West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
I am bad at video games :3c

ኃጢአተኛ ነፍስህ ከመዳን በላይ ናት እናም ሰላምን ወይም ሥቃይን አታውቅም ፣ የንስሐ ቅዝቃዜ ብቻ አብቅቷል ፣ ምክንያቱም ኃጢአቶችህ ከማንኛውም ተልእኮ የላቀ ስለሆነ ፣ መጨረሻው ቀርቧል ፣ የኃጢአት መርከቦች

~ { } ~
(don't try to add/trade w/ me if your inventory is private, of if you're on an alt!)
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pyro is really bad and gay
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Calzone 19 Feb @ 6:05pm 
Genuinely one of the worst teammates I've ever had the displeasure of being qued with. No mic, doesn't respond to any callouts, AFK at the start of every round on CT half, throws terrible flashes constantly blinding his teammates, steals guns at start of round, runs into sites by himself with the bomb, does not work with the team at all, and force buys stupid guns every round. If you ever see this player on your team, just dodge and take the cooldown. It will save your mental
Team Fortress 2 13 Feb @ 10:23am 
Genuinely one of the worst teammates I've ever had the displeasure of being qued with. No mic, doesn't respond to any callouts, AFK at the start of every round on CT half, throws terrible flashes constantly blinding his teammates, steals guns at start of round, runs into sites by himself with the bomb, does not work with the team at all, and force buys stupid guns every round. If you ever see this player on your team, just dodge and take the cooldown. It will save your mental
Fox_Lover 13 Feb @ 9:21am 
Genuinely one of the worst teammates I've ever had the displeasure of being qued with. No mic, doesn't respond to any callouts, AFK at the start of every round on CT half, throws terrible flashes constantly blinding his teammates, steals guns at start of round, runs into sites by himself with the bomb, does not work with the team at all, and force buys stupid guns every round. If you ever see this player on your team, just dodge and take the cooldown. It will save your mental
Thetakus 26 Jan @ 7:59am 
+rep AK precision о_О
Buzz Lightbeer 4 Jan @ 7:57am 
+rep female agent enjoyer and friendly
Krash!! 10 Dec, 2024 @ 7:15am 
LMAO better at the game i just dont cheat , or am i a furry, both being reprehensible.