Texas, United States
RTX 2060
Currently Offline
Review Showcase
1.6 Hours played
This is literally one of the games ever. It notably lacks many of the terrible features that have been plaguing modern game design, including but not limited to:

no microtransactions
no energy mechanics
no premium currency
no loot boxes
no time limited battlepasses or timed exclusives
no daily login rewards
no vaulting older content
no paywalled content
no second launcher
no forced online connection for single player
no invasive DRM
no invasive rootkit malware spyware anticheat
no aggressive anticheat policies with bans for moving the mouse too fast, or opening a browser, or running common software, etc.
no aggressive chat moderation policies with bans for saying common words in various languages, or using capitalized words, etc., and losing access to all your games.
no abusive power tripping server admins who can't handle losing
no replacing the game with a buggier sequel and less content
no delisting the original game for a buggier remaster with questionable design choices
no achievements for paid dlc
no multiplayer only achievements
no camera based motion blur
no chromatic aberration
no film grain
no vignetting
no limb darkening
no bloom
no depth of field
no TAA blur or ghosting
no head bob
no screen shake
no negative mouse acceleration
no white screen flashbangs
no tedious inventory or weight management
no tedious and unrealistic food and drink survival mechanic
no flashlights with batteries that can barely hold a charge
no damage sponge enemies
no level scaling enemies
no rubberbanding opponents
no missing an enemy when your attack clearly landed
no reaching points that don't warn you about not being able to backtrack
no frustrating babysitting escort missions with poor AI
no mismatching speeds when required to follow an NPC
no repetitive slow animations
no confusing menu or ui design
no bloated or barren open world
no overly long tutorial or 10 hour mediocre starting section before the game picks up
no slow text speed
no unskippable cutscenes or dialogue
no difficult to hear dialogue
no extremely loud explosions that drown out soft dialogue
no constantly annoying quippy dialogue
no not letting an emotional scene breathe
no over reliance on subversive, meta, or self-referential humor
no game saves being dumped into random folders
no needing to quit to menu before being able to quit the game

I'm sure there are many others I've missed, but whatever it may be, the point is, this game doesn't have it.
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Vibrating Kinzie
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DATA 29 Jul, 2016 @ 4:50pm 
omg 18gb's!!! NICE
excess 29 Jul, 2016 @ 1:31pm 
VALVE INCREASED THE SCREENSHOT STORAGE SPACE! Now I can upload stuff again! :squirtyay:
DATA 9 Jun, 2015 @ 10:32pm 
helllo friend; ) i havent seen any of your lovely artwork in a while lol. i c u wrote that last comment a while ago, but thats funny because i feel the same, im trying to maybe.. reach out more:rrazz:. anyways i just wanted to pop in and say hello is all, hope everythings cool!
excess 3 Dec, 2014 @ 8:13pm 
*responds over a month later* I haven't been as social or as consistently active in any community as I'd like to be. Earlier this year, I more than tripled my friend list here, but I still haven't interacted much with anyone. Whether on Steam or other social media, I usually post whatever wherever and disappear for weeks to months at a time without ever checking any notifications. It's all definitely something I'd like to work on... maybe as a New Year's resolution... eventually... soon...
Baysick 28 Oct, 2014 @ 10:34pm 
Nobody comments on your page or do you just delete them all?
excess 14 Jun, 2014 @ 3:43pm 
The They Breathe artwork spam hasn't happened, yet.