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Ulasan terkini oleh Zanderfel

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Not What I expected. I expected to love the game immediately, but after trying it out I wish there was a demo.
If you have The Forest or Ark Survival Evolved, there isn't much of a difference if you get this game - you'll feel like you're playing a slower paced version of one of those games.

I wish my opinion of it was epic, but instead its just "eh....no".
Diposting pada 27 Oktober 2015.
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Better mmos out there than this. Plus, with skills capped for free players, makes the "free to play" part of it total bull.

You're better off playing Rift than this.
Diposting pada 22 Oktober 2015.
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Get Terraria, Starbound, or Minecraft.
Good preparation game for the three titles I mentioned.
As a Long Term? Even if Multiplayer was added? No. You'll lose interest pretty quick.

Better off as a Free to Play.
Diposting pada 22 Oktober 2015.
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eh.... Wish I could say more.
Diposting pada 22 Oktober 2015.
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Not as fun as I hoped. Perfect for kids. Not good enough for me.
Diposting pada 19 Oktober 2015.
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Tercatat 19.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
*Those of you who try to bash me over the fact its an "Early Access" game, seriously would you rather I give every game 10/10 praise just because? Read or don't, your choice*

NOTE: The amount of time spent is correct (at the time of writing this review, 2.5 hrs), so no, I am not done. Just giving my thoughts on the so far. This is NOT by any means a "I'm done" review, just a so far review.

No joke, this game is HARD! Find food? PRIMARY! Find Meds? PRIMARY! Find Bandages? PRIMARY!
Have a knife & you see enemies? DO NOT RUSH, you are far more likely to die if you rush in.
Build Beds so your guys can heal from sickness, some wounds, and your guys will ALWAYS get tired after every scavenge mission. Build Stove to cook food (you can eat raw, but i doubt thats a good idea). Upgrade your stuff to unlock better build & upgrade options.

Watch Totalbiscuit's "WTF is.." of this, and if you're still unsure, check GT Reviews. This game is dark, cold, psychological, mostly a sneaking type game like Thief, some ways feels like Castlevania (minus the monsters), and reminds me heavily of the Scattered Colony flash game (very similar, except you can't pick what you get in that game, this one you can).

Trust me, its very easy to die in this game if you're not careful. If you can make a shovel, bring it with you on scavenge missions (it will help if you need to clear the way or need to defend yourself). Trader will always show up at your door, read the item descriptions to gauge their worth to your survival - and don't ONLY get components while out there on missions, you can't trade that (which is dumb - devs, seriously, what is more important? surviving or building?) and if you find diamonds grab them (really good trade items even tho i don't see why anyone would value that over guns, food, meds, and bandages).

Personally, I wish I could just say "Maybe Recommended" since I haven't played enough. For now I'm recommending.
I'll update after I beat the game multiple times (multiple stories in the game including a Make Your Own) or until I get seriously frustrated with it.

Buy if you LOVE challenging games.
If you get frustrated easily in games that give you little in the way of starting off, then don't buy it.
This game is NOT for everybody. If you do get it, don't take it lightly cause if you do, you lose very quickly.
Diposting pada 8 Oktober 2015.
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Tercatat 25.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 24.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)


I would NOT recommend this to any kid - unless they can handle movies like Sinister & Boys Don't Cry films.
I know there are parents out there that allow their kids to buy M rated games then blame games because of their incompetence as a parent - This game is too good & dark to be destroyed by the media thanks to irresponsible parents.

Honestly until Episode 5 comes out, I can't give a FULL Review of this game.
But I will say this, If you played the games The Walking Dead & Wolf Among Us - YOU WILL LOVE THIS GAME!
Each episode is jam packed and long!

Get the 1-5 package! Episode 1 is a good feeler episode, but if you ONLY play the first episode & judge the entire game on JUST that episode, I feel sorry for you.
The story is DEEP. There are quite a bit of points where YOUR memory will be VITAL.

As a suggestion: Play it like you ARE Max. She has a good heart. She is a geek with cameras (not a negative). She wishes she was a bad ass, but its not in her nature. Even with her enemies/bullies she still manages to see the good. She WANTS to be a Professional Photographer!

