sitting in and dash past the Pale creatures. Eventually the darkness ended and A lit up elevator was in sight. Mark got inside. The elevator controls were foreign to Mark but he knew it took him away from this godless place at the very least, so he pressed every single button. Fire Alarms begin to Blare in his ears. Finally, a pleasant sound is made.
The elevator door opens at floor 2,revealing A room that looks like hell itself. Fire everywhere, it's as if someone covered the walls,floors and even ceiling with gasoline. People burnt black lay on the ground, the ceiling collapsing on itself. Black Smoke rushes its way into the elevator and Mark cluelessly presses every button again bottom to top. The door closes but the smoke in the elevator remains.
The elevator door opens at floor 1 and the coast looks clear.
He takes a few steps out of the elevator and coughs like a kid smoking weed for the first time. Something pokes Mark on the top of his head while he is facing downwards having a coughing fit. When he looks up to see who it is a brown bag gets thrown over his head. People start punching the ♥♥♥♥ out of mark even when he's down on the ground.
“Alright boys that' enough or your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FIRED! James Get away from the guy Now or ill ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ KILL you in court, I told you rough him up a little not CURBSTOMP his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ribcage you dumb ♥♥♥♥!!”
“PLEASE NO MORE I'll go back to MY room please stop I've had enough!” Mark pleads.
“Hey it's alright buddy ,I'll take you somewhere safe. Just be a good lad and try to walk with me alright?”
“Why do you need to bag me to bring me somewhere safe?”
“Because that's just how it fk'n is.No more questions for you, mister.”
“Sam Pick this guy up,I don't think he can walk after what Mr.beats-up-disabled-people did.”
“Yes Sir.”
They drag Mark back into the elevator.
“Sorry fellas gotta take this call,Hello who is this?”
*muffled reply coming from phone*
“You know what, YOU'RE FIRED. What type of person ask For a day Off on a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TUESDAY! Get your junk, including your fruity anime figures and pack it all up in a nice box. Because I'm DONE with your laziness!”
“Guy thinks he can get a day off because his daughter died. I don't know why I even hired these people…0 work ethic! I gotta make another quick call”
“Hey this is Steven From the CIA,Good news bud! A position just opened up, "Come by this Tuesday so we can talk about a schedule.”
The elevator opens.And the sound of leather boots walking on the marble floor surrounds mark.
“Put him on the chair quickly”
“Yes sir" "Yes Sir" "Yes Sir" "Yes Sir"
Four men pick Mark up and raise him to sit on some stone slab.
“Can I please have water?And someone please explain what is going on”Mark said defeated.
“Of course you can have some water my friend,But could you help us as repayment?”
“I don't even know who you are”
“Well I'm the Director,I'm Steven.I like football and I love my job.You know what,I have a job for you that I think You'll love too!”
The bag gets taken off Mark's head.6 men in total surround him. Steven is wearing a blue uniform with a receding hairline but has the face of a baby with smooth,hairless skin,and bright blue eyes.The rest of the men are wearing sunglasses with brown jeans and randomly colored golf shirts.
“Heres your water Pal”
Mark awkwardly tries to drink it but instead spills it.
“Listen Mark, We need to be quick about this I'll give you a short rundown on what your job is and then you're just gonna have to do it…no questions asked.Firstly we are gonna have to put the bag back on for just a moment,after that i'm gonna need you to go to a fishing village out in Ireland.Don't worry,the trip has already been arranged.Then After that you need to kill this guy voilà!”
*Steven shows a Polaroid picture of some random guy*
To be continued in next review...
Posted 11 August, 2023. Last edited 23 November, 2023.
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7.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
(Part 1/4) 1600 year Story Draft for future project. My experience with battle bit remastered.

