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57.9 hrs on record (40.9 hrs at review time)
Great gory zombie slaying fun. Solid Unreal Engine Graphics and Performance, the facial animations really impress. More enjoyable then Dying Light 2 though not as deep story wise. Must install Epic Games Launcher, but you don't need to launch game through Epic. Apart from that Dead Island 2 is a good time, think KFC but with zombies, quick, simple but tasty.
Posted 16 July.
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153.8 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Game is much more optimised for PC now. On Epic graphics at 1440p with Ray tracing, Nvidia frame generation and DLSS 3.0 performance enabled, I am reaching 145 FPS MAX / 70 degrees C on a RTX 4090 / 7950X. The game is very RAM hungry, on the visual settings shown the game is using 20GB RAM and 14GB VRAM! I only have Afterburner, ICUE, Steam and Steelseries GG running in the background so the game does require at least 32GB of system memory I would say.

The game is great fun too, don't bother with Star Wars Outlaw and Ubisoft+, play the better Steam based Star Wars open world action RPG - Jedi Survivor! EA play works in the background, you don't even have to touch it if you have your Steam account already linked to EA.
Posted 13 April.
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1.9 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Another bad console port for PC. Dragon's Dogma 2 is the worst big budget console port since the original release of Dark Souls on PC before all the modders fixed it.

My biggest problem is the mouse and keyboard support, it's terrible. Mouse is broken, I think acceleration is locked on and there is no way to disable it. As a result, camera movement is clunky and stupidly slow even on the highest sensitivity setting. Just like in Dragon’s Dogma 1, the game treats your mouse as an analogue stick, but it's even worse this time around and it sucks! I am not playing a game where I must use camera movement keys to look around.

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME if you are disabled like me and need a very sensitive mouse due to weak hands or you're able bodied and just like responsive mouse movement. At launch the game even tells you to use a controller, that's great if you can't physically use one or you hate using controllers! You need to fix this Capcom, add raw mouse input ASAP!

The use of the keyboard in the game stinks, the way you have to hold Control down and then press an allocated key to access different skills is rubbish. You can't even rebind the function to a single key, I mean a keyboard has 10 number keys so why Capcom doesn't allow you to just bind the first 10 skills to numbers and additional skills to the F keys is beyond me... no hang on I do know why it's because they couldn't be bothered optimising keyboard functionality. To top it off many of the keybinds are disabled.

Game ran OK for me, a reasonably stable 4K/60fps on a 4090 but the games performance should be better considering the average looking graphics, I would be expecting an average of 120fps easily. I feel bad for gamers who don't have a top tier PC for playing DD2, it's not fair this kind of poor optimisation.

Having micro-transactions in a single player game angers me and makes me worry that the game will be excessively grindy, forcing you to buy cash shop items. You can’t even change your Arisen’s (main character) appearance until far into the game, you must buy a character editor item called Art of Metamorphosis!?!? from the cash shop if you want an early appearance change, WHAT!

Lastly, you can’t even start a new game if like me you messed up your character creation. I wasn’t happy with the look of my character when I reached the first outpost about 90 minutes in, so instead of buying a stupid item I thought I would just start a new game… NOPE. Once you have started your first play through, the “start a new game” option disappears from the main menu. It's one save, one character UNBELIEVABLE.

Thanks for nothing Capcom, I have been waiting 12 years for a Dragon's Dogma sequel, and you royally messed it up! DISGRACEFUL.
Posted 22 March. Last edited 23 March.
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52.6 hrs on record (16.1 hrs at review time)
Robocop: Rogue City is a love letter to the movies and is a solid (if sometimes janky) game to boot. The best part is the attention to detail, every character and set from Robocop 1 & 2 has been lovingly recreated for the game. Everything from Robocop himself to ED-209 to the West Detroit Police Station looks identical to their movie counterparts. The legacy sound effects are spot on too, Robocop's Auto-9 gun, his motor noises and foot steps sound perfect.

Glad Teyon had the guts to use liberal amounts of the original RoboCop soundtrack instead of completely ignoring the original score and pumping the game full of their own background music like lots of other movie based games and franchise movie reboots do. Nostalgia is a huge positive for the game, and I'm pleased to report the game has some juicy Easter eggs peppered across the levels, Chefs kiss love 'em all!

