
Flumpkin 最近的評論

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6 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 69.9 小時 (評論時已進行 69.2 小時)
I have around 69 hours (nice!) into this game and its fun as long as you dont take it too serious.

It has little something for everyone. You want PVE you can shoot some bots in coop missions that are actually challenging. You want PvP you can try you hand in TDM or SnD type matches.

-The game looks kinda cheap with mobile level graphics
-The matchmaking is all over the place and will often pair you with complete noobs vs tryhards
-3rd person view kinda required for high level play
-Movement is absolute dogwater. Like REALLY BAD

+- Balance is kinda iffy. The ops you see in everygame others you literally never see at all.

+Amazing attention detail. If you are /k/ gearqueer you will love this
+PvP feels rewarding. When you win its dude to your grit and wits.
+Casual. The game doesnt have too high ceiling are not going to be swarmed with cracked 14yo
+No cheaters.

If you wanna spend a night shooting ♥♥♥♥ with your bros and dont want a 3 hour uninterrupted time commitment from the game then this game rules.
張貼於 5 月 1 日。
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總時數 403.5 小時 (評論時已進行 188.0 小時)
After nearly year from initial release the game is finally good.
There is amazing attention to detail, every gun is usable and there many fun builds to try with every character. Everything just oozes atmosphear but the best part if the soundtrack, which by the by had a resent update for free.

The game is not perfect however. It is very grind-y and there is still not a lot of content. By the time you reach level 30 you will have seen everything and your only entertainment is finishing higher levels of difficulty which depends on your level of masochism.

The community is unfortunately very stupid. The oldf+gs have gotten bored and the new blood doesnt understand the game. So its normal to have lvl 17-25 on IV-V which get wiped or people who still struggle with III level of difficulty.

The RNG loot dropping is also annoying. You wont be dropping decent loot before lvl 30 and in order to play higher level you need decent loot to stand a chance.

Finally the art direction will get tiring, because you see the same 5 green tunnels, 1 desert, and 2 carnival levels and it will get really boring. The weapons although many on paper really are slight variations of basic type. So this also will get boring.

Finally there is a big issue with enemy types. It really needs more different enemies of every tier from chaff to specialists to elites to bosses. Its really sad that Vermintide 2 proves that Fatshark can deliver but they are dragging their feet with this game.

Overall its a solid reccomend at this stage but your mileage may vary how much you enjoy it in the long term.
張貼於 1 月 27 日。
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總時數 11.1 小時 (評論時已進行 3.9 小時)
I fuggin hate starwars. Its a lame schlock franchise for soy nerds to cons00m over.

This game hower is straight up ballin'. Although the balance is a bit iffy and the gun variety is meh. The visual presentation is wonder. Gameplay has a lot of variety between different classes and specials.

For 5 bucks its a steal
張貼於 1 月 5 日。
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6 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
2 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 1.0 小時
This is the most OVERHYPED PoS I ever played. Its literally Roblox PF /Krunk.io for normies. Game balance is non-existant. Medic is the only viable class. Guns unlocked later are more powerful than earlier guns. The grind for unlocks and weapons is snail paced.

At least in PF you would donate and get the gun you wanted. Here you have to get curb stomped by 12 yo sweats who play this all day.

I honestly dont see the reason for the hype. Its competent at best but its not a Battefield or Cod killer like people make it out to be.
Im going back to Insurgency
張貼於 2023 年 7 月 31 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 13.7 小時 (評論時已進行 2.0 小時)
I can recommend* this game but it all depends on your attitude.

This game currently is very janky. Connections even in your area are terrible, balance for cards and characters is really off, UI is very confusing. Loading is also kinda long on an SSD. Also the game is heavily based on RNG.

The game oozes personality. Even if you are not a furry the characters are all distict and memorable. Voice acting is cheezy but not too grating. OST is really bumpin'.

If you go into this as a sweaty try hard who wants to be the best then you will have bad time. Playing solo or 2v2 quickmatch is not fun. You die and most of the times you dont even know why. What cards the enemy used or they abused some mechanics.