Dubhchomar is an old city of Ireland.The king of Dubchomar,King Fiacha, in the year 290 started construction of an escape passage under his kingdom. His subjects grew angry with how he persecuted people of the Christian faith. He discovered that his kingdom lies on top of an ancient burial site decorated in fountains that were once luxurious and filled with aquatic life that is unknown to them. He sent his most loyal scholars to investigate and they came back with a cat sized albino squid. In his arrogance he had it cooked, But it did not die. So he cut it up in many pieces, and it still did not die. Frustrated, The king took a bite sized squirming block of flesh and devoured it. His emerald green eyes turned white, His skin became just as pale as the squid and most importantly he gained insight of the future.The future looked horrifying and without hope, this incite did not allow him to pick and choose what he wanted to see or know. It was like the ancient being in his gut was tormenting him with visions of the worst things to come including total darkness. The king was also able to see an assassination during a future rebellion in the year 322 in the form of a vision, to counteract this he had his son take his place and act as king under his name for the next 12 years as a doppelganger .King Fiacha spent those 12 years underground and brought his most loyal scholars to study the tomb. He didn't allow anyone else to eat the squids and even interacting with them without a master scholar present was considered treason. He continued to eat more hoping he would be able to control his incite at a certain point and become all knowing .Using his own son as a doppelganger he had the kingdom fooled, and his son took his place in the assassination. The king fled the kingdom afterwards and took along five of the master Scholars, and each master brought three of their pupils. Everyone else who knew about the underground tomb was Executed and the tomb was sealed away. He even abandoned what was left of his family. King Fiacha took his men and settled down at a small fishing village called Cladsale, 200 miles away from Dubhchomar. Every waking day after leaving Dubhchomar made King Fiacha mad with worry for not only he could see what will happen when the Tomb gets unsealed but also the arrival of the Great ones.The king developed dreams so real that it felt like he traveled through time, all of the dreams were the same. He was there just to witness the world's end. A week later at dawn, hundreds of squids washed up on the shore of the fishing village. The king never foresaw this. Worried that a fisherman would try to snack on one of these creatures he had his men butcher the townspeople. He personally helped rip children out of their home to have them killed. But it was too late. A pale child awoke from the piles of corpses and with his new found incite grabbed his fathers knife that he used to descale fish. Then he searched for the king. King Fiacha was down at the shore burying Squids in one hole and corpses in another. One of the Scholars noticed the boy and stopped him, the pale boy revealed his blade and took the man by surprise,slashing open his gut before awkwardly stabbing him repeatedly until the man's wounds stopped bleeding. The white eyed child put his entire hand in the man's stomach and covered himself in guts. He Looked into the gray cloudy sky and became manic with laughter as a way to praise the Old Ones. The Old Ones responded to the sacrifice with a storm. Rain fell on the pale boy and rinsed him clean, his incite rung with visions of red, then Togetherness. The pale boy then ran to the shore. King Fiacha’s head started to pound as the storm started, the tide got so high the holes became full with water and both squids and corpses got dragged out to sea. The water turned red and the squids swam all around it. Seagulls started circling the water. The men that were with the king fled and never came back but the king froze in fear and awe. An enormous clump of white flesh and tentacles rose from the water. It stunk worse than death. The white abomination started to take form out of the bodies of the dead and squids. The stars disappeared and the moon became bright black ,The moon beamed down a red light to the Being and breathed life into it. Its white bloodshot eyes opened and it stood there, staring at the king. Pale Slugs started to climb up the king's legs but he didn't even notice it. The king could Feel the Being judging him in his bones. He reached his arm out. After just a moment the Old One screeched unimaginably loud, making the king fall to his knees with bleeding ears. The tide rises just enough so it can reach him. The screech made him deaf but in that deafness he gained a new sense, an ability to hear the old tongue. From that he learned that he committed an unforgivable sin When he devoured a fragment of the Old One. Everyone the king is around will die a pale death, and after that they cannot go to heaven nor hell. The deity will follow him in some form. The king is cursed to rot alive. That is the curse of the pale. What is unkillable should never be tampered with, it has been made unkillable for a reason. The king, hearing of his horrid fate, opens his eyes. A pale boy is in front of him with a knife to his throat. With no strength or willpower to fight he looks at the moon and wishes he could start over. A hot feeling comes from his neck, and he chokes on his blood and falls forward into the water. The child runs to the old one like a child greeting their father and is quickly absorbed. When King Fiacha woke up he was laying on a beach with crabs eating pieces of his back. The beach is unknown to him, worst of all The gash in his throat started to sprout tentacles, four in total. His pale skin is slimy and the sun burns. Undead King Fiacha then stood up. He trembled his way into a cave not far from where he awoke. It was a deep and damp cave. The king was done hurting people,Wherever he goes, It will follow him and not wanting other people to share the same curse as him, he chooses to isolate himself for the rest of time . He walked into the chamber of the cave he knew would close in on him. As he stepped foot inside, the earth vibrated and the exit was sealed. Complete darkness was around him. Pale slugs slithered around his chamber, leaving sticky trails. They multiplied on the roof laying eggs that produce streams of ooze. With no vision or hearing for the next couple years his brain rotted and he became a mindless rotten husk. Wandering around a dark chamber eating whatever lands on the chamber floor. Then, 1281 years later the chamber is unsealed..
Posted 16 July, 2023. Last edited 16 July, 2023.
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58.1 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others. He took everything away from me. I will peer into the darkness to find the strength to claim revenge.
Today was a special day. Me and my family are going to visit New York and try everything the melting pot city has to offer. The trip there would take a few hours but It felt like eternity. When we stopped for gas, my mother and my sister went into the gas station to pick up some snacks for the road. While walking back to the car I noticed a strange man with a fancy outfit and clean haircut talking to my father. As I approached I could notice my fathers face becoming red and sorrowful. He rushed us in the car and we drove off. When I glared looking behind I saw the strange man get into a black SUV. The man begins to tail us from maybe 40 feet away.