Peter Weller returns to voice Robocop which is great, thankfully his voice is on point after nearly 34 years since Robocop 2. This is nit picking but what lets his outing as Robo down a tad is his dialogue script which isn't Weller's fault, he doesn't write the thing. His dialogue could've been a bit more badass with cool one liners and some levity as Murphy/RoboCop did open up in RC2 if you remember the film (I don't mean the goofy scenes when he goes haywire).

The level of voice acting in the game all in all is good enough for a AA game I have heard a lot worse in some AAA games (Starfield LOL). The story is good, better than RoboCop 3 which isn't saying much but trust me it's way better. However, like with RC3 the on-screen storytelling is let down by the cast or more specifically in this case the NPC's.

Characters like Lewis, Sargent Reed and the CEO of OCP "The Old Man" look screen accurate but sadly their dialogue is unimaginative, and not helped by the fact the voice actors used don't sound anything like the movie actors. The douchebag OCP director Becker is the best written character in the game, he feels the closest to what you would expect a RoboCop human character should be like, an arrogant A-hole with a sick sense of humour.

The villain is meh though! The writers should've really had fun with this guy, you know, given him the attitude and dark humour you saw with Clarence Bodicker but alas they didn't, he could've been gripping and memorable.

Graphics are excellent when you consider the price of the game. Unreal Engine 5 produces amazing lighting and textures it's a good looking game for sure. The quality of the environments and visual effects are offset negatively by awkward character models, cringe facial animations and bad lip syncing, the characters mouth movements don't match the English dialogue, you would think you were playing a dubbed over Japanese game.

PC performance is good at 1440p on my MSI 4090, I am getting a solid 150 fps average on Epic preset with DLSS on. However, GPU temps are really bad on this game, on Cyberpunk 2077 at 2160p 120Hz with High preset & DLSS on I see maximum GPU temperatures of 65*C but on Robocop I am touching 80*C within 15 minutes.

Combat is fun and you have access to some cool skills like Ricochet, Slow-Mo, and Stun which spice up the action and there is just enough variation in enemy types to keep this relatively short game interesting. There is a good variety of your run of the mill ballistic weapons which all feel good to fire including the excellent Auto-9. I love how you can collect motherboards for the Auto-9 and upgrade it with nodes that unlock many bonuses like armour piercing, full auto mode and bullet spread. Unfortunately no futuristic laser weapons or fancy grenades but when you think about it this does make sense for a game oozing with 1987 movie nostalgia.

The gameplay is faithful to Robocop, you feel slow and heavy and walking distances takes time which is exactly how it should be, Robocop is not Rambo or John Wick so don't go in thinking you can play this like you would COD or Cyberpunk 2077. Out of combat gameplay is fun if a little basic, you have dialogue options, miscellaneous police jobs, a shooting range, hidden areas to explore, exposition documents to pad out the story and XP boosting evidence to find. I would've liked some collectables and lore literature to find as well but never mind. The most recent update adding some game completion weapon skins and New Game + which gives the game some much needed replay value.

The music is good when it plays especially the Robocop theme but the one thing I didn't like is when you're out of combat the game is very quiet, there is really faint BGM or sometimes none at all and there is next to no ambient noises. For example; the streets of old Detroit BGM is barely audible when it even plays, all you can hear ambience wise is the Highway above and the odd distant police siren, there are no AC units humming on apartment buildings, no buzzing from street lights, no homeless people talking, no cracking from fire barrels, no river water lapping, no splashes when you walk through puddles, no litter crashing about and no distant gunshots or screams, everything just sounds a bit lifeless. Cutscenes are awkwardly devoid of any ambience too.

Lastly, the story is above average and the game has no game breaking bugs, there are a few graphical glitches like texture pop-in during cutscenes, shadows not rendering properly at times and the odd background light source clipping through foreground objects e.g I saw a squad cars red and blues shining through a SWAT captains face.