If you instead play this a party game with friends ( see the title *wink wink*) its A LOT OF FUN. I played 2v2 with 3 friends and it was a blast. We randomised the teams every few matches to keep things fresh. This game is an awesome party game. Suddnely every source of frustration in comp is fun in a party. Overpowered tactic - fine, janky connection - hilarious. recreating the shooting scene from Naked Gun 2 is probably the funniest thing ive ever seen.

The only thing I wish they add is a free-for-all death match. This is the most requested feature on the official discord so I think the devs will try to implement it.

If you have friends get this game. Play it with a few beers relax and enjoy yourself.

張貼於 2023 年 6 月 1 日。
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3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 11.0 小時
This game has a lot going for it but I do not recommend this game. Dont get me wrong this game can be fun but the fun runs out after the first 2-3 hours and the game drops into tedium.If you throught this game is Doom but in 40k it is not. if you want a good boomer shooter go play CULTIC. I finished this game on Emperor have mercy (2nd hardest diff) and I have to say the game clearly doesn't know what it wants to be.

Lets get the good out of the way.
The graphics are nice and the levels are visualy very varried so you dont get bored too often. There is an issue with enemy readibility at range. Pixels start to bleed into each other and some chais marine can be peppering you with fire while you wont see him until its too late. Over all the game looks very nice.

Sound is serviceable. Guns sounds REALLY good. Esp the bolter (well it better be bcs that the main selling point). However the music is going for the Genesis/Super Nintendo compressed MIDI sound which is cool but there is music is really forgettable. Soundtrack feels like a bad take on Synthwave-Carpenter Brüt sound but there is no catch parts to the music. It doesn't enhance the mood it just kind of there.
Enemy sounds are okay but also very limited and the game doesnt give a lot of sound about getting attacked or enemy death sounds. Overall meh.

The game feels like it was designed by 2 different people. One who wanted to make a boomer shooter and the other who wanted to make tactical shooter and the game doesnt know what it wants to be.
You start off being really powerful as all you find are cultists with rifles. Near midway your guns lose alot of their power so you HAVE TO resort to cheesing enemies R6 style from tight angles or glitching their AI there they wont attach you.
The game wants you to be jump and shoot and swap weapons but most of the time the levels are tight narrow corridors or tiny arenas where enemies literally teleport on top you. You have no space to maneuver and are forced to trade damage.
Level design is atrocious. The levels have no flow and you literally get lost on every single one. The servo-skull is no use, so you end up backtracking and looking to a door or a level to go to the next part of the level.

The game really doesnt flow very well. The 1st chapter is a cakewalk even on hard diff where I was bored out of my mind. The 2nd chapter decides to increase the diff but throwing more and harder enemies at you but you never get to keep the upgrades to you guns from level to level. You end up at the state where you physically dont have enough DPS to deal with the enemies on screen and have to back track to pick up ammo.
Speaking of. The game never knows how much to give you. The reserve pool is VERY small esp for the good guns. You have 2-3 spare mags. So you blow all your ammo so you end up back tracking to pick more ammo.
Its either feast or famine. After you finish an area wave you are showered with ammo and health but you cant take it all and are often left with excess only to run dry by the next encounter.

Gun balance is good overall. Unlike most boomer-shooter bigger=/=better and you have tactically use all your guns. This is valid up until 2nd half of the second chapter. After than the shotgun and the bolter become obsolete because they do no damage. This could have been remedies with persistent upgrades but not only can you not keep you upgrades level to level you also dont keep you guns chapter to chapter. The game is also very stingy with the weapons. You dont get all of the until the very end and for most part you have only 4 weapons. Bolter, Shotty, Plasma n Heavy-Bolter.

The last part which is really get annoying near the end game is the game cant really design an engaging encounter and just throws tanky enemies and mini-bosses at you. You fight Tzeench around 10 times in the game. Unclean one around 5. Chaos Sorcerer is the boss of every chapter with no new moves. Just more life beefier armor and more minions. This part is also annoying. Every boss encounter is honestly simple but you have to dodge endlessly spawning minions. You have to kill 1-2 to prevent the wave from respawning and manage them that way.

