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- Awesome community! Literally people are helping you by giving items that will easily help you through lower levels (More on this later)

- Pretty decent graphics

- A massive variety of weapons, spells, curses, support etc,. The amount of builds and combos you can do is actually pretty awesome for a free to play game

- Free DLC (More acts are released and the next one is later this year

- No pay-to-win, microtransactions are FOR COSMETICS ONLY!!





- Sometimes lags (Maybe my computer :p)

- Can be very confusing for beginners!!! (THE COMMUNITY HELPED ALOT)

TLDR; Try this game, literally, it is probably one of the best arpg free on steam right now. Although it can be punishing for newbies, it is a really interesting game, and is alot of fun! There are minimal flaws in this game, and I highly recomment it!

Publicada el 5 de mayo de 2017.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
6.4 h registradas (5.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I wrote a review, but I deleted it seeing as many of the community are just downvoting these negative reviews it could even be devs...

This game can be fun, but it is very unpolished and very grindy for weapons, alot of things are a mess, but I can't be bothered to rewrite this all again. People seem to do anything to defend this game, they don't even accept that things are bad.

An update shows how hitreg has been improved - I see no difference in it but it's still early

They also decided to lower recoil of guns by ~20%, which is stupid. It kind of gave it it's replayability, but now it's just trying to be a CoD.
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2017. Última edición: 24 de marzo de 2017.
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