I highly recommend Rogue City to every Robocop fan out there and I would also recommend it to any story driven FPS fan who enjoys COD campaigns, Far Cry 6, Halo Infinite or Starfield just don't expect the solid quest variety, sound design and voice acting you would get in those $60/$70 AAA titles.
Posted 10 February. Last edited 19 February.
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A developer has responded on 11 Feb @ 3:03am (view response)
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6.7 hrs on record
I would recommend buying this pleasant point and click game but only when it is on sale because though charming it's a very short game with simple puzzles. I got it at 33% off at £11.39 and I am glad I only paid that, it's not worth a full £16.99 in my opinion.

The art design is nice, the story and characters are sweet and the music is good. The plot is as basic as it comes and the dialogue is quirky but the jokes are vanilla AF.

It's a no brainer buy if you like charming point and clicks but don't pay more than £11.39, there just isn't enough game here to warrant the full asking price especially when you can buy Primordia for less.
Posted 25 June, 2023.
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14.9 hrs on record
A great point and click adventure game with quirky puzzles and very funny comedy. Monkey Island style puzzles with the best comedy I have laughed to in a point and click game.
Posted 27 November, 2022.
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277.3 hrs on record (274.0 hrs at review time)
Elden Ring Is my favourite game of all time now. This is the best Action RPG I have ever played and blows every other Action RPG out of the water. Forget Assassins Creed, Forget Bioshock, Forget God of War, Forget Mass Effect 2, Forget Skyrim and Forget Witcher 3. Elden Ring is the new king.

A true masterpiece, it's epic and beautiful to look at, the freedom to go anywhere is fantastic, their are so many surprises and secrets, exploration is really fun and you're not bogged down with collectables to find and endless fetch quests. The game after the tutorial cave never holds your hand, no map markers showing you exactly were to go and no objectives.

Like all Soulsborne this game is hard but if you're struggling with a boss you can ride off on Torrent and grind runes to level up before trying that tricky boss again. The combat is FROM software's best I think it is the perfect balance of all the other FROM software titles, more intense than DS3 but not as frenetic and punishing like Sekiro.

Their is a good mix of bosses with some extremely challenging ones but unlike previous FROM games some bosses are easy. Several bosses have 2 phases and some have added challenge like adding debuffs, being invisible or having backup. Their are plenty of field bosses and tough enemy groups roaming around and night time you will find some even tougher field bosses. The main story is typical FROM, you can follow the fundamental story but it's dense and will take multiple play through's and online lore explanations to truly grasp the full story.

Elden Ring is now the benchmark for all future open world action RPG's. The game respects the player and rewards you for your curiosity and patience. You are free to tackle the game anyway you want and the games challenge makes it even sweeter when you see the credits roll. Wow, what a game and I still have some hidden endings to unlock in New Game +.
Posted 17 May, 2022.
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1.9 hrs on record
I really recommend this cool little Indie puzzle game though be aware it is only 2 hours long. It's funny how I completed it in only 115 minutes and could have still been eligible for a refund. I am not going to refund though that would be an unfair thing to do because Papetura is a fun, charming game and has obviously been made by some talented people. The puzzles are simple but fun to solve and quirky. The main appeal is the world design, it's all real miniature sets made from paper and cardboard. You can tell it's "real" just as you could tell Wallace and Gromit animations were made from real modelling clay. The character and creatures are well animated with some real imaginative designs. There is a very basic story which is very cute and put a smile on my face. It's a short puzzle game but for the creative talent on show and the games charm it's worth every penny in my book.
Posted 6 August, 2021.
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41.6 hrs on record (40.1 hrs at review time)
If you are thinking about buying this now please don't the multiplayer lobbies are empty. The game on Steam charts barely gets more than 100 players on average and from what i've experienced the multiplayer is way more dead than charts suggest. I have been playing the game again for 1 or 2 hours each week since new year and I haven't had a race with any humans for 3 months on multiplayer not even in a quick matchmaking race just the AI in Career mode. Maybe it's busier when I'm not playing but I still think finding a filled lobby would be near impossible. The game was practically dead on arrival with downgraded graphics, arcade like car handling physics, dumb AI, dull career, soulless gameplay with tacky plastic menus and flashy gimmicks like Dirt 5 and an empty multiplayer this is NOT a sim game now. The game is dead and buried don't play even for single player it's cheesy and dumb. What a waste of a good franchise which started in 2015 RIP PCARS.
Posted 3 March, 2021.
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25.9 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Wow for a game priced cheaper than a standard AAA title I am impressed with how much game you get for your money. The graphics are excellent especially with HDR enabled and the looks, sounds and feel of the iconic ships are spot on. The graphics are as good as Battlefront 2 every ship is great to look at and characters are all highly detailed with motion captured talented actors, the developer has spared no expense here on presentation. The lighting is the most impressive thing, the sun light shining into your cockpit, the glow from your instruments and red hot explosions flashing past you are really impressive. The textures are all high quality and I haven't seen any bad aliasing on objects. I have a 970 EVO SSD, ASUS STRIX 2080TI and a I9-9900K running the game at 1440p with High graphics settings not Ultra and HDR enabled getting a stable 120 FPS on my LG CX 65" TV. The game is really well optimised with tiny FPS drops during cutscenes.

