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162.9 hrs on record (93.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Not bad.
Posted 2 January, 2022. Last edited 31 March, 2023.
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720.7 hrs on record (578.7 hrs at review time)
Best game ever. I play both survivor and killer and suggest anyone who plays to do the same. It makes you realize why a player is doing something. You learn the game from two prospectives allowing you to accel in both. In terms of game play put your head bands on its about to get sweaty! Don't t bag or bm just makes you look like an azz
Posted 30 November, 2021.
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177.3 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
I think the game itself is great so much to do pvp is awesome game runs great. Questing is fun and rewarding. However yes the servers are having a heart attack with logins. Once your are in its perfectly stable no lag. But I do not agree with all the people just being childish because they didn't wake up early enough to get in the game. I was up at 7 am servers launched at 8 I was playing by 9. I played for several hours and got off to play another game. The negative reviews are based off salty people with no patience any game on day one has server issues and new world is no exception give it time. The reasonable thing to do is wait play something else come back when things start to stabilize. Yall look stupid whining about a game being so good that every single server is packed.
Posted 28 September, 2021.
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6.1 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
I personally did not listen to the reviews The complaints are just stupid and too critical. I did however buy the game and have had nothing but fun and met some great people. Yes it could use some work but sheesh its day one. Its cheap in tems of cost and offers alot. I would say buy the game and return it if you dont like it. I can tell you the reviews are Just stupid and sound like 5 year olds. They mechanics of combat are fun and combinations are endless. You need to play very carefully or you simply get stomped. I am running this on a 10900k and rtx 3080 graphics looks good idk why that's a complaint either
Posted 22 June, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
192.0 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
I personally love the game. I waited a few hours after it launched so I did not experience any of the disconnecting issues. I was however getting some shutting and fps drops and im running a 3080. That being said I found a solution to that and the game runs perfect for me maxed out 1440p 144hz. In 12 hours I have invested so far I think I crashed MAYBE 3 time. Not to bad. The gameplay itself is very fun and rewarding. It has a way of kicking your butt while still making you feel very powerful. I can honestly recommend the game. And I would say of your concerned about the negative reviews with less then 2 hours in game. Buy it if it sucks refund it. Not a huge deal. But its hard to to judge a game with 2 hours or less played. If you watched cutscenes and whatever you didn't even make it past the first main missions.
Posted 2 April, 2021.
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133.3 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very fun game. Lots of scares and good times. Just wish I had more friends who would play it. 100% worth its money.
Posted 6 October, 2020.
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4,033.5 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Best game ever. 2400 hours before steam launch. Thousands more to come. Try the free model then buy shadow keep :) You won't ever turn back. EDIT. so I have put another 2700 hours in this game. Still say you should try the free model and get hooked!
Posted 1 October, 2019. Last edited 4 October, 2022.
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38.4 hrs on record (30.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have decided to give my feedback based on my 30 hours of gameplay that I have currently.

I have played a fair amount of dead by daylight and naturally that why I tried Deathgarden. I played it before it relaunch and it wasnt great then. However now the game is going strong in the right direction. To be honest its biggest flaw is baby killers who want the win served on a silver platter. The dev's listen and respond quickly. As for the gameplay, if I could I'd play this game non stop. Something about the killers give me more fear and adrenaline one second you happily collecting blood the next you here hardcore music and BAM shotgun ragdolled off the map. Its hilarious. Team play is really good. However I find alot of players misunderstand the overall objectives. So I will explain in short. Scavengers are best played keeping in somewhat close proximity to each other. This sounds like common sense but the amount of players I see die due to trying to be a one man army is silly. If you work as a team you can win against the killer. Mark everything you can and take risks. Your experience of knowing the killer can vault across the map can be scary if he manages to land close to you before you find a hiding spot. As for the killer gameplay. I do really enjoy the killer in this game but I main scav. So the killer own the battle feild as he should where I do find the issue is as a killer your ultimate goal is to dominate all 5 survivors. HOWEVER you get insanely more xp allowing then to pick up their mate a few times and just keep drowning them. I found this to get the most xp. And most killers concentrate way to hard on the win. To the point where some games can feel like your against the most try hard dude out there. That's just how I feel. And I dont understand the approach. All in all the game is great. And the community is growing. treat yourself and a friend to the game. They give you a free copy with every purchase. So your buying two essentially for the price of one.
