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Análises recentes de FireOfUnknownOrigin

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Deadly anomalies, dangerous mutants, anarchists and bandits... None of them will stop some random crashlanders on their triumphant march towards saving the rimworld!
Publicado a 12 de abril.
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33.2 hrs em registo (8.8 horas no momento da análise)
The Lakeview series holds a special place in my heart, sending me back to browsing shelf upon shelf of tapes in the dimly lit enclave that was our local pizza-movie store. The first Lakeview game was a small Flash vignette, a short sweet love letter to horror. Lakeview Cabin Collection's anthology approach brought pastiches of familiar movie settings divided into separate episodes, along with the backdrop of a overarching narrative connecting each of the seemingly independent storylines.

LC2 is more of the same in the best possible way, a refinement across the board in all areas. The new levels each have varied setting and twists on gameplay mechanics, the 1st being The Shining meets Blair Witch, Die Hard with a Spookiness, and four Twilight Zone episodes for the price of one! What really got me was the most recent, Mad Max mixed with the roguelike FTL, out of left field but a lot of fun. And last but not least a complete remake of the original Lakeview Cabin, since why not.

Watching this title percolate over 3 years has been a real treat, matched only by seeing the series grow since 2013. For a solo dev the updates were fairly regular and bug fixes expedient when said updates inevitably broke something, a feat full studios with actual budgets couldn't handle. Among the deluge of indie horror titles in the past few years (mostly for good), there isn't really any other I can think of that comes close to capturing Lakeview's genre roulette, consistency, or style. Well worth the price of admission a few years ago, as a completed product doubly so today.
Publicado a 21 de outubro de 2023.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
49.7 hrs em registo (26.3 horas no momento da análise)
If you're a fan of top-down action roguelikes tackling the current issue of robot-on-robot violence where you have to manually eject and reload the firearms, then you may have come to the right place.
Publicado a 31 de janeiro de 2020.
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560.5 hrs em registo (465.4 horas no momento da análise)
Thought I heard a rumblin',

Callin' to my name.

200 millions guns a loaded,

Satan cries 'Take Aim!"
Publicado a 8 de novembro de 2019.
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27 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
91 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
51.8 hrs em registo (23.3 horas no momento da análise)
One of the best simulators for experiencing the daily Russian life.
Publicado a 14 de outubro de 2019.
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21 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2.5 hrs em registo (1.4 horas no momento da análise)
Short, sweet, and brutal. Not convinced that this isn't David Lynch's foray into gaming. If you like surrealistic horror and some great faux-retro graphics, you'll probably enjoy this.
Publicado a 2 de outubro de 2019.
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42.1 hrs em registo (36.9 horas no momento da análise)
A touching story of a man and his favorite piece of piano wire.
Publicado a 2 de julho de 2019.
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12.3 hrs em registo (9.9 horas no momento da análise)
If 2D airship combat mixed with grand strategy and management appeals to you, then you'll probably like this game. It can be a little clunky on occasion, but generally runs great. Lots of mods, still gets regular dev updates.

At the end of the day, it lets me get my dreams of air piracy fulfilled, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Publicado a 15 de junho de 2019.
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160.3 hrs em registo (16.4 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
This really is the lovechild of Deus Ex, Nuclear Throne, and GTA. If the concept of that ménage à trois appeals to you, you'll probably like this game.

If you like things exploding, cocaine, and general chaos, then you will probably enjoy the opportunity to play as a banker with a wide variety of mutators turned on.

The dev has been pretty much consistently dropping updates once a month or more, even if it is bug fixes, which is appreciated. That, plus the currently available content, make it worth fifteen bucks in my book.
Publicado a 25 de maio de 2019.
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0.0 hrs em registo
Amid an ongoing apocalypse between blood cultists and immaterial daemons, an occult-dabbling inquisitor is summoned by the cults of the three witch gods to the sun blasted desert. A dead titan stirs, dreaming of his revenge against all who dare oppose him (i.e everyone), his misguided followers knowing in their hearts they are saving the god of the sun. The Deceiver is tested and, found capable against eldritch monstrosities, throws his lot in with the cult of Dreeg; an ancient ascendant who glimpsed beyond the veil of reality, cursed that knowledge and an uncomfortable amount of eyes. Amid this, these unlikely allies decipher passage into the Shattered Realms, a place beyond the mortal plane where shards of broken reality promise great fortune and horror for those willing to brave the dark corners outside the universe.

The Deceiver, drawn to these promises, willingly steps into these unrealized existences, believing they may hold the keys to defeating the invading beings (and also money). Facing countless foes, human and monster alike, he slays them in turn. The madness gleams in his no-longer-entirely human eyes as a pair of thrice-damned pistols, infused with the energy of all three witch deities he once swore to stop, blasts out rebukes. And soon there is silence; the last abomination lay dead and the Deceiver prepare to enter another shard, wondering what strange horrors of a half-baked reality will face him next.

And then the game inexplicably crashes to desktop.
Publicado a 27 de março de 2019. Última alteração: 27 de março de 2019.
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