The music is straight out of the original trilogy and when you're flying around in a perfect replica of a TIE Fighter or X-Wing you feel awesome. The sound effects are perfect, the TIE Fighters screech properly, the hyperdrives whirl up correctly and lazer blasters pop right. Even though i'm 36 I still had a big childish grin on my face when I heard the Imperial March song, stepped into the Star Destroyers docking bay and started up the systems of my OG TIE Fighter.

The game starts just after the destruction of Alderaan so you feel like you're in A New Hope but the story then turns into something new and interesting after the fall of Palpatine in Return of the Jedi. No Rey, Finn or Kylo thankfully just Vader, Palpatine and Leia I haven't seen any other main characters yet. The flight mechanics feel tight and responsive with full mouse and keyboard support, you can rebind everything too. I don't have a joystick but I think they're supported. You feel in full control at all times. You have control over diverting power to engines, lazers and shields, missiles and gadgets, you can perform sliding rolls, engage boosters and activate repairs on your hull. I haven't tried Multiplayer yet but I can tell the key to victory will be how well you manage your ship and how good at manoeuvres you are.

I don't really have any big negatives to mention about this game especially considering the £34.99 price tag but I have a few nit-picks. You can only play from a first person cockpit view but if you prefer a third person ship view like me please don't dismiss this game for that reason. The game has a great, intuitive HUD with visual markers which helps you locate targets even though you have less peripheral vision being locked to cockpit view. The developer has clearly spent a lot of time refining the interior of the cockpits so it would be a shame to miss out on it if you could swap to an external view of your ship. They have gone for immersion here so the cockpit view is really well done, it was the right choice you do feel more a part of your ships with your arms fully animated pressing all the buttons. You can turn off all your HUD for full on immersion which has you relying only on your cockpit instruments but when I tried it, i found it hard to keep track of targets and objectives but I think it would be cool to try out on a second play through. VR is available I wish I had a Rift just for this.

I have only seen one visual bug and I started playing from the moment it released. I turned off HDR and the brightness/contrast was all wrong so I restarted the game and it looked ok. Turned HDR back on and it went weird again so think the solution is to restart the game if you change from HDR on to off it's an easy fix. You have to link your Steam account to an Origin account when you first boot up the game which was easy to do if you already have an Origin account to sign into. On start up the game loads up a DRM program called EASY anti-cheat in the background but I personally haven't noticed any issues in game while it's been in use. The game has character customisation but on the down side you only have eight preset male and female faces for each Imperial and Rebel protagonist you can't fully customise their face. Also I have heard people are having trouble using HOTAS setups with the game. The campaign is a linear story were you switch between being an Imperial or Rebel but there is no "open world" to explore and no way to choose what mission to do next. Personally I appreciate a more linear narrative based campaign but if you want a free roam Elite Dangerous type of spaceship flight simulator game you won't find that in Squadrons.

If you like any other flight sim games like Ace Combat or Everspace you'll love this and for Star Wars fans this is the best licensed game to play since Fallen Order, EA has finally released two decent Star Wars games back to back. This is right up there with Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader on the old Gamecube. Excellent game 9/10.
Posted 2 October, 2020.
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