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Max Payne 3
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I have to admit that, overall, I preferred the predecessor—it had more linear (and somewhat more varied) levels, more memorable enemies, and a story that kept me far more engaged than the sequel.

But, I have to give Respawn credit for how well they captured that 'survivor' tone in the sequel through storytelling and gameplay design, tying it in with the fallen Jedi theme. I could feel Yoda’s words in the gameplay:

Luke: Is the dark side stronger? Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

It was the first game to achieve something like that. Also, the first game where I could feel the difference in gameplay when stepping into the shoes of a Jedi master (there’s a short segment where you don’t play as the main protagonist) as if you can sense through the animations and character movements that you’re playing as a master. Incredible.

Production-wise, it’s very well done overall, although not on the level of what Sony for example has accustomed us to with their exclusives. It’s truly a shame that the PC version launched in such a dreadful state, though to be fair, compared to its initial release, it's now quite playable. I experienced issues with crashes to the desktop, stuttering, very large frame rate fluctuations, texture loading issues, etc.—fortunately, only occasionally. It feels like the engine couldn't quite handle the shift to an open-world format along with the new technologies (RT and DLSS) which weren’t I presume implemented properly.

To add to that, what I liked the least was the level design – for my taste, there was simply too much platforming and acrobatics to get from point A to point B. It all just felt excessive to the point where Koboh felt like a massive labyrinth, and I constantly had to open the map to see where I was and how to reach the quest point. In the end, I lost any desire to explore the levels, as everything just felt too “artificial” rather than organic, as I think it should have been. I also felt that the upgrades to move through levels were quite forced, just adding more complexity to the movement that felt unnecessary.

As for the RPG side of the experience, the whole leveling system was quite rudimentary, just enough to give a sense of character progression, but I feel like if I hadn’t upgraded a single skill except for the health bar, I’d still play and finish the game the same way. Combat, on the other hand, was good and satisfying, and they finally added animations where the lightsaber can slice off limbs. But the different lightsaber stances felt like unnecessary fluff, and in the end, most players probably just picked two and stuck with them till the end.

Another thing that bothered me was the excessive repetition – going back to Koboh like five times, having the same boss fight with the same antagonist three times, five unnecessary waves of enemies just to stretch playtime, etc. Aside from the bigger levels, it felt like they padded the game with copy-pasted content just to add more hours. In my opinion, less is more 🙂

When I add everything up, it’s a solid 8 out of 10. Honestly, after the previous game, I was expecting a 9+, but that didn’t happen. Still, I’d warmly recommend it to everyone, especially Star Wars fans."
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Arbiter Libera 29 Jul, 2019 @ 1:47am 
Mislim da nije baš tako gadno, ali kad-tad moraš nabaviti još sadržaja. Sad hoćeš li stalnom pretplatom ili kupiti svaki DLC individualno je na tebi. Nekakvim casual igranjem možeš dosta izvući iz same osnovne igre. Meni je TOR totalno izgubio smisao kad su otkrili da neće nastaviti individualne priče i kad su se "ekspanzije" svele na epizodna izdanja sa jedva sat vremena sadržaja u svakoj epizodi. Možda je bolje kad platiš mjesec dana pa odmah dobiješ sve do tada izašlo, ali to je totalno singleplayer sadržaj sa šta ti kažeš MMO dodacima na kapaljku. Bar su nedavno poboljšali F2P status.
Arbiter Libera 26 Jul, 2019 @ 1:53am 
Vjerojatno ti ne mogu reći ništa šta već nisi pročitao, ali par stvari: One Tamriel update je napravio tako da se sve zone u igri level scalaju prema tvom levelu, crafting je dosta zajeban ako nemaš pretplatu jer će ti brzo nestati prostora i DLC je napravljen tako da dodaje više priče i funkcionalnosti. Tipa, trebaš imati Thieves Guild da bi imao novi skill i pristup novim questovima, tako to. Šta može biti problem jer su priča i questovi sa full VA poprilično velika stvar, a moraš platiti da bi dobio još. Pretplata ti daje pristup svim DLC-ovima OSIM ekspanzijama koje moraš kupiti. Iskreno, end game je više PvP ♥♥♥♥ PvE, ali nisam dugo igrao na end game razini tako da to nije baš pouzdano.
Arbiter Libera 17 May, 2017 @ 11:47am 
Kratko sam igrao tako da ne mogu reći za ovakav tip igre, ali sad je novi patch dodao neke stvari koje nisu bile tu kad je igra izašla. Tipa još jedan companion, codeks, itd.
Arbiter Libera 30 Dec, 2016 @ 2:53am 
Ok je, malo levela ako ne uzmeš DLC. U biti melee L4D sa likovima koji su definirani opremom i sposobnostima tako da nisu samo skinovi. Pogledaj specse jer ljudi navodno imaju dosta problema s tim. Ako ćeš kupiti najviše se isplati preko Humble Monthly jer dobiješ još neke igre. Tako sam ja uzeo.
tm4261 19 Jul, 2016 @ 6:17am 
Ja sam je bez saleova ubo za 20€ lol
tm4261 11 Jul, 2016 @ 5:41am 
A ono, nešto ko prethodni, samo je dosta stvari unaprijeđeno. Animacije, napucavanje je potpuno identično kao i u prošlom što me malo razočaralo i "priča" te sve uvezi nje je sranje al igra ima stvarno dosta zabavnog sadržaja te dobar crafting i upgrade sistem. Nešto tipa ko FC3/FC4 samo nije naporno i prenatrpano ko i oni već je sve taman umjereno. Grafički je dosta dobro, osim faca koje iako bogate na detljima opet dosta plastične, al ima dosta bogat okoliš, super osvjetljenje i lijepe lokacije. Uglavnom je ok i korak naprijed od prethodnog ali je isto dosta prehvaljena.