Posted 8 July, 2019.
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43.6 hrs on record (36.4 hrs at review time)
This game is great and even better with frieends. Just make sure your host has good internet cause it seems to be sensitive to alot of dsync. Also one complaint i do have is the coop tether of about 350 meters making some situations really annoying. Example: mission says follow the chopper by wingsuit or atv. someone falls behind slightly or maybe they crashed or w.e it maybe. And nect thing u know everyones screen starts to go red and says going to far from partner. This has not been a huge deal although i dont see the point in the tether as its more or a annoying thing to deal with rather then helpful. It wont always tp the users together but often times will just kill off the ones who maybe got left back and they respawn on foot near the host. Again if he is driving or in the air or w.e it maybe you spawn and get left back fall to your death or the host dies mission fails. Other then anything related to player distance the gaame is amazming. the graphics and surroundings are so nice. Story is well put together and the freedome over how to do it is in your hands. The dsync related issues i have encountered with one of my friends is models of a vehical just straight up changing for other users and not the host by this i mean we had a boat with a mounted gun did a mission close enough to see the boat upon finishing the three of us jump in and the host just vanished. the boat had changed for me and the other user however the host still had a mounted gun. all we could see was him floating and rubber banding behind the boat. This isnt to push any negative twords the game from me but to let somee people who dont have the best connection know. Let your host be the one with a good network oor everyone will suffer but the host.
Posted 6 April, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
99.5 hrs on record (97.4 hrs at review time)
Raid WW2 well im going to give my opinion. Raid is a extremely fun game great maps a fun authentic feeling ww2 experience. Gun play is spot on Graphics i mean my game looks mint in 4k. i get a solid 60 fps maxed out for days and as i said in 4k. So i do not see performance issues what so ever. And im going to get flack for this but i feel all the people who bash this game into no end... they wanted payday 3. Now for the users yes they are a little slim But when i play payday and go pubs i dont find anyone? And if i do they are cheating cause its allowed. Payday on both games had very very rocky releases and so did raid. But i feel like with a small amount of feedback from the community WHO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME MORE THEN 20 HOURS. Will go a long way. the bugs are minimal crashing does not happen for me. The one thing that really bothers me of this game has nothing to do with gameplay. Its the price i feel 40$ for the game with its current content is a huge joke. Do i recommend this game 100%. Should you wait for a sale? Sadly yes. as much of the game that i love is does lack content esp for being 40 bucks. Now all i can say to that is i really hope dlc is gonna be free for a while. Cause if they charge for as much as payday does this games gonna hit rock bottom. That being said i do recommend this game. If cost is an issue id say deff wait for another sale to come. If your like me and money is only a number. Go get it. If you are a critic well you should move on the games needs gamers not morons who find one issue and leave after 10 hours of game play and go write a bad reveiw about them being trash. Bots are a littl dumb at times but for the most part will help me quite alot in solo play. stealth i actually find fun as you cant kill from range so you must selct your target carefully and take him down without noise. All im saying is the game is alot of fun and i dont think it deserves "mixed" reveiws what people dont get is you just stick it out for a while you will be heard the devs are very responsive to the community. Thats all and thank you for reading my review. And any raiders who maybe dont like solo and say they cant find a lobby add me on steam i play a bit every day.And i will glasly accept a fellow raider. Dont be a troll or ill just ban all conenctions with you
Posted 6 November, 2017. Last edited 6 November, 2017.
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