Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Add me on all gammin' @Bravo315. I am Currently playing May 2013:
PS3: Rayman Origins, MGS4
X360: Crackdown 2, Crysis 3
PC: Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto IV: LCPD:FR

Currently wanting; The Last of Us, Saints Row IV, Grand Theft Auto V

[Gamer info]: I have a 5 year old cat called Twiglet. She has no idea how to meow yet and squeeks like a semi-retarded chipmunk. She has a white belly and looks strangely like an owl although I'm sure she's a cat. She has a white fluffy belly. She is scared of pretty much everything, but I don't blame her since she is from Botswana but her English is pretty good. She is not a vegitarian because she eats meat. Once I cought her rubbing herself against a wooden door frame. It was an akward moment as she just stood there frozen exchanging glances. A day later she was neutared so she's technically not a girl anymore which I couldn't care less about because I'm not a cat. I also play videogames.

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FX 12 May, 2024 @ 8:27am 
New steam, who dis?
Upturned Walrus 2 Aug, 2013 @ 10:50am 
Upturned Walrus 27 Jul, 2012 @ 1:25pm 
I like big butts and I cannot lie, you othat bruthas can't deny
Upturned Walrus 4 Jul, 2012 @ 4:19am