[cLeRkS] kevlar.
Wes   Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
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Currently Online
RoscoSmesh 13 Oct, 2022 @ 6:52pm 
nice stache boi
[cLeRkS] eladds 24 Jun, 2013 @ 10:47am 
Hey everyone, we have a new clerks facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/470238303056861/
many of you have joined , and we can now see what you look like by the pictures you posted. This is just another step towards building a fun community of fellow clerks. By the way, many old time clerks are returning to enjoy the fun, please welcome them as you get to meet them.


[cLeRkS] eladds 12 May, 2013 @ 5:14pm 
To all admins ,
I have seen a few things that I feel I need to clear up for all of our admins.
We have rules to obey, and we expect everyone to abide by them.As admins and leaders of our clan we want to set a good example. So if we have a rule , like the 5 V 5 rule for example we need to follow that rule. I don't want to hear of admin abuse,and admins arguing with anyone in game.In any server we will have some complaints,and we will try to follow up on complaints if needed.So far we all have done well as admins , so keep up the good work and avoid drama.
One last comment about rules, the bunny hopping is not accepted as one of our rules. But a lot of players do it on other servers, and if they forget please REMIND them . If someone bunny hops a few seconds at the end of a round I tend to look the other way.Just use good judgement in how you carry out your authority because it is a privilege to have it.
Let's make a strong effort to "Play to have Fun, but with Class"
shyhook 20 Feb, 2013 @ 5:32pm 
[cLeRkS] eladds 8 Feb, 2013 @ 10:20am 
Greetings clerks, I am happy to see alot of you playing on our new server, I know as time moves on the amount of players will increase. I need to remind all of you to try to donate as much as you can afford to help keep the server running.
Even if it is a small donation it will help. Here is the web site, please register and help donate . http://gmclan.clanservers.com

Thanks for your help!

[cLeRkS] eladds 26 Jan, 2013 @ 4:59pm 
Attention all clerks, We have joined forces with the ~g*M~ clan to build a community server. Twisted Lidd , Ducky and myself will still be your leaders, and if you have questions regarding the server or admin control please contact us.
I don't feel like I need to remind all of you to be good citizens on our server.
Just remember to " PLAY TO HAVE FUN , BUT WITH CLASS"
I also don't want to hear negative things said about other servers, it is just a game. everyone is welcome to play there. Server location