Collateral Damage
James Brophy   Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Plays games, Hates headcrabs, loves Psychonauts, Legacy of Kane: Soul Reaver, Hitman: Blood Money, Star Trek: Elite Force II, Sin: Episodes and many other games that use the dreded COLON!

Has been known to get bored of games and start mucking around with their textures to make them more intresting to him.
Workshop Showcase
Playing cards with cartoons by Bill Wenzell, American cartoonist best known as a widely published good girl artist for men's magazines. Originally printed in 1954. These cards are presented as they were for their historical value. If they are offensive to
11 ratings
Created by - Collateral Damage
Screenshot Showcase
The smoke effect mostly does not work. But Damn it looks Freaking awesome here.
Treasa McCabe 23 Jul, 2015 @ 9:05am 
I know! Sorry! I just saw you on Janet's page!
Sharrow 8 Sep, 2014 @ 5:20pm 
Have fun kicking the Jester!
Oh look it's Matty 21 Mar, 2013 @ 9:22pm 
Up very late playing games? Either that or you are up really early.