Doctorious Schultzarion
:p2blue:I may or may not actually be a real doctor:p2orange:
:p2turret: :p2turret:
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Workshop Showcase
This test has a laser and a turret. What else do you need?
105 ratings
Created by - Doctor_Schultz
Other Information
Playing Through My Entire Library

Note: I will not be listing "endless" games, like Asetto Corsa. I will, however, be listing DLCs as well as full games with campaigns specifically meant to be completed. Finally, if I own a copy of a remastered version of a game, or a copy of both the original and remastered, I will only be listing the name of the original, as they are essentially the same thing.

:headcrab: Finished :headcrab:

A Story About My Uncle :correctamundo:

BioShock :correctamundo:

BioShock 2 :correctamundo:

BioShock Infinite :correctamundo:

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One :correctamundo:

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons :correctamundo:

Call of Duty: Black Ops :correctamundo:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 :correctamundo:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare :correctamundo:

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 :correctamundo:

Call of Duty: World at War :correctamundo:

Call of Duty: WWII :correctamundo:

Costume Quest :correctamundo:

Dishonored :correctamundo:

Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches :correctamundo:

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall :correctamundo:

Doom 3 :correctamundo:

Fallout 3 :correctamundo:

Fallout 3: Broken Steel :correctamundo:

Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta :correctamundo:

Fallout 3: Operation: Anchorage :correctamundo:

Fallout 3: Point Lookout :correctamundo:

Fallout New Vegas :correctamundo:

Far Cry 5 :correctamundo:

Half-Life 2 :correctamundo:

Half-Life 2: Episode 2 :correctamundo:

Hard Reset :correctamundo:

Hotline Miami :correctamundo:

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number :correctamundo:

Jurassic Park: The Game :correctamundo:

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men :correctamundo:

Left 4 Dead :correctamundo:

Left 4 Dead 2 :correctamundo:

Mafia II :correctamundo:

Metro 2033 Redux :correctamundo:

Mirror's Edge :correctamundo:

Papers, Please :correctamundo:

Portal :correctamundo:

Portal 2 :correctamundo:

Quantum Break :correctamundo:

Quantum Conundrum :correctamundo:

Sam & Max: Season 1 :correctamundo:

Singularity :correctamundo:

Tacoma :correctamundo:

The Beginner's Guide :correctamundo:

The Darkness II :correctamundo:

The Silent Age :correctamundo:

The Stanley Parable :correctamundo:

The Turing Test :correctamundo:

The Walking Dead :correctamundo:

The Walking Dead: 400 Days :correctamundo:

The Wolf Among Us :correctamundo:

Wolfenstein: The New Order :correctamundo:

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood :correctamundo:

:headcrab: Not Finished :headcrab:

ABZU :TryAgain:

Aragami :TryAgain:

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition :TryAgain:

Batman: Arkham City GOTY :TryAgain:

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 :TryAgain:

Battlestations: Midway :TryAgain:

Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den :TryAgain:

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two :TryAgain:

Borderlands :TryAgain:

Borderlands 2 :TryAgain:

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel :TryAgain:

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare :TryAgain:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 :TryAgain:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 :TryAgain:

Call of Juarez :TryAgain:

Costume Quest: Grubbins on Ice :TryAgain:

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero :TryAgain:

Crysis :TryAgain:

Crysis Warhead :TryAgain:

Crysis 2 :TryAgain:

Darksiders Warmastered Edition :TryAgain:

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition :TryAgain:

Dead Rising :TryAgain:

Deponia :TryAgain:

Deus Ex :TryAgain:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut :TryAgain:

Deux Ex: Mankind Divided :TryAgain:

Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials :TryAgain:

Dishonored 2 :TryAgain:

Divinity: Original Sin :TryAgain:

Don't Starve :TryAgain:

DOOM :TryAgain:

DOOM Eternal :TryAgain:

Dusk :TryAgain:

Dying Light :TryAgain:

Fallout :TryAgain:

Fallout 2 :TryAgain:

Fallout 3: The Pitt :TryAgain:

Fallout 4 :TryAgain:

Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money :TryAgain:

Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts :TryAgain:

Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Roads :TryAgain:

Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues :TryAgain:

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel :TryAgain:

Far Cry 3 :TryAgain:

Far Cry 4 :TryAgain:

