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Posted: 22 Feb, 2024 @ 9:22am

Certainly not for everyone, but if you are able to get into the mind set that your *party* is going to have a bad time and accept that you can slowly fail forward through the game, it can actually be kinda chill. When you do start making significant progress, it feels great. Just don't be afraid to bail on a run and start a fresh one, and learn to recognise the negative spirals quick. Some can be recovered from, but others very much can't.

For anyone who played the previous instalment, the addition of minor animations go a long way, and there is a lot more skill selection to work with than the previous game, once you complete characters stories. And all that is before even looking at all the sub-class options you get through the Alter of Hope progression. I'm quite partial to The Alchemist option for Paracelsus and The Rogue for Dismas.
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