Suddenly We get slammed into by the SUV from behind, the recoil makes me hit my head hard on the back of the seat ahead of me. Father hits the gas but it's no use; we get hit again and The car goes off the road and collides with a tree. My ears ring as I look next to me and see that a shard of glass impaled my sister in the leg, it's so deep but she isn't moving. My mother is knocked out cold from hitting her head on the dashboard so hard that she passed out. Right as I look at my father his door opens. A person grabs him and pulls him out. I hear yelling, something about my father running away from his debt. I feel someone grab my arm, I snap out of my daze and try to fight back but the man just punches me in the throat so I can't breathe. He throws me into the grass and gives me a good view of my father. The man from earlier has a gun to dad's head.
"Please don't hurt us , please please" I beg.
"Your father is a crooked man, he owes us a lot of money, meanwhile he's going on vacation to New York. I won't kill you boy but I do need to keep you quite somehow. Do you want to be my pet? I promise you'll have a roof under your head." said the man.
"y-yes yes, I'll do whatever you want just let him go!" I pleaded.
"No can do kid, I need to set an example of what happens when you steal from me. the interest on the money your daddy stole has gone up. He'll have to pay with his life now." The man said with a disgusted look.
"last words?" he mumbled.
"son listen, please keep our family legacy, don't forget about me! I love you so much, become something great." My father cried with a terrified expression.
"cover the boy's eyes, he doesn't need to see his dad get shot".
The man behind me covered my eyes with his hands, In the darkness I cried waiting to hear the inevitable bang. It takes a moment but eventually the shot gets fired. The rest of my family Either died or got sent off to some different place than me, I'll never know. One thing's for certain, I'm going to make the man who stole everything from me pay.
The place the man brought me to is a beautiful mansion with gardeners planting fresh flowers in the garden. A giant roman inspired house. it must have been worth millions of dollars, surrounding the house was a decent sized forest.
"this will be your new home kid, my name is Jamie Tyrell. Im a political figure who also lends money to people in need. I truly am not a bad guy, I just do bad things to keep my business afloat. and trust me, I almost never hurt anyone. I just did what I needed to do, after all I consider myself a pacifist." The Fancy man explained.
I kept my head down and refused to look the man in the eyes. We walked down the hallway passing valuable pieces of art that hung on the wall; The floor was so shiny I could see my own reflection when staring deep in it.
"welp. This is it kiddo, How do you like your new room?"
"thanks' ' I replied.
"I'll send a maid to give you dinner around 6, Is there anything in particular you want to eat?"
"No, thanks."
"Aright, by the way. you're not living here for free, I'm running low on people maintaining my look throughout the day so I'll have you following me around to make sure I'm looking good. I'll have one of my men to teach you how to polish shoes, fix hair and all that jazz." Jamie said.
A few hours pass and The maid walks in, She hands me a plate of Chicken with mash potatoes and gravy. It looks delicious but I'm not in the mood to eat it.
"Hey Miss, Are you forced to work here?" I asked the maid.
"yes, everyone in this mannor are kinda like slaves to jamie but if we try to excape one of his boot licking secerity guards will take us back after beating us." she replied.
Every couple days I would try to escape but it was futile, there's no way out with how tight security was. Every night I lay in my bed looking upwards into the darkness that my ceiling projects. I want to go into the darkness to escape this reality . Im a slave to the man who killed my father and Did god knows what to my mother and sister. I will kill this man.
Sometimes I'm terrified of my own heart; of its constant hunger for blood. At night When I'm alone I became insane with long periods of stress.
“Dark death gives me the wisdom and power to kill this unholy man” I said out loud.
I reached into the darkness. In my grasp was a dream. I grabbed it, The darkness bestowed upon me a gift that I will surely use to carry out my heart's abbistion. In my hand a gun so small it could fit in my sleeve. I felt wet pain from my wrist, blood soaked into my shirt. I loaded the gun by letting the blood drip into the barrel of the small pistol. Then I took tape from one of the dressers in my room and tapped the gun to the inside of the best suit I have been given. I took a moment once I was done to Look around me, I wasn't alone in my dark room, the deity of darkness now blessed me with its presents and would get me courage to carry out my vengeance. I stayed Up the entire night talking to the dark. There was a welcome place in hell for me when this was all over.
The next day Jamie had a big rally for his next election to be governor. I came along to help him.I had the suit on from last night with the gun hidden inside of it. I stood behind him while he gave a lie-filled speech.
"Behind me are men and women who all have felt first hand my kindness! Hey son, come up here and tell the audience how I've been keeping you in my home since you recently became orphaned from a recent car crash that led your family to die tragically."
