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投稿日: 2021年2月25日 19時06分

TL;DR:Pretty decent roguelite, worth the $20 price point.
Overall 7/10

The combat is enough to be just challenging, the parry timing is pretty tight but it comes with a weaken debuff rewarding them over just dodging attacks. The curse system is fairly easy to manage and save 1 or 2 aren't really anything to worry about with the exception of hitting max corruption but is easy enough to avoid entirely.

It feels a little shallow in some aspects; few weapons, limited buff selection. I can't say this game holds my attention for long, I'll play a run or two here and there and can't see any outright incentives to beat the game.

It may have been designed with gamepad in mind but i'm having no issues on keyboard+mouse with the exception of rebinding parry and weapon switching.

The graphics are nice, everything you would need to worry about stands out and is plainly broadcast to the player.
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