rαphαєl   Switzerland
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-novid -tickrate 128 -language bananagaming -console -nod3d9ex

-fullscreen -novid -tickrate 128 -language bananagaming -console -maxdownloadsizemb 300

01 / Switzerlan 2016, Bern: .gepo' / ThaRealJRME / Mr_Fr3sHx / Lexxor^R / MEGANEGA
02 / Switzerlan 2017, Bern: .gepo' / Schoki / DAVEY / nitrouz / UN1C0D3
03 / Lock and Load ARK, Dagmersellen: .gepo' / turtle / Chira / Phobia / MALI
04 / EEvent #9, St. Gallen: .gepo' / turtle / Schoebi / Phobia / t1msoN
05 / EEvent #X. Burgdorf: .gepo' / Schoebi / Phobia / t1msoN / yung$mat
06 / Odyssee 2018, Schaffhausen: .gepo' / Schoebi / Phobia / t1msoN / Hannibal
07 / Lock and Load #10, Sursee: .gepo' / turtle / t1msoN / Phobia / Schoebi
08 / Butterlan #12, Lüterkofen: .gepo' / Schoebi / Phobia / t1msoN / ArcTicK
09 / Switzerlan 2018, Bern: .gepo‘ / ndm / SlayCe / Fätze / Flöffel
10 / EEvent #12, St. Gallen : .gepo' / rcn / wizzek / ST4R / DKH
11 / Butterlan #13, Lüterkofen: .gepo' / turtle / pismice / LeFooL / Ematrion
12 / Switzerlan 2019, Bern: .gepo‘ / daveson / fox / bubu / flry
13 / Switzerlan 2021, Bern: .gepo‘ / Dao / fox / bubu / RapSi

crankkk_: vielleicht hatte er spiel seines lebens
crankkk_: letztes mal
crankkk_: xD
timbo: ja da hab ich ihn auch geflamed
timbo: falls du dich erinnerst
timbo: aber spiele viel mit ihm in letzter zeit
crankkk_: weiß nicjht mehr genau
crankkk_: ok ich vertrau dir ma
crankkk_: war mega mad eben
crankkk_: ging null dann bei mir

man ist immer nur so gut wie der gegner es zulässt

tNy. :one of you is not like the others ;)

Skoll : wi chammer gepo first pick mache xD
.gepo' : "lol wiso ish dr gepo firstpick" - Skoll 2k17
Trayder : fühlsch di krass?
Trayder : im internet bisch scho guet
.gepo' : humor not found
Trayder : chat nöd du low

entityy [play.esea.net] : nice cheats
entityy [play.esea.net] : just stfu
entityy [play.esea.net] : reporte dto esea admin
entityy [play.esea.net] : and valve

elewd : gepo dont go polylan pls [i.imgur.com]

supreme. : gepo type exit in console u dumb ♥♥♥♥

heartz baby22'♥: your the best monkey on csgo

logaddress_add 1

-fullscreen -novid -tickrate 128 -console -maxdownloadsizemb 300 +clientport 27006 -untrusted -allow_third_party_software
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Lock and Load ARK, Dagmersellen #1 [lockandload.ch]
EEvent #9, St.Gallen #3 [battlefy.com]
EEvent #X, Burgdorf #5-8 [battlefy.com]
Odyssee 2018, Schaffhausen #1 [odyssee2018.challonge.com]
EEvent #12, St. Gallen #3 [battlefy.com]
SwitzerLAN 2019, Bern #5-8 [battlefy.com]
SwitzerLAN 2021, Bern #5-8 [battlefy.com]
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kid's bunnyhopping all the way through ivy out middle and through our connector... through... FROM IVY, OUT MIDDLE, THROUGH OUR CONNECTOR, LIKE A SPEED DEMON... OH MY GOD, REPORT!
In Chat
𝗆𝗒𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼 18 Jan @ 7:06am 
Lacho Faceitlvl 10 und verliert trotzdem :)
Praefectus Patata 2 Jan @ 2:36pm 
+rep yes, geili sieche in cs 2. ABsolute flame im chat, aber respektvoll sali gsait. BIG UP
EdShotMachin 23 Dec, 2024 @ 6:09am 
+rep... sucking D better than his mother and sister
R4v3n 18 Nov, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
-rep big piece of cheat
Feef 26 Aug, 2024 @ 2:45pm 
nice gepo!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 1 Aug, 2024 @ 12:48pm 
bot :D