Jamie pointed to me with glee. I walked right next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. I looked out into the excited audience and said " This man right here is kind, careful and full of kindness. Although Everything you see is a dream within a dream, the black sea shall swallow us both in its dark grasp and eat our souls. When you drown I'll surely be there to eat your vile corpse along with the maggots of Talekar the darkness devil. Now die!"
I reach into my sleeve and grab the weapon contrived of sin, I point it at him as he panics and tries to run away. I unload bullets straight into his brain, blood sprays on the floor. bodyguards run towards me but some sort of evil pushes me towards the trigger. Killing all those who threaten me instantly. I face the audience and shoot until the gun dissipates in my hands. I manage to kill 6 people, 4 men and 2 women. I kneel down to Jamies blood soaked body and I feast on his flesh. Police arrive and point their weapons at me. Suddenly I see darkness. Was this a dream? I wondered. I forced my eyes open to find I was on the shore to a beach with black water. perhaps this was a second chance. "No I don't deserve the kindness of a second chance, I got what I want but I wish to forsake the devils wishes and die here and now. my Goal is complete." I said out loud.I never wanted to become a monster, I did what I needed to do to get revenge. But now that I got it I regret the steps I took to get there. I walked back into the black Lake and submerged my head under the calm tides. The eternal Darkness soon followed.
Posted 4 April, 2022.
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251.5 hrs on record (76.7 hrs at review time)
My name is Jack Felador. For over 300 years my family has always had a tradition where the eldest man of the family goes out every blood moon to find and kill someone for a festival. This year my father died tragically while shaving his beard. His hand slipped and he made a cut too deep, With the door locked no one found his body until a couple hours later. As the oldest son I will take his place this year. My family is small so I would only need to hunt for someone normal sized. While I was scouting in my math class my crush walked up to me.
" Heyy Jack! Can you help me out with number 5? I Have a hard time remembering the formulas" she said eagerly.
Her name was Natalie, She had smooth straight blonde hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. She wore Black sweat pants and a black hoodie. Natalie is a wonderful girl who always seems to make me smile whenever i'm around her, she really is a ray of sunshine to my life.
" Uh sure, I could really use some extra practice. I've been using a cheat sheet for this whole paper" I said in a drowsy tone.
" ya know what? Why don't we study after school today. we both need practice after all" she said while staring at the floor and playing with her hair.
"o-ok sure sounds good, My house or yours?"
"my parents are gonna be out at a dinner party tonight so you should come to mine so we have no interruptions while we study" she proclaimed.
Later on that day I rode my bike to her house. I had a couple textbooks in my arms. I slowly walked up to her front door and knocked. There was no response... I knocked again even harder, after a couple moments I heard fast paste footsteps walking towards the door from inside the house. When she opened it, she had a Pulp fiction tee shirt on. I felt my face get hot. "Come to think of it, I've never seen her in anything but a hoodie," I thought to myself. She looked at me with a confused expression. "are you gonna come inside or what" she said. "yeah yeah im coming in" I stuttered. I followed her into her room. She had the nicest bed I've ever seen in my life. It was decked with Pillows and huge blankets, sitting on it felt like i was on a cloud.
"I dont wanna study right now can we just watch a movie?" Natilie said while looking at me with puppy eyes.
"I guess so" I mumbled. She went over to her big TV and started up netflix, She selected a movie without even asking me what I wanted to watch, Natalie then hopped on the bed with me. I couldn't believe that I was in my crushes bed watching movies. She's so cute I could eat her up! As my thoughts were racing through my head she started to lean her body on mine, I can feel her hand creep onto my leg . That's around the time I notice my stomach is killing me, it starts to growl like a dog. I haven't eaten all day and I'm shaking because of it. I ask her if i can go grab a apple or something from the fridge and she nods her head. While i'm in the kitchen I find a cut up watermelon in 5 Huge slices. "Who cuts a watermelon in just 5 pieces?" i thought to myself. I grab the kitchen knife and make smaller slices for myself, while doing so I cut my thumb and blood starts to drip on the counter. This reminds me of the red moon, I'm expected to have meat for it very soon. Natalie is a sweet girl, I wonder if she tastes sweet?. I ponder to myself. I finish cutting the melon into edible slices and I take my time to eat the snack. While eating I grab the smallest and sharpest knife the family owns and I put it into my pocket.
"Heyyyy jack! come back in hereee”Natalie shouts from her room.
"I'll be right there!" I replied.
I cleaned up the small mess I made and washed my hands with soap and water. Then I entered her room. " Hey I got something I need to tell you Jack" she whispered.
"whats up" I said.
"I really like having you around me and I want you to have my heart. You are such a good person and I love spending time with you." she said very nervously.
