
bluetrazyn 最近的評論

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總時數 22.4 小時 (評論時已進行 19.3 小時)
Ah space marine 2... a fantastic game, but don't expect too much or you will be very disappointed.

The moment to moment gameplay is excellent. The story is great (the actions of certain characters don't make any sense, but hey that's typical in 40k). Sound design is excellent.


1. The 6 missions in the co-op pve mode wear thin quickly. There is a ton of customization and progression across 6 different characters (which is AWESOME) but there is simply not enough here to reach level 25 without content getting extremely repetitive. If you continue increasing the difficulty as you level up, one levelup occurs every 1-2 missions. There are 6 total missions. That means 50 victories to max level. So to max out ONE class, you would end up playing each mission EIGHT TIMES (if you spread it out evenly).

2. The operations mode at higher difficulties are very unbalanced and break all immersion. It's very challenging for the wrong reasons. Small fodder shred through ceramite power armor and sponge up multiple bolter shots (this applies even if your character is the recommended level for substantial/ruthless difficulty).

3. The campaign ends with a cliffhanger/sequel bait. Again. Hopefully we won't have to wait another 11 years for the next one!

All in all, a GOOD game worth your time/money. Definitely better than the first. However, don't go into it expecting a Dan Abnett novel in video game form. 40k video games have yet to hit their stride.
張貼於 9 月 14 日。 最後編輯於 9 月 14 日。
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總時數 44.2 小時
At least this game has a working flamethrower in it.
張貼於 8 月 7 日。
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總時數 4.0 小時
This game takes 1/30th the hard drive space of Modern Warfare 2023, yet it's twice as fun.
張貼於 6 月 11 日。
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總時數 0.4 小時 (評論時已進行 0.3 小時)
> who are you?
> why don't you have a valid ID?
> why is your suit damaged?
張貼於 6 月 10 日。
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481 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
40 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 0.6 小時 (評論時已進行 0.1 小時)
The personal information Activision collects and sells includes:

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Personal information AUTOMATICALLY collected (with no ability to opt out):

-WEBSITES VISITED before and after you use a Property (so they can check your browser history for an unspecified time before and after shutting down the game)
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Various Activision Blizzard group companies, which may use the personal information for their own marketing purposes

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Without a doubt the most dirty and predatory EULA and privacy agreement I have ever had the displeasure of reading, much less signing. And unlike Sony (who at least had the common decency to make this feature optional in singleplayer games), you HAVE to provide this information and create an Activision account just for the privilege of playing the singleplayer and Zombies. Singleplayer doesn't even have co-op! It only requires online functionality for singleplayer so it can data mine and stalk you.

How the mighty have fallen. You know how much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I needed to sign up for to play the original Modern Warfare Trilogy? ZERO!
張貼於 6 月 2 日。 最後編輯於 6 月 10 日。
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總時數 71.2 小時 (評論時已進行 0.1 小時)
Yes, yes, this game is not available in 177+ regions because of stupid Sony shenanigans.

We know.

That makes me all the more grateful that I live in a region where this masterpiece IS available (I didn't even know there was a legends mode until a month ago, and PSN is not required for singleplayer).

Game is stable (for now, not very far in) - I'll update this review if I run into issues.
張貼於 5 月 16 日。
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總時數 6.6 小時
This is a game that truly lives up to the "early access" label - you have to take that label at face value. This isn't a basically complete product, and IT ISN'T PRICED THAT WAY. What I find more encouraging is the developers seem committed to following through on their vision for a complete Incursion Red River. So I'm inclined to give them the $17 usd in good faith.

That said, what you get for the price you play is pretty great. The one map is decently large and very well detailed, combat is tense, guns feel and sound great. Even though there aren't a ton of missions there is still progression. The game feels well balanced, if you die with all your favorite stuff it feels properly devastating. And yet, it only takes a couple successful contracts to earn back enough money.

You go from being a feckless nobody with an AK to a stone-cold operator with a tricked out AUG and a Five Seven, full plate carrier and NODs. It feels earned, and I love it.
張貼於 4 月 22 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 11.9 小時
I feel like the game has an english translation purely to taunt you with how confusing and meaningless the plot is. It got to the point where I switched the language back to japanese so I could just completely disengage with the story and just fight things.

Project Wingman is infinitely better.
張貼於 4 月 2 日。
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總時數 250.1 小時 (評論時已進行 0.3 小時)
Review at capacity. Please try again later.

