b   British Virgin Islands
I believe everyone can be attractive and there’s no one universal attractive, fugcing bullshgit “golden ratio” standard to adhere to. White men can look good, Black men can look good, Asian men can look good, all in their own respective ways. Like imagine if Logan Paul had waves, imagine if DaBaby had Justin Bieber’s Hair, or imagine if Jungkook had a beard. Every phenotype, race, ethnic group can look good if they just be “themselves.” It’s fugcing atrocious when fellow SEA’s fugcing bleach their skin and shgit and try to look white or korean, it’s fugcing disturbing they end up looking like ghouls because it’s just not for them. With virtually zero SEA PHENOTYPE representation in the media, how can one looksmaxx as a SEA. Not even in the Philippines is there fugcing SEA Representation. All the actors/actresses on the billboards are some fugcing lightskin half-white ppl like where is that beautiful brown, wide-nosed representation? Like honestly. Representation is so important. With none of that going for SEAs even in their own respective countries, what steps do we follow to reach our physical peak? I mean we could follow in the footsteps of our Polynesian cousins (tattoos, long hair, buff) but they’re tall which is a crucial part of their looks and a lot of us aren’t. With the East Asian beauty standard not really applying to us, European standard not applying to us, African standard not applying to us, I just feel isolated. Are we supposed to conform to one of these? I don’t know but I just hope we get representation in the future. This doesn’t only apply to SEA’s this also applies to the Native American phenotype, indigenous Mexican phenotype. In their countries the men on billboard are of Spanish, tall, colored eyes bearded phenotype. Regardless, I’m gonna make it my duty in life to make southeast Asians proud of their natural born phenotype via positive representation thru the media. :steamsad:
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Anime speech
I don't think you understand.

I have fought two men and a pitbull over simple words, I ran their vehicle off the road and tried to murder the driver when he went for the gun, he jumped back in and closed the door at the last moment, I have put a youngmans head into my quarter panel because his friend said he was going to kill me and did not realize I was not playing around.

All i have done for the past 10 plus years is lift, hit bags, try to survive in the winter and try not to just jam this form nail up every person's ass who has so much as looked at me in a deceptive manner.

Honestly, if you all died or the people in this place I am in died some kind of horrific death, it would not matter to me, it would just be the way it is.

So, next time you go outside your coom hut or whatever the fugk you people "live" in, consider that everywhere you look, is someone I may have sent to gather intel in you, so that your local police entity can have a nice little swat accident, and just, SPLATTER YOUR USELESS FUGKEN BRAINS ALL OVER THE FUGKEN WALL RIGHT INFRONT OF YOUR WORTHLESS FAMILIES.

Because, that is just what happens, unfortunate circumstances, set in motion by your own stupidity and ignorance, your refusal to calculate unintended consequences for your own negative actions.

Life, to me, is just a series of circumstances, events and consequences. Its not about what they are, when they are, or how they are, its about how I deal with them

And people like all of you on here, I like to deal with in extreme amounts of legal violence, like running you over in a parking lot. ^_^




ケツ毛ジョリー【メンズ アンダーヘア】 ラブジョリー 脱毛前処理 脱毛前 シェーバー 毛 処理 ヘアカッター アンダーヘア 処理 アンダーヘアー カッター Vライン 脱毛器

良かったことをとても大事にして 今度のオナニーでそれを使いましょうね。


自分に似てる人を探し出して 同じ箱の中で共感ごっこをする

彼のセリフを笑ったけど 彼のように生きられたらなあと思う。



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anime高兴 5 Dec @ 6:51pm 
Yea ;
bad_bacne 5 Dec @ 6:49pm 
should i buy this game?
bad_bacne 4 Dec @ 4:23am 
me when animes:happyhakon:
anime高兴 4 Dec @ 4:22am 
wut u say about animes
bad_bacne 4 Dec @ 4:18am 
john fahey fade 3 Dec @ 11:29am 
Anime legend