Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana   United States
I am Hannah Montana the famous actress everybody knows about
It's been 3 years that I've been on Steam™ ! It shows how close I am to my fans <3<3<3
As you can see I'm really sexy, otherwise I wouldn't be in the Sexy® group !
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I am Hannah Montana
Hello I am Hannah Montana
I am Hannah Montana the famous actress everybody knows about ! Here is the script of my favorite movie because I am in it :

Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!

What is with all the pushing behind me?

Here you go, girls.

It's Miley Stewart.
We've got to get in there.

Our names are on the list.

Well, why didn't you say so?
In your dreams, sweet cheeks. Next!

- No, no. They're on there. I promise.
- We need two.

You are the only pop star I know
who can't get into her own concert.

She was just here.
I don't know where she went.

- Stop!
- Go!

Somebody, stop those girls!

- Go faster!
- I can't! This is a golf cart!


Those girls shouldn't be here!
They don't have a backstage pass!

- What are you doing?
- Stop in the name of Security!

- Watch out!
- I need backup!

Call for backup! Whoa!

- Yes!
- Yes! Oh!


- Please stop!
- It's OK. It's OK. They're with me.

Come on. Go, go, go.




Showtime, baby doll.

- She's on the move.
- All right, let's go.

Good luck! Don't mess up!

This way. Follow me.

- Come on.
- She's coming right now.

All right, talent's on its way.

- Oh!
- You do that every night.

- Love you, Daddy.
- I'm loving you right back, darling.

Don't forget it's your turn
to do the dishes tonight.

I did them last night.

Don't give me no lip. You're the one
that wanted the best of both worlds.

- Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!
- Watch your head.

Here we go, everybody! Whoo!

Oh, yeah.

Come on.

Cut! We'll fix that last bit in post.

That's a wrap, people.

- Hannah, as always, fabulous.
- Thank you.

No. It's OK. I'm sorry.
I just had to meet you.

I promised my girls
I'd say hi to you for them.

- Hi.
- Hi.

They even wrote out some
questions, if you have a second.

Oh, my gosh, this is
such a thrill. Do you mind?

- Not at all.
- Don't even think about it.

- No, Vita. It's OK.
- Nothing about this man is OK.

Hello, Oswald.

Hello, Vita. Looking lovely as ever.

Icky teeth, really?
Isn't that beneath even you?

Oswald Granger, chief sleaze
of Bon Chic magazine,

Britain's most notorious tabloid.

And we would love, with a capital "ove,"

to do a cover feature on the global
phenomenon that is Hannah Montana.

And by "feature" he means
"career-ending exposé. "

"Country girl living her dreams beloved
by millions," that's all we got.

That's all you're gonna get.
Now get out.

Can't blame a bloke for trying.

How could you even think
we have something to hide?

- He didn't see anything, did he?
- I don't think so.

Good. Hannah, honey,

you can't talk to anyone
unless I'm at your side.

I'm your publicist. You need to
concentrate on what you do best

which is singing
your scrappy little heart out.

Let me worry about everything else,

like making sure your
little secret stays a secret.

Sometimes I wish I could
be Hannah all the time.

You and me both, kid.

Out of the way, you jackals.
Step aside. Coming through.

That's right, don't touch the pop star.
Move aside.

...like making sure
your little secret stays a secret.

Secret? What secret?
Move your bum, you old cow.

Talk to me, Ozzie,
and don't disappoint.

- Apparently there's a secret.
- Good. Because the cover's ready.

I just need the story to go with it.

Find out that secret. She's the most
popular teenager in the world.

So I suggest you go out
and find me every juicy,

sordid detail of Hannah Montana's
outrageous, glamorous life.

All right. Line it up, people.
We're going to choose new teams.

Dead girl in the middle
of the floor. Anybody?

Fabulous news:
Beyoncé has double pneumonia.

Has to drop out of the
New York Music Awards. You're in!

That is great. Not for Beyoncé.

