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171.9 hrs on record (167.5 hrs at review time)
Cute but hard.

The cheapest way to cheat for AI, is target ONLY you in a FREE 4 ALL game, regardless how many AI players existing, I guess, AI should be considered as win when real player been defeated.
In the perfect game, the map generator, is prefer to put you into a 1 city challenge at center of the map, all nearby neutral cities are easy access for AI and you're hard to hold it.
AI knows where're the ruins, ignored the mist.
If you refused to accept losses(by restart game or abandon game), then Cymantis at EVERY GAME and NO MORE ADDTIONAL SWORDMAN.

在完美遊戲中, 地圖產生器會試圖把你放在最中間的位置, 然後附近的中立城市都能輕易的被電腦控制(而你守不住), 強迫你玩一城市挑戰.

電腦知道遺跡在那裡, 會派兵直接去開, 然後拿菁英劍兵來殺爆你.
Posted 1 December, 2024. Last edited 14 February.
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24.1 hrs on record
Your salvo hit random targets and harmless against enemy.
AI build stealth device, always, it's easiest way to cheat when you can't see them.

AI salvo hits you PRECISE, 3 hits drain your shields, another 3 hits destroy your turrets, then you're dying.(rebuild? impossible, each build would be removed by precise AI firepower.)

I've kept this game in my small HDD for 2 years, but recently AI growth, fine, I need more HDD space instead to keep this game in my HDD.
Final, sorry for my bad RTS skill, others may do better than myself.
Posted 29 August, 2024. Last edited 29 August, 2024.
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97.5 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
My rating: 2.5/10.
This game deserved an episode in ANGRY VIDEO GAME NERD show!
DON'T BUY THIS GAME FOR YOUR KIDS, it's may caused mental problems for kids.

It's looking like a "relax" game?? NOPE! More HARDCORE than you thought, a mistake plus a critical failure = YOU DOOMED!
OVERRATED game, LUCKY above everything else.

With low quality humor, bad beginning phase and difficult battles with load of AI cheats.
It's teaching you the word "FRUSTRATION" and keep mocking you; then, those BAD humors are NOT funny.

1. A group of "adventurer" in high school mind age.
(dwarf is children and orge is idiot mind age)

2. The beginning is very hard even in tavern difficult level, your "heroes" die instantly, got killed within 3 hits.
(ALL AI mobs are using game mechanics and give you a lot of extra damage, oh, most of your AOOs are missing.)

3. CRITICAL FAILURES: it's really critical, enough to wipe your team out.
I'D SUFFERED 2 F__KING CRITICAL FAILURE at 1st turn, what kind of S__TY game could put such hostile toward players???

4. Bad humors, some of them were came from other games or table RPG.
(I've played table RPG many years ago----most of D&D----I know what's that.)

5. AI Cheating list:
5A. AI units are always have last stand HP, you have to give it's final blow.
5B. Your critical is only applying against low HP enemy, most damage done are overkill.
Enemies have better critical hit chance, more your HP, better chance to critical hit for AI.
5C. AI see your thief, even they're hiding.(without detectors!)
5D. AI can easy dodge your attack, even backstab.
5E. Animals like mice or chickens:
They know how to battle in group and game mechanics, that's F__KING SMART!
5F. Your "heroes" have about 10% to do CRITICAL FAILURE.
(in D&D, you may rolled 1(with 20 sided dice), that's 5%, and DM may not consider it's "critical failure".)
5G. AI units may use "LATE GAME" skills against you regardless your party level.
(In D&D, Lv 5 party have to fight with enemies with Lv15 skills/spells.)
5H. Endless enemy kick out(ranged units kick you EVERY F__KING TURN)
5I. Endless enemy grenades, they can keeping throw grenades until you doomed.
5J. Most of enemies are able to AOE plus debuff in late game.
(and you have many skills need staying together)
5KAt same courage numbers, AI moves 1st. What a easy f__king cheat.
5L. AI thieves' stealth without cooling down time.(but you have 4 turns CD after end of stealth.)
5M. AI can mind control your unit.
5N. AI's elite units can ATTACK TWICE.(by now, I'm except there are 5 attacks per turn for AI)
5O. Deploy phase before battles, MOST of your location is EXTREME BAD, no cover, always give AI chance to backstab or flank attack.
5P. AI dodge your attack more often than it's actual dodge rating.
5Q. CRITICAL FAILURE times >>> critical hit times.

