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negro mystique
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261 hrs on record
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185 hrs on record
last played on 11 Jun
Sneeth 54 minutes ago 
i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wove you and it bweaks my heawt when i see you pway with someone ewse ow anyone commenting in youw pwofiwe i just want to be youw boyfwiend and put a heawt in my pwofiwe winking to youw pwofiwe and have a wawwtext of you commenting cute things i want to pway video games tawk in discowd aww night and watch a movie togethew but you just seem so unintewested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kiwws me and i cant take it anymowe i want to wemove you but i cawe too much about you so pwease i'm begging u to eithew wove me back ow wemove me and NEVEW contact me again it huwts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't wove me then i want you to weave be
Dreckiger Heidulus™ 6 Jun @ 10:34am 
We are trapped in a bad romance and everytime I see you online it sends shivers down my spine. The unwavering feeling of dread replaces all the love there once was. I only wanted my DVD back but you always ignored my needs so I had to move on! Please understand I do not say these things light heartedly and it breaks my already cracked heart into a thousand micro pieces. My heart has a whole in the shape of you but this romance was doomed to fail since it began!
sorio 5 May @ 8:53am 
ahhhhhhhhhhh et la choucha manoucha laisse moi m'aborder je suis en train de mouiller bien sûr parcel bien sûr laissez un peu d'espace à ce monsieur merci beaucoup manito que dieu vous bénisse et prenne soin de vous puain parce que ce fdp à la pipe ne rentre pas ay ♥♥♥ ay no mames c'est bon monsieur ne vous inquiétez pas manito alcompermisito gg! aisimepouendentraolacoquitapassgusto ayyyyy ice tea
+ rep my -repist i watched his fast and furious 5 495284516 times it's so good ty for ur donation
Dreckiger Heidulus™ 1 Apr @ 12:40pm 
- rep he borrowed my fast and furious X DVD and never returned it to me
Globex 31 Mar @ 10:47am 
ahhhhhhhhhhh et la choucha manoucha laisse moi m'aborder je suis en train de mouiller bien sûr parcel bien sûr laissez un peu d'espace à ce monsieur merci beaucoup manito que dieu vous bénisse et prenne soin de vous puain parce que ce fdp à la pipe ne rentre pas ay ♥♥♥♥ ay no mames c'est bon monsieur ne vous inquiétez pas manito alcompermisito gg! aisimepouendentraolacoquitapassgusto ayyyyy ice tea