"I feel the same way Natalie, I really hope this isn't going too far but I love you and when I spend time with you I feel like I'm the best version of myself. I want you to be my source of energy. Is that ok?" I exclaimed eagerly.
"That's a little much but yeah I guess haha" she giggled
I put my arms out for a hug and she embraces me, her warmth fills me with happiness and I squeeze her body tight. I take one of my arms off of her to reach into my pocket. The plastic handle of the knife fits perfectly in the shape of my hand.I take the cold edge of the knife up to the back of Natilies neck as she hugs me.
"I think I love you too" she mumbles into my ear softly.
I shove the knife as hard as I can at her neck. The warm blood drips from my shirt and down to my chest. I look into her eyes as she freaks out and blood goes into her lungs. she falls on the floor and squirms , panicked crying comes from whatever is left of her liftless voice. It hurts me to see her in pain so I hold her face up to mine and give her a parting gift. I give her a last kiss as I cut another hole into her neck, killing her mercifully. I look at my blood stained hands and feel filthy so I speed walk to the bathroom to wash my hands from her blood, I also clean my face because her lips had blood on it when we kissed. Once im clean I walk back into her room and carry her body threw the woods to my house. I store her in my basement freezer. I go back to Natalie's house before her parents come home and I Clean up the mess she made. It took awhile but the stains were gone and it was as if nothing happened at all. When I returned home I changed my clothes into a causal fit and sat on my couch. I turned on Netflix and finished the movie we were watching. A week goes by and it's the night of the blood moon. Music is blasting in my backyard as my close family celebrates. I am congratulated on my first good hunt. I smoke some crack and take her out of the freezer. While butchering Natalie I cut her meat into the correct cuts as my father taught me. As my family feast on her I take her heart into my plate. I take a bite and just as I expected she is sweet as candy.
Posted 6 March, 2022. Last edited 27 November, 2022.
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17.3 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
The evening rose cold and clear, With a salty smell in the air that hinted at the end of Winter. They set forth to see the line at the palace of Gamestop, five in all, and Chris rode among them,Scared from anxiety. Today was the promised day that he would finally be deemed old enough to Buy a rated M game. Chris decrected his pony into the line of people, Chris faced The front of the line where he could overhear two men arguing over something. One man was dressed in a brown dusty trench coat and dawned a scruffy neck beard, The other man had a Big steel Greatsword. It was as wide across as man's head, and taller than even Chris. The blade looked like it was made from egirlic Steel, Nothing could hold a edge to egirlic steel, not even Dimond. Chris recognized the man in the brown outfit as his old English teacher. He was kind and would help chris with his work, often times letting chris cheat on his Homework when he had bad grades and giving life advice when his home life was rough. The teacher's name was Mr.Rando. The argument escalated into pushing and shoving until the man with the Sword stomped on Mr.Rando's foot so hard that you could hear the bones in his foot shatter into dust. Mr.Rando was in a crouched position now with both of his frostbitten hands on his foot. His face gained a red tint. tears and snot ran out of him as he shook his body in pain and cold. The Man with massive sword held his sword High and said "In the name of Gavin of the house of Gamestop, First of his name, Admin of many discords, Protector of Eastport, By the word of Gavin, I do sentence you to die" He lifted his greatsword above his head.
Mr.Randos 8 year old daughter grabbed the man's coat and looked him into his lifeless gray eyes. " Lord gavin please don't kill my daddy! I don't have a mommy and I would be all alone if he died" she said in a cute and sad tone.
Gavin looked down upon the girl with a red nose. Then he looked back at Mr.Rando, He lifted his sword even Higher. He planned to Behead Mr.Rando. The crowd of people begged for him to stop, Chris included.
"please he's a nice man, he would never hurt a fly. I'm sure he's sorry for what he did!" Chris Exclaimed with rose red cheeks and clenched fist.
Gavin Took Off Mr.Randos head in One swift stroke. Blood sprayed outside the game stop, The snow stained red. Chris could not stop looking at the Blood. The Head of Mr.Rando rolled over to the little girl's foot. She had a horrified expression on her face and tried to bolt it. The crowd grew into complete silence. The only noise being made was the girl whimpering on the ground and the crunch of snow as Gavin walked back into his place in line.
Chris was in shock,He froze in place with eyes wide open. Chris then heard a voice that sounded like him. "shwiot hwdm awd" He turned his head to see who was talking to him "SHWIOT HWDM AWD". Chris started getting into a cold sweat , hand was on his forehead as he looked down into the snow."showt hem dewd". The voice was becoming more clear, and could almost understand it. "Shoot him Dead". Chris looked back up and a thunder of a headache washed over him. He had double vision and heard echoes. "SHOOT HIM DEAD SHOOT HIM DEAD SHOOT HIM DEAD" The voice in his head was angry.