I'm sure the game is great and I doubt either Sony or Arrowhead could predict how insanely successful their launch has been, but the server capacity issues prevent me from recommending this game to others. I will happily change my tune once the game is actually consistently playable.

EDIT: The game is consistently playable now, and oh my goodness, I am beyond impressed with the work of the developers. They essentially tripled the capacity of their servers in less than two weeks. That's insane. Very excited for the upcoming fixes!

EDIT 2: The game is consistently playable (though some times are more consistent than others), and I'm still impressed with the work of the developers. However, this game has basically been a constant two steps forward while taking one and a half steps back.

Launch: super fun but unbalanced, low server capacity, armor did not work

Stability fixes: fun and consistently playable, most weapons/tacticals were still unviable. However, there is hope - mechs incoming. Super hyped.

Post balance patch: most weapons and strats are viable (even the railgun), but enemies spawns were stealth buffed to be double what they were previously. Significantly less fun or fair to fight.

Arrival of mechs: we have mechs, and they're fun, but they also kinda suck. They cannot be resupplied, you only get two per mission every 10 minutes, and regular rocket troops can insta-gib them.

This game is constantly, agonizingly short of being something great. I love it, and I hate it.

EDIT 3: new warbonds drop with extremely fun and potent weapons, which are immediately nerfed because of how popular they are... what?

EDIT 4: PSN account now REQUIRED for play. Are you serious? I can't even play the game now!

EDIT 5: Sweet liberty we actually did it! PSN account no longer required lol. Now we need to get back on track and fix all the other issues like anemic game balance, broken enemy spawning, a buff to mechs, etc. I've never switched my review from positive to negative so many times.

EDIT 6: The June 13 patch is AWESOME! We are SO BACK my fellow Helldivers! Orbital gatling barrage go BRRRRRRRRRR

EDIT 7: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
張貼於 2 月 20 日。 最後編輯於 8 月 6 日。
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總時數 0.0 小時
The increased price is fully justified here.

Not only does this pack add four weapons instead of the usual three, but this is the ONLY weapon pack where I would say all weapons in the pack are excellent. In the past, a weapon pack would come out and *maybe* two of the weapons would be good and one would be clearly subpar. Example: US Pack 2. We got the M79 Grenade launcher, a low damage alternative to the vanilla rocket launcher... and then an underperforming battle rifle and a highly inaccurate, high fire rate SMG (where your vanilla alternative, the MP5, already has a high fire rate and is MUCH more accurate).

Here we have:

1. The Makarov: lower damage, high accuracy low recoil alternative to the Klauke. Probably the worst of the four, and its not even that bad. You usually only use your sidearm to pop runners anyway so the difference in damage isnt that noticeable.

2. The Skorpion: now we're talking. Finally a weapon to blow all your 32 auto on. It's a great weapon in it's intended role: a short range backup that can zap two or three runners or ticks that are a bit too close for comfort. It's also the only full auto sidearm in the game which I personally think is really cool.

3. The Mosin: unquestionably the best non 50-cal sniper rifle in the game. It can legitimately compete with the vanilla 50-cal in terms of damage. Unfortunately, every sniper rifle in the game has to compete with the experimental 50-cal, and the Mosin (as I expected) comes up short. Still, it's a great ammo conservator against small and even medium sized machines. Two clips can reliably kill a hunter of any grade if you hit a component for all ten shots.

4. The PKM: hands down, the best non-experimental LMG in the game. With the proper augments, it is arguably the best LMG in the game. Great fire rate, significantly harder to control than the KVM59 and 89. Compensates with sheer damage. It's damage per bullet is higher than the SVD, a DMR. 250 rounds with an extended mag. Give it EMP detonation, give it extra accuracy (i personally use slow and steady but crouching tiger works too). Boom. Now you are putting rounds exactly in the enemy weakpoints, stunning them, and dealing great damage. It's basically a full auto sniper rifle. Finally a weapon that can free me from the cult of the rail gun. Probably the only weapon that can compete is the Experimental KVM59, with the lightning, and even then you would need to be lighting up quite a few enemies in a large group for it to be effective (also risking self-damage). I may be in love.

So there you go. Buy this pack. It's the best one. There is something truly fantastic here for everybody.

As usual, finding the gold versions for these weapons is a pain in the ass, and let's not mention the pain of finding good attachments for these... But if you're genuinely getting frustrated, there are mods for that.
張貼於 2 月 4 日。
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