Far Cry Primal :TryAgain:

GET EVEN :TryAgain:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas :TryAgain:

Grand Theft Auto V :TryAgain:

Grow Home :TryAgain:

Gun :TryAgain:

Half-Life :TryAgain:

Half-Life: Blue Shift :TryAgain:

Half-Life: Opposing Force :TryAgain:

Half-Life 2: Episode 1 :TryAgain:

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

Homefront :TryAgain:

Hyper Light Drifter :TryAgain:

Just Cause :TryAgain:

Just Cause 2 :TryAgain:

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days :TryAgain:

Kane & Lynch 2: The Doggie Bag :TryAgain:

L.A. Noire :TryAgain:

LEGO The Lord of the Rings :TryAgain:

Mad Max :TryAgain:

Mass Effect :TryAgain:

Mass Effect 2 :TryAgain:

Max Payne :TryAgain:

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne :TryAgain:

Max Payne 3 :TryAgain:

Medal of Honor: Airborne :TryAgain:

Metro Last Light Redux :TryAgain:

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor :TryAgain:

Murdered: Soul Suspect :TryAgain:

Ori and the Blind Forest :TryAgain:

Orwell :TryAgain:

Outland :TryAgain:

Overlord :TryAgain:

Overlord II :TryAgain:

Postal 2 :TryAgain:

Postal 2: Paradise Lost :TryAgain:

Prey :TryAgain:

Psychonauts :TryAgain:

QUAKE :TryAgain:

Quantum Conundrum: IKE-aramba! :TryAgain:

Quantum Conundrum: The Desmond Debacle :TryAgain:

Rage 2 :TryAgain:

Red Faction: Guerrilla Steam Edition :TryAgain:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein :TryAgain:

Rochard :TryAgain:

Sam & Max: Season 2 :TryAgain:

Sam & Max: Season 3 :TryAgain:

Satellite Reign :TryAgain:

Shadowgrounds :TryAgain:

Shadowgrounds: Survivors :TryAgain:

Shadowrun Returns :TryAgain:

Shovel Knight :TryAgain:

Sins of a Solar: Rebellion :TryAgain:

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition :TryAgain:

Sniper Elite 3 :TryAgain:

Spec Ops: The Line :TryAgain:

Starpoint Gemini 2 :TryAgain:

Stories: The Path of Destinies :TryAgain:

Styx: Master Of Shadows :TryAgain:

Subnautica :TryAgain:

Subsurface Circular :TryAgain:

Tales from the Borderlands :TryAgain:

Teardown :TryAgain:

The Bereau: XCOM Declassified :TryAgain:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim :TryAgain:

The Escapists :TryAgain:

The Flame in the Flood :TryAgain:

The Swapper :TryAgain:

The Ultimate Doom :TryAgain:

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter :TryAgain:

The Walking Dead: Season 2 :TryAgain:

Thief :TryAgain:

Thief Gold :TryAgain:

Thief 2 :TryAgain:

Thief: Deadly Shadows :TryAgain:

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas :TryAgain:

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell :TryAgain:

Tomb Raider GOTY Edition :TryAgain:

Torchlight 2 :TryAgain:

Transister :TryAgain:

Trine :TryAgain:

Trine 2 :TryAgain:

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power :TryAgain:

Undertale :TryAgain:

Unreal Gold :TryAgain:

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine :TryAgain:

Watch_Dogs :TryAgain:

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus :TryAgain:

Zenge :TryAgain:
Fireseth 2 Feb @ 8:11am 
short king
piglet 31 Jan @ 11:18pm 
are u short
rookielaterally 26 Jan @ 8:39am 
piglet 22 Jan @ 3:05pm 
I will eat a doctor, someday.
Fireseth 23 Sep, 2024 @ 9:57pm 
Real one for inviting me to play Deadlock
rookielaterally 23 Aug, 2024 @ 4:13pm 
Playing Through My Entire Library

Note: I will not be listing "endless" games, like Asetto Corsa. I will, however, be listing DLCs as well as full games with campaigns specifically meant to be completed. Finally, if I own a copy of a remastered version of a game, or a copy of both the original and remastered, I will only be listing the name of the original, as they are essentially the same thing.


A Story About My Uncle


BioShock 2

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode One

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare