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8.4 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've been looking for a long time for a racing (or racing-like) game that is casual but fun. I want to have a five minute tutorial and then just play. I have a library full of simulators with steep learning curves and no opportunity to just cruise or explore. My library is also full of garish and buggy games based on licensed IP. If I'm really determined, I might play them for half an hour out of a sense of obligation rather than joy.

But Driftwood is exactly what I was looking for. It's easy to learn, but there is plenty to master in your own time. You can go for time, go for stunts, or just take a relaxing downhill cruise. There are little side paths to explore. I don't have much time in it yet, but I've finally found a racing game that makes me want to go just one more time because every run downhill feels more natural than the last.

It somehow manages to be completely chill, yet still provide a challenge. This is the perfect "make a bad day better" game.

10 out of 10 Would ragdoll off a guardrail again
Posted 26 October, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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20.6 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Absolutely beautiful. Everything about the mountains and the forest makes me homesick. The graphics and mocap are so much better than in previous Life is Strange games. But more importantly, it has relatable characters and situations that feel honest. It's simultaneously chill, stressful, joyful, and depressing. I just finished the first of five chapters, and I could easily just play the remaining four as a single marathon.

Because everyone has different tastes, I can't recommend it to everyone. But there is no game that will suit everyone's taste. Just a warning: Like all Life is Strange games, there is a serious emotional toll. If you are in a rough place emotionally, you might find it cathartic or it might be worth avoiding for now.
Posted 25 September, 2021. Last edited 27 November, 2021.
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3.8 hrs on record
It's like seeing an old friend and discovering they've only improved with age.
Posted 29 November, 2019.
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8.2 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
This is one of those games that I had a hard time finishing. Not because it was difficult or I lost interest, but because I didn't want it to end. It's a wonderful campfire-spooky ghost story of a game with gorgeous artwork, amazing voice acting, believable characters, and great dialog. The soundtrack suits the mood perfectly--sometimes when I want to have strange dreams, I listen to it as I fall asleep. Not only do your choices really matter, but the dialog choices let you play as kind or antagonistic as you like.

When I recommend games to friends, I usually take into account their interests, skill level, and a few other factors. This is one of the few games that I'll recommend without reservation.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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35.9 hrs on record (34.0 hrs at review time)
This was the first game I've ever played were I became emotionally invested in the characters, their plights, and their achievements. I've started watching let's play videos online just to watch other people react to the jaw-dropping moments scattered throughout the game.

The game has its share of plot holes and clunky dialog. These stand out because they are rough spots in an outstanding game.
Posted 24 May, 2018.
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65.9 hrs on record (65.4 hrs at review time)
I've owned this game since it came out, and despite its age and some well-deserved criticisms, I still now and then go on a binge and play it through a few times in a row. The game has enough depth that you can do that and still find new ways of doing things.

When this game came out, there was a lot of negative press about it. Even once you filter through the hyperbole, there are some disappointments and flaws. The three major criticisms of any substance that you hear most often are:

  1. Small areas and frequent load screens. This was the result of making a game for both the PC and the consoles of the day.
  2. Universal ammo. It was an experiment that didn't quite work out. It's an interesting idea, and as long as you pay attention, it doesn't affect game play that much.
  3. It isn't as good as the first Deus Ex. Very, very few things are.

One warning: Windows 10 (and I think 8) don't play nice with the game. If you check the message boards for tips, everyone will recommend VisibleTweaker and for good reason. It was the only way I could get it going after I upgraded, plus it incorporates various higher resolution texture mods. After I upgraded to Windows 10, I couldn't reinstall because the original disks and some horrible content protection, so I re-purchased on Steam, so I do know that VisibleTweaker will work with a Steam version.

Like the original and the prequels, Invisible War has enough richness that you can pick biomods and weapons to suit (or challenge) your play style; there are enough side quests and alternative paths to suit your mood, sense of humor, or sense of ethics. Pacifist, non-lethal, or unnecessarily lethal are all legitimate options. Myself, I tend to either sneak past or knock unconscious clock-punching security guards and frustrated working-class stiffs. deal with soldiers pragmatically, but when it comes to the Templars (uniform-loving purists), I like to set them on fire and watch them run around screaming. If that's not your style, then there is an exclusive boarding school for girls, and you can kill everyone inside if you'd like.

There are male and female versions of the protagonist, Alex D. (Skin tone can also be adjusted). Gender doesn't make a huge difference, but a side-quest or two have different possibilities depending on which you choose.

The dialog is solid and has the same attitude that the series is known for. The voice actor for the male Alex D is good, but personally, I think the voice actor for the female Alex D nails the delivery perfectly. She is probably a big part of why I keep replaying it; her verbal smackdowns are that good.

Overall, I think it has aged quite well. I've forgotten most of the other games from its generation, and of the ones that I can remember without going back and looking through what I own, this is the only one I still play. With the one caveat that you might have to do some tweaking before it will work, I think it is worth it. Maybe it's just nostalgia talking, but I think it is fun enough that I paid for it twice.
Posted 25 November, 2017.
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