As you progress, it'll feel like she's awakening her inner Sherlock Holmes and her inner Wonder Woman.
If you love games that REALLY know how to make a great story, then seriously, PLAY THIS GAME!

I'll hold my rating til Episode 5 comes out, but honestly, even with just 4 episodes this game can EASILY achieve 9.5/10!

Side note: The asking price from this game is PHENOMENALLY AWESOME! This is one of the Gems that would make sense to be at LEAST $30.00. The amount of effort put in to this game is spectacular and frankly, DONTNOD deserves MORE than what they are asking!

UPDATE: Episode 5 felt unfinished. I'll recommend the first 4 episodes, but after that, just watch Donnie Darko, that'll explain the game.
Before my rating was 9.5/10, it sunk to a 7/10. Episode 5 ended quicker than the others, and I was reminded of the bull that Bioware said about Mass Effect (that should tell you something).
Diposting pada 18 September 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 22 Oktober 2015.
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Tercatat 3.8 jam
Very cute but easier than you might think to scare you - Puppet boss IS the creepiest boss ever!

I've played games like FEAR, Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth, Doom 3 (old & new), Deadspace, and Amnesia. This game manages to freak me out just as easily as those games do.

Tip: If you get to lit up around seems to repeat itself and you keep hearing different tones - light tones, you're going the right way, but rough tones means you're going the wrong way. The rest you'll figure out.
Diposting pada 9 September 2015.
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Tercatat 25.3 jam
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I really tried to like this game, it felt like it could be something special even if it was really F-ing hard. But as the game is now, I can't play it without feeling increasingly frustrated at nearly every aspect of the game.
Yes, its a good game, it held on to me for almost a week, but my patience for it has ended, and I just can't play this anymore.

- Crafting - Done in two ways, one by assembling tools & guns through your inventory screen (provided you have the parts), the other through some machine that cannot be moved or made (luckily there's more than one).

- Loot & Materials - All found in small flashing crates in almost areas. Most of the loot is pretty easy to find, but expect copies along the way. You can also, if you have the scematics, use the craft machine to recycle items in your inventory. And there's at least 3 Harvesters (that I'm aware of) that you can control & gather Wood, Ore, and Concrete for you.

- Jumping - Once you figure it out, you'll be able to jump at ridiculous heights, helps when you need to access an item & simply want a safe spot (I'll explain why in Cons).

- Building - As the trailer shows, you can build stuff. You can build pretty much anything in Wood, Concrete, or Brick. The Turrets however require a bit more to build & start up (but they are your base defenses with pretty epic range), and get their own drives.

*Note - This is being developed by apparently one guy*

Bots (Enemies) - Every survival game wouldn't much of a challenge without enemies, but these enemies are relentless, annoying, and frustrating. Hunters (looks like Terminators with helmets) move a somewhat slow pace, but have ridiculous range, their mere presence WILL make you run for your life cause there won't be a viable way to fight them at start, and they can shoot you twice & you're dead. Suicide Bots will walk up to you and blow up (after having a seizure).

Bots Spawns - Random spawning is also understandable, but most times you'll as if the game intentionally TRYING to kill you as if you're the end of days or something. You can be walking along and then 1 foot away, an enemy spawns (sometimes you'll get a group).

Bugs - The bugs hurt the play experience a lot. Some enemies will clip on ladders then one second later they're back on the ground, then back at the top again. The menus during multiplayer will randomly stop working, making something simple become abyssmal level frustrating. Since the Hunters will war with the flying hive bots, you can expect some ridiculous lag. When building stuff, you can expect some decent lag, but the more you place & build, then more it goes from ok lag to WTF lag. And best of all, Bots can walk THROUGH WALLS that you built! Making your defensive walls pointless.

Building - Since the Dev tries pretty hard to add realism like gravity to the game, don't expect anything like Minecraft building in this game. If just one piece of your structure is even SLIGHTLY off, expect all your hard work to go to hell, and even better, you lose ALL of the used materials if the building falls. And it gets worse, sometimes you'll hit a point where the Auto-Placement will go where you don't want it, making custom projects almost impossible.

Multiplayer - Despite the game having 352 positive reviews, hardly ANYONE is online to play. Most people I've seen was 4 people in one room (including me). Most times though, the lag & menu bugs will increase rapidly while playing multiplayer (big bad for multiplayer only gamer types).

One Map - Thats right, just one map. The items' placement is random, but buildings, repair station, recycle machines, everythingelse in completely preset. And though there is a ridiculous huge tower out there, the point of it has not been discovered or explained - as that is, the huge tower is completely pointless & serves no other purpose than to take up space.

The Hunters always getting the drop on me, even while having a Radar was getting to me.
My health getting low forcing me to move slower than Yoda with a cane.
No real plot or story in the game.
But bots being able to walk through walls while being able to spawn in unfair spots, that pushed me over the edge.

Sorry to say, but you'll find less frustration in Dark Souls. I'm starting to regret even buying it...

Rating: 5/10.
Diposting pada 17 Juli 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 20 Agustus 2015.
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Tercatat 1.0 jam

STAY AWAY! OMFG... I cannot believe how quickly this game turned me off!! Everybody mentions Pros for this game that can draw people in, and honestly I think they were paid for reviews (bought by Dev or working with Dev).

I can forgive games, Salt I didn't exactly like because much of it didn't make sense - at least it didn't infuriate me like CastleMiner Z does. The 5th Day is unforgiving, hard, limited to ONE map, only THREE enemies, one of those three enemies can kill you in TWO SHOTS, and there's perma death - I've been playing that BRUTAL survival & craft game for 3 days now, but CastleMiner Z manages to get me to quit playing in LESS THAN A DAY!

- Pretty cool sky
- You can craft stuff, if you TURN OFF enemies and can figure out how to get to crafting
- There is guns (but the kitchen knife is better)
- Looks like Minecraft

- The Sky is the only thing that looks good.
- Your character looks like a Counter Strike soldier who was downgraded.
- The Blocky world looks WORSE than Minecraft.
- Its an obvious Minecraft copy (even tho the license agreement mentions "no copying" or "reverse-engineering") that manages to be crappy copy.
- Enemies spawn from NOWHERE, forget making yourself a safe house, THERES NO SUCH THING AS SAFE!
- Easy difficulty? Thats Easy? Are YOU F-ing SERIOUS? Easy if you enjoy fighting a boss quicker than Dark Souls 1. Easy if have no issue with Skels showing up in your base MERE INCHES from you.
- Easy Mode, "Enemies do less damage". TWO HITS FROM ANYTHING IS DEATH! Lemme guess, Hard, everything insta kills you?
- Options: Music volume, Resolution, Texture quality, View distance, Fullscreen on/off, and Mute music on/off. Thats it. SERIOUSLY, THAT IS IT. No controls, No Gameplay options, and no Brightness adjustment. I WISH I was joking, I really do.
- Can you retrieve items lost? NO! You'll see your items for a few seconds, but you won't be able to get them back.
- Is this game fun? Is dying a lot from BASIC Minecraft enemies "fun"? What about respawning next to an enemy that kills you by breathing on you, is that fun?

There are FAR BETTER games on steam than this crap.
Salt is lazy with their Demo, but at least they aren't blatantly obvious.
Unturned (free to play) looks more closely to Minecraft than this, its tough, hard, more limited than CMZ, but at least you have a chance at surviving.
The Fifth Day has 3 enemies, a brutal survival system, the building isn't great, and there's random lag, but at least its creative and not an instant ♥♥♥♥ to you in very beginning.

I have NEVER spoken this badly against a game, especially this damn quick.... Now I know why this game is so cheap, because everything in it is cheap. If it ever goes beyond 1.99, you are being robbed.

I'll treat this as a lesson in my life - if it looks like CastleMiner Z, STAY AWAY.

Rating: 1 out of 10.
Diposting pada 16 Juli 2015.
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