fleish dawg
Ben   Manitoba, Canada
온라인 상태
제품 평가 전시대
288시간 플레이
This is my 1st real introduction into the Rogue Lite genre. I have a history in card games so this seemed to the perfect introduction for me. I can say I have been honestly blown away by how fun this game is. It reminds me of the best part of Hearthstone's Dungeon Run alongside Dominion's deckbuilding in such a tight package that everything in the game performs exactly how you want it to. This game keeps you excited to keep playing and I cannot wait to play more.
Kosharku 2020년 12월 9일 오후 10시 13분 
You're too slow!
Shamonic 2016년 10월 11일 오후 6시 31분 
dank memes