Sean Punch   Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I'm a Canadian guy in his 40s who has been playing FPS since Wolfenstein 3D back in 1992. I've always had the most fun with co-op play (lots of co-op Doom in '93 and co-op Unreal in '98) and team-based competition (I belonged to clans on various Unreal Tournament CTF ladders for years, and to clans on Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory ladders after that). So it's all about co-op and teamwork for me. If you don't mind playing with an old guy who prefers tactics and teamwork to comparing accuracy and headshot percentages, then I'm your man.

I've used "Kromm" or "Dr. Kromm" as my gaming handle continuously since 1998, and I used it sporadically before that. I might be the same Kromm you knew years ago. Then again, I've met five or six guys who used the same name, so maybe not. The name has nothing to do with Conan, though; that's "Crom," who isn't the same dude at all.

Writings of a Doctor of Hypermediocrity []
Currently Offline
Kromm 23 Feb, 2013 @ 4:30pm 
It's going okay . . . The days are getting longer. Still seem to have less time than I used to, probably because of work.
Patches 18 Feb, 2013 @ 11:27pm 
Comment ca va mon ami?
Zonemind 15 Jul, 2012 @ 7:02pm 
Kromm 23 May, 2012 @ 1:42pm 
It's non-Steam, of course, but anyone seeking me in Diablo III is welcome to add Kromm#1248. Just let me know your Steam name so that I don't think you're an alien or something.
Patches 20 Apr, 2012 @ 12:22am 
Stay cool! <3