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Dryspace 23 NOV 2018 a las 1:16 p. m. 
Oh. You mean 'Deus Ex', though.

'Ex Machina' is a movie--and a pretty good one, in my opinion.
dliu3d 22 NOV 2018 a las 10:43 p. m. 
Dryspace, I meant that Mankind divided is not that different from Human revolution not ex machina since I consider the Adam Jensen games to be the it's own thing
Dryspace 22 NOV 2018 a las 6:11 p. m. 
Is Mankind Divided really not that different from the first game? Because I tried playing Human Revolution, and it was very different from the first game. I couldn't get into it.

I assumed that Mankind Divided would probably be even more different.
Son of Bryce 24 OCT 2012 a las 5:03 p. m. 
Kinda dumb, but I mostly don't play LFD because I use a stylus and my mouse is connect to my PC which I rarely use. I'll try to get on it a bit, I miss these games!
420niceglutes 29 ENE 2012 a las 10:44 p. m. 
tbh, the cookie is not mine to deserve. pixie actually found the video, but...i did find this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSw0fz-qiCg xD. you will never see buzz lightyear the same way again
420niceglutes 22 DIC 2011 a las 2:38 p. m. 
Check out "the sacrifice" run with music, twice as epic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8auyGXt0J5E