I really should call.
But, yes! I'm so excited!

What am I gonna sing?
What am I gonna wear?

Great minds. The car and the box
are already outside,

so Hannah has to do a major shop now.

Last chance. Come on.

Miley? Hello?
What about my birthday party?

Minor Hannah emergency.
I'll be there, I promise.

Wasn't that fun?

Yeah, but it feels weird having
them give me stuff for free.

Please. Do you know what a well-placed
photo of you shopping is worth?

You're a star, an icon.

You look at it, touch it, wear it,
and the whole world has to have it.

They owe it to you, Hannah.
Name it and it's yours.

- Really?
- I have so much to teach you.

If she doesn't hurry,
you're going to miss your plane.

Yeah, that's right, losers! I'm going
to college! Tennessee Universi...

- University.
- Where is that girl?

- I can't decide.
- Decide? No deciding. Too stressful.

Take them all. We'll just
add them to the pile. Girls.


Watches. I totally need a new watch.

Is that the time? I can't believe it.

We got to go.
Eleven messages. Jackson.

Lilly's present. Lilly...
would totally love those shoes.

- She will so love these.
- I'm sorry. I saw these first.

Can you wrap these for me?

They're for my best friend.
She's 16 today.

Funny, they're for my best friend, too.

My best friend is a six and a half.

Funny, my best friend's
a six and a half, too.

Tyra Banks, that's our only pair.

- Not funny. Do you know who I am?
- I know you know who I am.

- So?
- So?

- Give me that shoe.
- Get away from me!

You know what? If you want it, jump
for it. Jump for the shoe, Hannah.

Fine. Gimme!

Got it!

Yes! Yes!

Give me my shoe, lady!

She is so in trouble.

No, you didn't! Hannah Montana!

- Yes!
- I appreciate you helping me up,

but I don't appreciate
you not helping me with this.

Relax? Are you kidding me?
Have you met my dad?

He is not gonna shake off me missing
saying goodbye to Jackson.

Give us a smile. You look amazing.

Thank you. We got to go.


And I didn't even get the shoes.
I am the worst friend in the world.

It's him.

Oswald. Step on it!

I cannot get out of the car
looking like Miley,

and I cannot show up at Lilly's
party looking like Hannah.

Where are you headed?

Hi! Thank you. Thank you.

Hey, Lilly. What's up?

We've talked about this party
since we were, like, 12. Where...

- Hi! How are you? Where are you?
- I'm almost there.

She hung up on...

Where are you? Everybody's waiting...

- Sorry, wrong number!
- Miley!

Two smoothies, please.
Where's Miley? We haven't seen her.

Just spoke with her.
She'll be here any second.

Rico, what's this hole
at the top of the cake?

It's a high-pressure
electro-pneumatic solenoid on it.

It's 150 pounds per square inch
with a brass safety-check valve.

Then I just hit this button
and bam! Sparklers go off,

and a "happy birthday, Lilly" banner
shoots out the top of the cake.

Once again...
Rico is a genius.

Hold it! This is a private event.
Guests only! What did I tell you? Stop!

- Smile.
- No pictures.

That's what I call a Lilly...

It's Hannah Montana!

Is that Hannah Montana?

Guys, I'm only here... Wait!

Happy birthday to... I want to say happy
birthday to my number one fan, Lilly.

She's over that way.
She's over that way.

Happy birthday, Lilly. Happy birthday.
Hannah Montana 29 Oct, 2020 @ 1:44pm 
why :(
h2olic 29 Oct, 2020 @ 11:48am 
-rep bastard
smol 28 Oct, 2020 @ 10:50am 
omg please sign my profile
Hannah Montana 28 Oct, 2020 @ 8:20am 
imagine leaving a com when you have a private profile
Rosic6696 28 Oct, 2020 @ 8:16am 
-rep toxic player
Hannah Montana 26 Oct, 2020 @ 1:11pm 
oh seems that dedicated servers didnt want us to have fun :( ggs <3