Chris stumbled out of line and picked up a broken meth pipe in the snow, then trembled into the alley way. It smelled like piss. At the end of the dark alleyway there were a couple light green tents that were occupied by homeless men. Chris walked down the alley way slowey as his vision was becoming more and more tunneled "SHOOT HIM DEAD SHOOT HIM DEAD" The voices demanded.
His breathing was heavy but slow. Chris opened the cold zipper of one of the tents. There was a homeless man with a bulkley jacket, with messy hair and long facial hair. He wore black sweatpants and had a black eye. " Hey what the hell are you doing?!" he said in a scratchy voice. Chris held the Meth pipe and smacked him in the mouth with it. Teeth flew everywhere and the man fell on the ground as blood poured out of his mouth. There was a M13 Under the homeless man with 4 mags. Chris took off his shirt to reveal a hairy bear chest with a skinny body. He was so skinny in fact that he could be anorexic . He held the M13 and shoved the mags into his jean pockets. The grips of the gun were frozen and stung when he held it, but Chris didn't realize because he was so angry. He started a sprint towards the gamestop as his breathing became more and more intense. You could see in his eyes that Chris was no longer in control. He ran to the side of the line so he could get a view of everyone on line. His finger went on the cold stiff trigger of the M13. He made one last ♥♥♥♥♥♥ scream before pressing down and firing into the croud of people. "KILL THEM ALL KILL THEM ALL" he yelled.
Before long the entire line was just a bloody pile of swiss cheese. Chris snapped out of it and dropped his gun. He ran towards the gamestop for dying light 2. He stepped on the body of Gavin and almost tripped doing so on his way inside. He made it inside. The gamestop employee welcomed Chris with a gleeful smile and hug.
"welcome home" said the warm gamestop employee " would you like a copy of dying light 2? If you say yes, I'll also give you a shirt . Your little nipples are sticking out." he said while rubbing his index finger over my right nipple. "yes please" Chris responded.
When Chris arrived at his small but comfy home he laid in his warm bed underneath a mountain of blankets as dying light downloaded on his ps5. He gave thanks to God for blessing him with living near a gamestop and slowly drifted to sleep as dying light downloaded. The next day Chris had a blast playing a fun game. The end.
Posted 14 February, 2022.
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290.1 hrs on record (105.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
When I was growing up I was told that women where bad, the people who told me this where only joking around and had no ill will towards women.If anything they just didn't want me getting into a relationship from a young age. The result of this was that I gained social anxiety when it came to talking to the opposite sex.I always craved the attention from girls but I never had the courage to talk to them. One day I found myself with a VR headset on my 14th birthday.I was excited to play games but little did i know this would be the begging of the end to my mental health. I was playing rec room with no clear goal other than to have fun. I noticed there was alot of girls in my games that where the same age as me.This is when I came up with a plan, I wanted to see if girls would like me for who i was and i can practice talking to them using this social game. So i started making friends, I never intended to get into a relationship anymore serious than a friendship but one thing led to another and i was testing the waters of long distance relationships.At this point i was happy,I learned that i was a attractive guy But my only issue was the walls I put around myself so people couldn't get to know me, but in Vr i could be myself without worrying about people thinking im weird. One thing became apparent though..The only girls that would end up trying to get close with me where mentality ill sociopaths and attention seeking nut jobs. It hurt when i had to block a group of people because they are toxic but I always figured there was someone out there perfect for me.I even started helping some people with mental issues like depression. I figured that most people are lonely like me but they dont have the drive to better themselves, thats where i can help and tell them that im always there for them.After awhile it affected me and i noticed I was alot more sad when im off the game and i would always be in a irritated mood so i figured I should quit the game to focus on my own health.I achieved my original goal of wanting to practice talking to girls and at this point i was done...a couple months later I was curious to see what has changed in the game so I was going to take a quick peek at whats new. When i joined a public room i was greeted by two nice girls, one of them was outgoing and energetic while the other was very shy even though it was a game. I added both of them and we started playing every day. the more excited girl named "Bethany" gave me some heavy hints that she had a little crush on me. I didnt see the harm of starting a relationship so i started to date her. Bethany was a very busy person as she lived on a farm, so I only