The final boss is essentially a giant arena with all the 3 bosses combined and honestly after trying it for 2 hours I said Fuggit and used god mode in accessibility options. I was sick to running around of ammo and having chip away at the same boss I foguht for the 10th time while endless tanky enemies keep spawning while the ammo does not.

You really want to feel like a force of nature like you did in Space Marine 3rd person shooter but in this game you struggling to finish every level because the game really doesn't know how to keep you engaged.
IF you are really starved for 40k content buy it on sale if not then give it pass
張貼於 2023 年 5 月 27 日。
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7 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 20.6 小時 (評論時已進行 2.2 小時)
First off, heartily recommend this game. It’s a very competent boomer-shooter with very well thought out mechanics. This is kind of a Blood prequel. Kind of. You play as an undead cowboy with many wild west weapons and occult items at your disposal. The game is an FPS with some RPG elements. You get xp for killing mosters and finishing quests. When you level up you upgrade basic stats of your char. Stuff like better healing from bandages, finding more ammo in caches and corpses and reducing sway on weapons. Damage always stays the same, however weapons come in many stages of quality. Rusty, normal and unique. Weapons also have different ammo types for different enemies. Moreover you can play guns blazing and stealthy way with bow/melee weapons.
Every aspect of the game is well balanced for the most part. You can’t save scum and every time you die you get a permanent malus to you character. They start small at first but then get progressively more intrucive. Eventually you can completely gimp you character. Only way to remove them is to find rare cursed gold coins. And they are RARE. So be ready to die a lot on your first playthrough.

The action in the game is slow and weighty. Weapons are slow to reload and have certain clunkyness to them which drives up the tension of each encounter. Ammo is scarce and expensive with vendors. So, you do need to use melee as backup.

The enemies are varied but honestly at this point feel kind of booschitt. They are tanky as fug needing good 3-4 pistol meat shots to down. Going for headshots is paramount, however the enemy animations are done is such a way that they jerk and wiggle all the time making accurate headshots without ‘’deadly aim’’ perk extremely difficult. Moreover, enemies tend to advance to wards you in an odd diagonal fashion and serpentine towards you. The basic zombie has a weird jump-lunge attack that is homing on the player and impossible to avoid meaning that once they are in range you cannot outrun or sidestep it. So they are not completely stupid, but the longer you play the more tedious it becomes because enemies respawn while ammo does not. So you need to quickly run in finish your quest and get out. This makes exploration also kidna tedious since you can clear a place get the loot only to come back to 5 later and it will be completely overrun again.
I can see the possibility of your character being absolutely broken near end game but so far in this demo you are absolutely outgunned, and exploration feels like a chore.

Still the game is fun and I cannot recommend it enough.
張貼於 2022 年 2 月 11 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 38.9 小時 (評論時已進行 4.0 小時)
Unlike so many games where the prerogative is to be careful and avoid collateral damage, this game revels in pure carnage. Pilot around 100 different vehicles from Mega-hover-fortress to a tuktuk truck and arm yourself with conventional stuff like machineguns, lasers, cannons, mortars or ever a rail gun if you are fancy. However for the warcriminal inside you there stuff like cancer ray, toxic waste barrel launcher, ultra sound pulse and many more.

Ingenious approach to difficulty. You pilot and vehicle combo act as a difficulty meter. Some pilots spawn entire armadas because they are a known war criminal while others fight against infantry and few dirt bikes.
The more powerful your vehicle the less payout you have in the end. So playing with dinky tuk-tuk truck while facing entire map swarm of enemies is quite a ride.

Also rip-snorting sound track. If you love hotline miami you will love this.
Also also dangerous based devs
10/10 would buy again on gog

張貼於 2021 年 9 月 21 日。
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4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 1.6 小時
This is a fun little flash game and definitely not worth the full asking price.

The game is witty, charming with a great musical score and sound effects.

But its not a game. This would have been better as a web cartoon or some student animation project. The flash animation games that all feel like they all came from early 2000s. For a child this game is fun but me its just tedium. They puzzles arent engaging enough and when you play 5-10 of them in a row they get extremely menial.

