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Neue Rezensionen von Artemisia

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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 29
6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.0 Std. insgesamt
This latest DLC pushes the boundaries of History - which is what fantasy is all about. History in and of itself, pushing back so far, and even myths and legends, is based of oral traditions and the understanding of people at the time.

This is a fantastic DLC. You're still in Greece, but you're stepping into myths of Greek gods. This builds further into the AC lore, where the First Civ, an advanced race, were basically masquerading as gods. the Gods the Greeks believed in were basically people who thought humans were cattle or things to be experimented, a callback to the original AC storyline.

Its visually stunning, and you get upgraded skills and new weapons. The areas are isolated patches based on the world of which god you're in - much like the little realms of the afterlife in Origins, but instead of Egyptian myth, its Greek. Gameplay is the same as the base game but with the mentioned features. It is quite enjoyable, though small and short. But in contained settings, unlike the base game, it ensures you're not tired out - especially if you're a completionist and want to explre every inch of the place, and do every side quest.

And the Isu (first civ gods) are really nice to look at it. New armours and new Weapons. Its quite great.
Verfasst am 26. November 2019.
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536.3 Std. insgesamt (505.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This AC improves and continues the good things from all the previous instalments. It still has the climbings, the killing and assassinating.

The narative pushes history further from Origins. We're Sparta vs Athens, and we all know how that ends. You play as either the male or female sibling though the female is more enjoyable. Kassandra's voice and physical perfrmance is more enjoyable, and Alexios feels blunt even delivering the exact same lines as Kassandra. That is not to say this game is boring. Its a feast for the eyes and it encourages your emotions. It is rarely glitchy or have any problems. the Story is good and the mechanics are now separated into Warrior, Assassin, and Hunter. You can choose to specialise or be well spread, but either way its all good and fun
Verfasst am 31. Oktober 2019.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
21.7 Std. insgesamt (12.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A fantastic game with the right blend of narrative and action and craft-based iventory.
This is a dramatisation of the Black Plague in France at a time when nobility ruled the lands and superstition ruled just as widely, and alchemy was a science. It deftly also explains the population decrease in a very dramatic scary way, the rise of the middle class (because so many people died) and how nobles were not spared because plague does not take social status or wealth into account.

The story surrounds two orphans who are bound by blood and bond. Through hardship and the hard choices of having to take lives to save them, and the lost of innocence by religious authorities gifted power through perceived divine right.

The game has the standard mechanics, and although its not as flexible in movement as Assassin's Creed, you still have to navigate every turn very carefully or die. Make use of your resources wisely to survive and look after one another. The graphics are quite stunning even on low quality and the environment although it is short and controlled, is till quite a sight. It does not tax your computer that much so for its graphics and the good game - it is a good buy.

Amicia was quite relatable being a teenage girl in the Middle Ages trying to survive. Perhaps more relatable than most games of this type due to the fact she is not some middle aged white man. Hugo was understandably annoying. The game adequately invokes empathy to their complex relationship. My only qualm about this game is how short it was. I finished it in 2 days and got 35/35 of the achievements.
Verfasst am 28. Juni 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 2. Juli 2019.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
243.6 Std. insgesamt (177.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Origins of the Creed, the brotherhood of Assassins that lives on blood, built on rage and gried and vengence. It is a classic story

Assassins Creed delivers again with the gripping tales of its characters and the violence of combat - and in the backdrop of iconic historical settings

Ancient Egypt - where Pharaohs have special poop officials, and no one really know hows to spell 'Pharaoh'. The story follows a bitter father, Bayek, from an ancient order that is broken and alone, his wife who is clearly clouded by death, and his quest to end our favourite baddies the Templars, in a different shape and form, and kill anyone that comes in their way

Stealth is a dream. You can either let everyone die slowly by poison just from one poisoned dart or corpse, or assassinate everyone or kill them all. Combat flows smoothly and exploration is interesting. And you have your trusty eagle to help you be an omniscient killers.

If you're a perfectionist, as always Ubisoft and its flawed achievements will kill you slowly just like Bayek's poisns, because its achievement system is annoying and does not pop or are almost impossible. This time, there was an online community aspect to killing special bosses, that added a layer of extra legendary rewards. But after playing for 50 hours like myself, i do not really need these extra bosses and rewards.

The atmosphere of this game is incredible. Not only the magical aspect of the AC world of Artifacts of Eden, but it combines with the ancient mythlogy of Egyptian myths and gods. The DLCs not only expand this, but adds more immersion and exploration. A history buffs dream in a video game package.

Overall, it was a good long game that can be fully completed over many hours, or if you rush it, a good story and good combat and exploration. It is only the annoyingly done achievements and the occasionally badly optimised for poorer machines problems you usually have that affects it

P.S. your horse has an autopilot mode so.... you can just endlessly run around. AND Origins also has a historical tour around the entire world. It enriches the historical aspects and you begin to see more details in your experience. It is a good game indeed. 9/10
Verfasst am 21. November 2018.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
555.2 Std. insgesamt (212.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A masterpiece of art, narrative, combat and medival RPG storytelling.

