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Recenzii recente de Angel

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191.9 ore înregistrate
Player base since they have missed on the updates since season 2 has been whiny babies. I play quick cash only unless I'm dragged into world tour with friends. I have had people either actively throw games and complain, be racist/homophobic dropping the n-word/calling people f*ggots. I honestly cannot recommend even with how much time I wish I could invest. Light meta is fun for the 3rd season in a row.

Edit: Adding on, netcode has lead to me missing melees, hitting shots I shouldn't have, and some how, some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way lights can appear when they made no noise prior and just kill you because netcode funny haha.

The game has feature favored the lights, arguably the most popular class by nature because they haven't figured out that while people like fast game play that does a lot of killing, not everyone likes getting ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over by it. Especially when it doesn't feel fair.

You also have no kill cams to see if someone's cheating, there's rampant toxicity and no rewards for reporting anymore (i haven't seen a thank you for reporting since season 1.) You are incentivized heavily to play the meta. Heavies have one or two functional load-outs.

I also cannot abide by the performance issues. This game ran fine at launch and has only progressively ran worse and worse with each season. I do not like the direction the game has gone and it has consistently shown that it is no longer worth playing.

Summary: uninstall if you want to have fun casually. You are not rewarded for playing casually anymore and trying to have fun, with the lack of fixes to the game, have lead this from being a game I would beg people to play, to a game I couldn't beg myself to play anymore.
Postat 14 ianuarie. Editat ultima dată 16 ianuarie.
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I'm just doing this for the cards man. It's better now though.
Postat 27 noiembrie 2024.
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I tried to play this game twice, both of which resulted in me crashing at the character creation screen with my pc just refusing to respond even outside the game. I think the fact that this game even bothered to be compared to lego batman 3, and the marvel heroes games despite being newer is an insult to the other lego games.
Postat 10 iulie 2024.
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43.8 ore înregistrate (43.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Dirty Bomb is a game that I certainly wish I got to play more of, and definitely wish got the hug of love over Overwatch at this point.

This does not mean it has no flaws, nor that I'm a major contributor to love of it, but I see and want to recognize love and potential for it.


The game FEELS good to play, the gun play and speed of the game feels FANTASTIC

The visuals, while dated, still hold up to this day.

Simple objectives which makes it easy to pick up.

TTK is short, but fair, guns are somewhat varied between mercenaries, and the overall feeling of this game is nothing short of fantastic. However...


The mercs are expensive and/or take lots of time, the load-out cards are inherent to the game-play with them, but touching on that later

The movement isn't clearly explained nor consistent in execution (there is a minimum time you must travel in air to reach the apex of it to get certain jumps

Matchmaking (when it WAS there) was poor, and didn't match up skill to skill (which is inherent, there was no ranking system)

All of that aside, what is Dirty Bomb, and why should you play it? Dirty Bomb is a fast paced mercenary based load-out use free to play first person shooter, with each mercenary boasting their own unique ability and kit outside of the weapons.

The game feels and FLOWS fantastically even if joining lobbies late can disorient you because the objectives aren't explained at the start of each load-in. Short rundown: kills are nice, but aren't the goal, objective based game-play is the most important thing, regardless of how well you kill the enemies. The kills help you complete the objective.

What made me fall in love with DB is how fast paced and well put together the game feels even if the pricing and pacing can be confusing.

For all intents and purposes I will say: Play at your own risk.

There are players who have multiple hundreds if not thousands of hours, with load-out cards they've obtained that have optimized perks, weapons, and operators. These systems are not necessarily important if you can out aim and out play the enemy, but these perks give you tactical advantage at times. Such as reduced audio made while sprinting as one I personally abuse.

There are only community servers remaining, so there is officially NO matchmaking input (though you can typically vote to reshuffle by skill in these servers.)

If you do decide to play this game, please know that you're going to get your stuff rocked, but there will be players willing to help you understand the game. If you have any questions, please comment and I'll definitely try to reply as I can.
Postat 27 iunie 2024.
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2 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
66.2 ore înregistrate
I have a whopping 2171 hours in Overwatch as a whole in game time only, not counting any menu time. This game has consistently slapped me in the face and makes me wonder why I hold out hope for a game who's only hope is another mega-corporation buying out the current mega-corporation and making it better.

My hopes for this game are in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and yet, I'll continue to play. Be that for memories, occasional good balance moments, but I haven't really played this game in months, and am only assistant coaching at this point.

Edit: Still ♥♥♥♥, they gave hopes for the future, not much else.

Edit 2: Still ♥♥♥♥. I had quit. The game killed my want to play, improve etc. I've since moved onto better titles.
Postat 14 august 2023. Editat ultima dată 11 noiembrie 2024.
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play it, is good, probably gonna go back and 100% it.

EDIT: after beating the game and attempting ogita, ♥♥♥♥ disco
Postat 19 noiembrie 2021. Editat ultima dată 24 noiembrie 2021.
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Imagine if this game had a workshop to it, endless content in co-op form with good puzzles. Great game anyways. Love how it feels to play and how it plays with a co-op partner.
Postat 27 august 2021.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Despite my time in this game, it reminds and heavily leans on tried and true mechanics that made me fall in love with satisfactorio.
Postat 26 noiembrie 2020.
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It's okay, steep learning curve but fun
Postat 29 noiembrie 2019.
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39.9 ore înregistrate (33.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat 29 noiembrie 2019.
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