got to talk to her a couple hours a day. something that started to pop up more and more is that when we would get to talk she would always just want to do sexual stuff. This ate at me for about 2 weeks until i confronted her about it, she assured me that she didnt mean it. The next day she broke up with me over text saying she is too busy to be with me. This hurt me because i felt like i was being used like a toy. We ended it off on a good note and we continued as friends although we would slowly drift as time went bye. When i wasn't with Bethany i was spending time with that other shy friend named "Kate". We had a amazing friendship and she supported me with my breakup and assured me i was going to be alright. me and kate became inseparable and i started to spend all my time playing games with her and calling her. the more i spent time with her the more she would open up to me about her self and i grew to love everything about her. She had a gorgous laugh that I would hear whenever i made a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke and I knew that when i was with her I can always be honest around her. Eventally she confessed that her heart was mine, I felt overjoyed and I also gave her my heart. Nothing can ruin this and everything will be alright. She was very good at making me happy and entertained, in games she was the same skill as me if not better and we watched every movie under the sun. I met more of her friends and at this point I feel deeply in love. She didnt live that far away so as soon as i was able to drive I would go visit for a couple weeks , It sucked that we couldn't be with eachother in real life but she somehow kept me satified. she started saying the same things as me and talking the same way, She was becoming like a little me. for about 9 months we didnt really have any fights and it was amazing but eventually that would change. Me and Kate would wake up, talk then go to sleep. Other than the few times her friends would join we only talked to eachother. I completely stopped talking to all my friends so my only person I had in my life was her. We started to get under eachothers skin because of this, we started getting sick of eachother all while loving eachother. After a serious fight that involved her threatening suicide and me yelling I decided the best thing for the both of us is to breakup. My heart was crumpled like a piece of paper. When I woke up the next day I got a text that she sent 2 days ago that read " Im sorry ive been rude to you today, just know that i love you and will always love you" . I put my face in my pillow and screamed from dread. I felt dissy and my world spun. My eyes teared up uncontrollable and i gave myself a hug in my dark cold room. I texted her that i needed her back and that i was wrong. unfortunately she took me back. a few months past and we treated each other very good, it might have been the best the relationship had ever gotten. This is also when she would start to manipulate me into guilt. She would start telling me that if i left her she would kill herself, another thing she did was tell me about how much i hurt her when we broke up. She made it very clear that if I broke up with her she would do something bad to herself. Whenever she did something wrong and i called her out for it she would remind me of how I yelled at her before and that im a bad person. I let her walk over me and she would start going on rants about me right in front of my face, it would get worse if it defended myself so i just kept my mouth shut and agreed to what she said. even though I knew I was in the right most of the time I would always just let her win because that would make the least damage. I started waking up with guilt and thinking horrible thoughts to myself, "maybe im as bad as she says?" and " i dont deserve to feel happy right now, I hurt her". I knew she was hurting me so I gave up and pulled the cord. I was scarred that she would kill herself but if I didnt stop our relationship i was going to end up broken. My personally is a shell of what it used to be because the amount of stress and sadness i feel on a daily basis. Im no longer the cheerful guy with cleaver jokes. This breakup was hell, and calling it that is a understatement . Kate would text me pictures of scars she gave herself. I would blame myself for it because it would have never happened if i didn't break up with her. Theres no words that can describe the depression i was in, All i did was cry. She was the only person who i talked to and the only thing i had planned for my future but all that is gone now. I had noone, nothing and guilt.
Even after a couple months i still felt awful, thinking back on memories only hurt me and made me think of more reasons i should feel guilt.But I knew i couldn't sit there to rot in my bed so i started talking to my real life friends again. I never told them about my issues because its impossible explain a bad depression with words,and it seems alittle silly that a girl i met online gave me depression but just being with people who I enjoy talking to made me feel alot better and alot less lonely.I started getting healthy and I turned my life around.Always look out for yourself before others. 2/10
Posted 30 January, 2022. Last edited 10 October, 2022.
