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1,504 Hours played
I don't know why I haven't wrote a review about this game since. I already played more than 1000 hours and I can honestly say this is my favorite game of all times.

I love open world, survival, multiplayer games. This game has everything I have ever wanted from a game. Here is a list of the things I like the most about it:

- It is possible to tame animals and take NPC's as slaves. Having an animal friend or NPC in your journey changes you experience completely. Even if you don't have any friends to play with, I can assure you, your slaves and animals are more loyal then most people :)
- Some animals and some slaves are stronger the others. You have to go step by step, otherwise you can find their carcass or corpse in the battlefield.

- You can create clans with your friends, build and survive together. It is possible to create a clan with many people, so you can ride your horses like a small army.
- There is a ranking system in clans, so you can rank up or down you clanmates.

- There is a server for every gaming style. You can play on your local server, you can play on online servers.
- You can also select the server style you want. There are many options like peacefull servers which pvp is disabled completely, time restricted pvp servers which is my favorite and pvp enabled servers with chaos :D It is all up to you.

- Conan Exiles mostly has friendly and outgoing community . You can socialize in servers and have new friends. Most people would love to help you if you need anything.
- Unfortunately, rarely some people only wants "glory" and "ego". They think killing you is sattisfying their ego.

- There are two different maps to play so far.I mostly played on the main map which is Exiled Lands but also I love the dlc map Isle of Siptah. Both of them has great stories and locations to explore. For beginners, I would recommend the main map.

- The game is up to date, they are releasing bug fixes, patches, new dlcs and new features. And even some extensions and improvements on current maps.

- Building architecture and techniques are well designed. You can design a building as you want but you must consider stability as in real life.
- There are many different building options belongs to different architecture. With dlc's you can build as you want which can be inspired by the roman empire, like the turan ruler or like a savage

- There are no cheaters in the game. During the time I played I never saw a cheater in any server.

Lets talk about the the negative aspects of the game. There is not much in my opinion but lets try to make it a honest review.

- Slaves and animals can get bugges and ignore commands rarely. Or sometimes they are just rejecting to attack some type of creatures.
- Sometimes maps can be too crowded in some servers which may cause you to have FPS drops or, building which are blocking passages may annoy you.
- There is no in-game report player option as far as I know. It would be great and more effective if it was possible to report another player.

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