The Witcher 3 is a brilliant axiom of the Witcher series that had its roots in literature, film and tv, and games from years in the making. As a gamer always says, if the developer gives you free DLCs, ITS A GOOD GAME. Not only is it a narrative improvement, it also gives you the value for its money if you choose to get it. Not only in-game weapons and armor for yourself and mount, but also aesthetic freebies and advantages. This game is indeed a good game

Geralt basically screws everything he touches, fights anything, and kills all in his path. But he has a sensitivity if it calls for it, a pettiness cos he feels like it, and cynical as all hell because the world is a dark and dirty place and the power of the sword is the power of life and death.
Verfasst am 22. November 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
142.5 Std. insgesamt (120.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Farmville, Harvest Moon - basically all the things you wish you could do - if you had the time, money, patience or non-lazy bone in your body to do, if you actually stepped out of your own home, game.
Verfasst am 22. November 2017.
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57.5 Std. insgesamt (31.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Bioshock: the first in a series of very thought provoking and well produced gaming. I entered this fandom from the back from Infinite and would have been delighted to follow from the top just from the base game. But credits to the writers at 2K that managed to loop Infinite's DLC around to Bioshock 1 again to create one of the most beautiful and also symbolic games, that might take a lot of significance in the coming years' events.

Bioshock is a game representing fanatic fundamentalism. In this first installment, it presents the idea of capitalism to its extremes and what it entails: a society entirely bent on out-competiting the rest in almost every area, science, art, business and even child-raising. Consequently, the moral structure of society falls and what we are left with is Rapture. A fantastic city below the sea, and how that essentiallly protects but also contains its citizens. A main feature of the Bioshock series is its invention of the Plasmid, gene reconstruction and/or improvement that allows the player special abilities spanning the elements and even hypnotism and such.

Gameplay is a tad 'retro', in that it still has the clunky elements that we don't see today. Also, the series is set in the 1940s, surrounding the Cold War, atomic industrialisation and the beginnings of women's freedoms, albeit not as much. As such, the music is timeless and classic, soundtrack apt, and the technologies are of the time, yet also, not.

It is annoying when it comes to keybinding and the plasmids you have access to can't be easily rearranged, and it is tedious everytime you gain a new one. The Remastered version is still getting its kinks, i have to say, the stability of it is disappointing given its marketing, however, it has certainly improved, and helpful user guides are available, if you're brave enough, to fix the game files. It is definitely more stable than Bio2 remastered, an abhorrent disappointment worse than Bio1, as you cannot even begin a game.

The player follows a man stranded at sea, and unlike Infinite, you do not have any control over your moral actions. What this game does, is instead take you through the actions and consequences of abscence of morality and how that applies to you, is how you choose to accept it. Harvest the Little Sister's? the source of Adam, the genetic fuel of your powers, or save them? Do you choose to follow in the footsteps of the city before you and inherit it? Or do you perish the old and begin anew, with the girls who did not have the chance?

Overall a decent experience, and if you were not a fan before, and still loved the ride, or open to being one now, Bioshock is a pleasing experience for you
Verfasst am 2. Januar 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
19.0 Std. insgesamt (16.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Free Weekend playthrough

The Division performs as it appears: high quality graphics sharp performance gameplay that enhances the game's teamwork, tactics and weapons customisation. However, considering that this game was aimed at team-based activities, being that at the base of it, without DLCs and extras, the game runs pretty repetitive.

The missions, though they pull your focus, tend to get tedious solo or even in a matched team, where the bosses and levels are tough, and the team is forced to pull together and play off each other, if this is the content you're paying for that remains constant - middle to tough mobs then near impossible bosses solo or with a noob team - then this game does not seem worth the dollars.

Your base of operations requires various materials to set up, and though you are able to finish it 100% through the big missions or the repeatable ones, there is not much else to aim for besides endlessly killing things or each other with other players. The cyclical nature of this game leads me to feel focused, then bored, then frustrated at the annnoying bosses, then bored again as you realise the endless nature of this game, and that almost fewer than none of your teamates enable chat or voice and you're talking to no one in missions.

Tis a sweet game, but i would not buy it
Verfasst am 18. Dezember 2016.
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34.1 Std. insgesamt (0.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
If i actually had something to work with, this would not be so negative. But the fact is that i cannot even start a game on Remastered tho the original works fine. Crashes on the Space bar to skip screen and if the original had had the same problems i would have been very pissed.

Until they fix this problem of crashing on start of a new game, this remaster is a flop
Verfasst am 12. Dezember 2016.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
505.5 Std. insgesamt (55.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Skyrim - but post-apocalyptic and intrigue without symbolism
Verfasst am 9. Dezember 2016.
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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 29