My advice is watch the game on a youtube playthrough if you want to see the content and buy if you want to support the devs.
Dont expect an actually good game out of this
張貼於 2021 年 7 月 2 日。
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198 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 46.5 小時 (評論時已進行 28.5 小時)
ATOM RPG is touted as the Russian answer to Fallout. While being a native Russian speaker myself I chose to play this in English for better comparision with the iconic franchise. After playing the game for nearly 30 hours I cannot reccomends this game. In short its fallout 2 that lacks any charm or spark of originality coupled with cringy memes and no improved mechanics in the last 20 years.If you are a westerner the Soviet aesthetic may draw you in but for ex-soviet citizen is doesnt really have any allure. Your money is better spent on Wasteland 2, Hard West or Shadowrun if you want a well written isometric post-apoc game.

Sound: The soundtrack is bland and forgetable. No iconic tracks or even interesting sound scapes. Very phoned in.
Sound EFX: There is no voice acting in the neither English nor Russian. The sound effecs are all stock but of decent quality.

Gameplay - Combat: Combat lacks any depth or nuiance. You stand in plain sight whacking each other until someone dies. There is no tactics and every outcome is decided by numbers. If you have the bigger numbers you win as simple as that. 90% of the skills and weapons are useless and serve as false choices as the only optimal way to play is spec for assault rifles as every other weapon statistically loses its advantage by mid game. Weapons dont even have any tactical edge to them. Its basically the bigger the weapon the better it is.

Gameplay - RPG: The way you interact with the world is pretty much copy pasted from Fallout 2. Hover your cursor over an object and choose to talk fight or what have you wanna do with it. Its sad that despite so many skills and options you dont really have any meaningful ways to interact with people or the world itself. Every NPC is given stock 4 interaction which are Whats your name, Whats your job? Have you heard any rumours, Quest sensisitve dialogue option and cancel.

There is no real space for one to roleplay either. There is a very strict build you have to pursue to be effective and anything will add more hardship and may even prevent you from finishing the game. A lot of skills like gambling tinkering and technology martial arts are downright useless.

Quests are very one sided and much like bethesda fallouts dont even have any meaning to them. Your choices dont matter as the outcome will always be the same. Whats a lot of the quests have this russian doll levels of fetch questing. EG Guy X asks you make a delivery for Guy Y. When you talk to Guy Y he cant help you unless you sort his trouble with Guy Z and then guy Z will have other issue for you to deal with. A lot of quests are styled like that and its very annoying.

Story and Characters - Much like fallout you are given an overarching mission that thankfully has no time limit and as you get closer to completing it you move from town to town getting friends and gear along the way. The joy of fallout was that every town was truly unique and fun to explore that was populated with quirky characters and gear for you to find. You will find none of that here. Most map markets are empty and barren. The few that are populated have minimal interaction and are not even worth your time and it practicality you will spend most of your time between 3 locations.

Most NPCs are either cringy caricatures like an old guy who is a stand in for Revolver Ocelot or recycled memes like the guy who is literally an age regressed photo of Review Brah from Report of the Week. There are no interesting conversations or moral dilemmas. Its a sideshow attraction.

Technical: On a technical level the game is fine. I didnt have many crashes or bugs although I did have a pair of quests break on me because I decided to roleplay a little. There is a mission where you have to rescue the statue of lenin from a bunch of recyclers. Its a giant tedious battle but I decided to turn on the mercs who join you for hte battle to get their loot. Funilly enough after you wipe the map the npc who gave you quest doesnt turn hostile and instead insist that you still have people to kill in that instance. The second is a quest where a time traveler wants you to end a union between a pair of teens so they wont give birth to a dictator in the future. He suggests talking them out of their replaytioship. I decided a more permanent solution and killed both of them. This made the quest unfinishible since the quest giver insist their union is still strong despite both of them being blown up by a grenade.

Overall I suggest you stay away from this game and spend your money either on the original Fallout or better games in the same genre
張貼於 2019 年 1 月 4 日。
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