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Rate: 8/10

If you know what you are getting Into a RPG based shooter game then you will probably really enjoy this game for what It is.

You will not be quick scoping or dealing out 1shot headshots, I dont care that hes wearing a hoodie. Think way less CoD/CSGo and think more Mass Effect/Witcher In terms of "spongyness"..
If you're gear and weapon(s) suck, then so do you... And I dont mean that In an offensive way, Its just the way It is.

-The world itself is wonderfully constructed. While the graphics are meh, the actual construction of the city is great, and it does feel like Manhattan turned upside down. Trash is everywhere, cars careened in the sides, and hordes of hungry, desperate people try to stay alive. One minute you are participating in a pitched firefight at Madison Garden, the next you are clearing an apartment room by room, looking over the trashed remains of a child's bedroom. That can hit you hard and these moments are the best the Division has to offer.

-The story works... sort of. It's nothing special, the acting is a little stilted, but all in all, it gets you into the world and invested in it. You don’t need much more from it than it provides.

-Teaming up with other players feels good and the tactics of team fighting work rather well. The AI isn't anything special, but it can be difficult enough to give a challenge to your team. A verity of skills and specializations also make different characters work well together, each having a role in your squad.

-Customization of your characters feels good. Outfits all work well and you can give your character a utilitarian, unique look that fits the world. It doesn't fall into the trap of one character wearing authentic armor and another a solid diamond bikini that many games fall into. It all feels serious, ingrained in the world.


-Combat is rather basic and even a little mind numbing. Every battle feels the same, no matter what equipment your foes bring to the fight. You use the same two abilities every time, fire the same assault rifle, and rarely use another weapon unless you run out of ammunition. The AI isn't brain dead, but it does nothing interesting, nothing that will ever surprise you. If you die, it’s either because you make a dumb decision, or you picked a fight with something that is simply too much of a bullet sponge to kill.

-The graphics are meh. If you play on a low to mid-tier system, things will look really splotchy, sort of muddy at all points. Higher end systems remedy this, but even then it’s not anything we can't find in any other modern game. The meat of the graphics is in its final product, not the assets or effects used to achieve it.

-The combat mechanics themselves are lackluster, reminding me a lot of Spec Ops, The Line. Guns don't really feel different and against the persistent bullet sponge enemies you face, your loadout feels weak at all times. Even the machine guns, marksman rifles, and magnum revolvers come off as piddle after you fire a few thousand rounds at a single foe wearing a hoodie. They sound good, but the feel and impact are lacking.

-The total game lacks depth. If you are going to do anything, you do it by shooting. Want to save someone? Shoot someone. Gather gear? Shoot someone. Fix tech? Shoot someone. Recruit an ally? Shoot someone. Gather blood samples to counteract a deadly disease? Shoot someone. There is just no variety and the core gameplay is too shallow to make up for this. You will grow tired of this very quickly.

-I have no issue with looters or grinders and have indeed enjoyed the aspect in a number of games (I even liked Destiny's later implementation of it) but this game just doesn't make it work. All items feel the same, some having higher numbers than others. The few that have special abilities are really just stat increases that trigger every so often. While I love the feeling of opening a container to find the secrets within, the Division just made me go "Yay. +1 to my stat. Woooo...." In order to make a good looter, the LOOT has to be special or at least exiting. The Division failed at this. Small increases in stats does not a good looter make.

-The MMO aspect feels a bit... sectioned off. It’s as if the entire theory of this section was "Big Fences Make Better Neighbors". In my entire play period I worked with another player all of one time, and that was because I used the matchmaking (which can take FOREVER, even on launch day). You miss that special element of walking down the street and bumping into someone else, or stumbling upon the remains of another player's pitched firefight. While areas like the Dark Zone do this well enough, and Safe Houses allow you to rub noses with other Agents, the moment you walk out the door, you are alone, and you feel it. An MMO should never, ever, make you feel alone, like you are the only person around, especially in the heart of New York City.
Workshop Showcase
Hello folks, As you can see this skins is inspired by the Vanguard collection. It is coloured metallic gradient from dark aqua to bright dark and light blue. Placed an eagle on front of the silencer. Vanguard logo has been applied on handle/magazine part.
1,064 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - yTho
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Each owl represents something different. All of the owls have paper, holo and foil sticker types.
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Created by - yTho
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𝕷𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉 2 Feb @ 10:02pm 
+rep brazilian cartel boy
ڳhaÐow 1 Feb @ 5:17pm 
gg :csgo_ez::emofdr::csgo_ez: we had a good run
🎮Burinn 7 Oct, 2024 @ 11:52am 
great mate
Hugighma 5 Oct, 2024 @ 12:14pm 
strong gameplay
ahahaahahahaaha 28 Sep, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
good movement in cs + rep friend
Umginn 23 Aug, 2024 @ 8:08am 
Good entry