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7.1 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My name is Tony Odenkirk and I am now the happiest man alive from this game. It was a cold dark Thursday in Chicago when zenith first launched. I was excited for zenith but first I needed to walk to the nearest gamestop to get a physical copy. I had a jacket on with my phone and wallet in my pockets. While I was walking down the street a car crashed right next to me killing everyone involved , sadly i lost my voice while laughing at it. While I was crying on the ground laughing and rolling a man came up to me and picked me up from my hood, he must have been like 10ft tall because i couldn't reach the ground with my feet. he headbutted me so hard i heard my skull cracked and my eyes partially popped out. i put my hands in my pocket and took out a piece of glass from the car accident and shoved it down his throat, he swallowed it and slowly died on the spot. I pushed my eyes back into place and rubbed some mud on my cracked head. once i was healed I stood over the man who jumped me and I laughed so hard that i forgot to breath and i passed out. I woke up inside gamestop with the employee nursing me back to life in the gamestop anime bed. He held me as i sucked from his nipple regaining health. I slid him 5 bucks and asked for zenith. He told me that I can have it for free if i burn down the nursing home right next door. apparently he was sick of hearing the babies cry every day so he wanted me to throw some gas on the roof and light it up with a match. I agreed because 30 bucks is 30 bucks. But before I do any work I need to take a hit out of my trusty crack pipe. Unfortunately I smoked a little too much because i teleported back to 1871. I still carried on with the job because im true to my word and have honor. I burned the stupid place down and i stood from a far watching with a dubious little grin, but then the fire spread to the next building.... then the next building. It became apparent that i just started the Chicago fire of 1871 and i was honored. Just before I went back to 2022 I gave some children some meth to kick start their future. ZOOM! i was back in the gamestop and because i burned the nursing home in the past the employee never had to deal with the problem so he never gave me the quest to burn it down. I got pissed because time travel rules are confusing and i punched his jaw out of place. He swung his sword horizontally but i limbo-ed underneath it to dodge and upper cutted his jaw again. he went for a vertical slash so i threw some crack into his eyes. BIG MISTAKE. now the gamestop guy just eyeballed some crack and hes super mad and fast. he charged at me with the tip of his massive flaming sword facing me. it went straight threw my left kidney and gut . My world got fuzzy and details drained away with every second that passed. "am I really going to die here, in gamestop of all places?" I thought to myself. everything stopped having meaning and the only thing i could focus on was my thoughts, it felt peaceful, dying was peaceful"maybe its not so bad. maybe i should just close my eyes and accept this" I contemplated. the light in my vision grew larger and the area I was in was not gamestop. i was somewhere completely new and beautiful. I was at the gates of heaven.... I walked up to the gate and asked to come in, thats when i heard what sounded like someone holding in a laugh. "YOU go to HEAVEN?!?, NAHHHH" said a gorgeous voice. I looked down and i could see the solar system threw a trap door I was standing on.... " wait why am i ontop of a trap door?" I wondered. suddenly it opened and i feel down, i was going so fast I felt like a shooting star. when i looked at my hands i could see right thew them like it was water. "You are not going to heaven nor hell, as you are annoying and not even Satan wants you" a deep voice shouted. I came closer to earth, closer to the USA, closer to Chicago and then down to gamestop. I reentered my body that was healed by heavenly power. The gamestop guy was behind the counter giving out zenith while i was on the ground right next to him . before i stood up to show i was alive a took a sniff of the crack. I jumped up drop kicked him over the counter like it was dying light, then I picked him up and suplexed him into a early grave. I snatched the zenith disc out of his hand and took my shirt off. i Bomb rushed to my house as fast as i could. I put on some Arabian lofi music and started the download of my dream game. I turned it on and the servers where down so i had fun looking at the menu and cool music.

Truly astonishing. thank you!
Posted 27 January, 2022.
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32.5 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My son can no longer go to collage and I sold my wifes wedding ring.
Posted 27 July, 2021.
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148.8 hrs on record (76.4 hrs at review time)
(re post bc i deleted on accident) I really enjoyed the game and I even got pretty high up in the leader boards. People in the Beat saber community knew me well and I was respected. unfortunity, I played this game too long and got Carpal Tunnel. This put my life into shambles because I lost my job that required me to be physical almost 24/7 and after that my wife had to leave me and even took my two daughters because i couldn't supply the money my family needed to survive. without a home or family my life was at its worst but then one day my daughter found me on the street and she offered to help me, i was so glad she still cared about me! she really was the star of my life, then suddenly as we where walking to the nearest mall a man came out of the shadows.. He wore a thick grey jacket with a ziper in the middle, under neath that was a dirty dark green teeshirt with ripped saggy jeans. The man apoched me and my daughter when i asked him what he needed. he reached into his stained jacket and pulled out a flip knife,then he proceeded to demand my wallet. At the time I was dead broke so carrying a wallet would be pointless so i left it at my sleeping bag but that didn't convince him, he grabbed my daughter with one hand and pointed the knife to her stomach, just by looking into his eyes you could tell he was on some sort of hard drug. my daughter pulled out her pocket knife and tried to swing it towards him but he swatted it right out of her hand and it landed next to me. he then punctured her with his own knife deep into her lower stomach. I was in shock but i grabbed the knife off the ground and swung it at him, I hit him right on the neck but due to my carpal tunnel beat saber gave me I felt extreme pain in my wrist and dropped my knife. with my daughter on the floor bleeding out and the man inching closer i punched as hard as i could towards him. I hit his chest and it did no damage, but my hand was competly broken. my wrist throbbing, my knuckles shattered i collapsed as the man looted me and found nothing. he must have panicked because he wiped the knife he had with tissues and put my daughters blood on my hands then fled. when the police found me on the ground with a knife in my hand and my dead daughter next to me i was arrested . A couple weeks later i would end up in the criminal court for murder. Everyone who i loved believed i killed my own daughter. I saw my own parents and wife testify against me. I am now on death row and in a couple years i will be dead.

To sum-up my review i would say that beat saber is a great game just dont play it too long or you could get carpal tunnel. 9/10
Posted 4 July, 2021. Last edited 16 February, 2022.
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