oh your e goin in the soup
I love to play demoman/demoknight, my favorite games are TF2 and P5R. I like to compose music and piano pieces. If I friended you, I probably had a good time playing/talking with you in tf2.
Currently Offline
_agade_ 9 Feb @ 5:49am 
if my blunt had too many heads in it id spark it with this guy
hardy. 22 Jan @ 9:21am 
heyy, added
oh your e goin in the soup 14 Jan @ 5:30pm 
Five kilograms of corn? How utterly excessive! Such indulgence is a clear sign of lack of self-restraint—a desperate grasp for satisfaction that you’ll never truly attain. You believe consuming such an absurd amount will bring you fulfillment? How pathetic.

But go ahead, gorge yourself on your mountain of corn. Just know that no matter how much you consume, you’ll never achieve the balance and completeness that I possess. You’ll be left with nothing but regret, while I, perfect as always, remain untouchable in my corn-regulating mastery.
_agade_ 14 Jan @ 4:12pm 
im going to eat 5kg of corn
oh your e goin in the soup 14 Jan @ 4:07pm 
Ah, as the self-proclaimed Corn Regulator, it’s only natural that I dictate the perfect balance of corn. Too much, and you risk overwhelming the harmony of a meal. Too little, and you deprive yourself of its golden essence.

So, the perfect amount of corn is precisely the amount that I deem sufficient—no more, no less. One must not indulge excessively, for that would show weakness, nor should one deprive themselves, for that would be foolish. Only in moderation, guided by my impeccable judgment, can true corn harmony be achieved.

Now, how much is that, you ask? Enough to satisfy without overshadowing—exactly the right amount, determined by me.
_agade_ 13 Jan @ 5:54pm 
how much corn is allowed