6. You CAN'T switch your team members.
6A. Pick one of three is forever until the end.

7. Beware, there're many Allāhu akbar mobs in the game.
Why not give us a Allāhu akbar mob armed with nuclear bomb and wipe the party within 1 sec??

8, This f__king game deserve give players a fight with
Lv 5 party with 8 members VS Lv 25 foes with 80 of them.

9. Serious equipment restriction and hostile drops.
9A: Most of equipment are only suitable for ONE. Except belts, necklaces and rings are free for all.
9B: Any equipment you've got/bought, it's may drop multiple times, drop SUCKS.(1 member can wear it and you may have 3 of that.)

10. Characters have TONS of skills need other teammate nearby to work.
Just suitable for AI's AOEs.

個人評價: 2.5/10
別買這個遊戲送小孩, 很可能造成心理陰影..

電腦作弊與高機率的"毀滅性失誤", 毀了遊戲.
別被喜劇畫風騙了, 這是個"硬派"戰棋, 一個錯誤的決定加一個毀滅性失誤 = 你得重打.
評價過高的遊戲, 運氣決定一切.

低水準的幽默感, 糟糕的初期階段, 充滿作弊的艱難戰鬥.
這個遊戲會教你什麼叫"挫折感",而且一直嘲弄著你, 而那些爛笑話不是看過了, 就是很難笑.

1. 一群只有中學生心智的冒險者.
(其中矮人更是小孩等級, 巨魔則是智障)

2. 就算是旅店等級, 初級也非常困難, 你的角色很容易三招就被瞬殺了.

3. "毀滅性失誤": 真的是很毀滅, 足以讓你直接滅團.
我可以在第一回合就發生兩次致命失誤, 是什麼樣的爛遊戲帶著如此的敵意來對待玩家?

4. 低水準幽默. 有一些是來自其他遊戲, 甚至是桌上角色扮演.
(我很多前前有玩過桌上角色扮演, 主要是龍與地下城, 所以, 我還記得那是怎麼一回事.)

5. 電腦作弊列表.
5A. 電腦單位通常都會剩下1-3不等的才血, 你必須多浪費一個攻擊來收拾.
5B. 你的致命一擊只會對殘血的敵人打出, 造成巨大過量擊殺.(偶爾會對一般狀態的怪打出,但那就是賽)
電腦打你是怎麼打怎麼致命, 而且你血條越高, 致命機會越高.
5C. 電腦看的到你的賊潛行在那, 所以規劃路線時你會看到:
5C-1. 電腦規畫路線避免被玩家控制的賊機會攻擊.
5C-2. 電腦故意觸發你的潛行賊機會攻擊現形 , 電腦再集中隊友把賊打死.
5D. AI可以輕易躲開你的攻擊, 甚至背刺.
5E. 動物類像雞或老鼠, 也懂的使用遊戲機制和各種戰術行動, 幹你娘, 真聰明啊.
5F. 角色的致命失誤機率奇高無比, 估計約10%的致命失誤機率.(電腦約1%)
(在桌上RPG裡面, 你骰到1, 是5%機率, 但是DM可以決定是不是屬於致命失誤.)
5G. 電腦敵人可以直接使用後期遊戲的技能, 才不管你的隊伍等級多低.
5H. 敵人的遠程兵, 可以對你的角色用"踢"擊退, 每回合都能用.(幹你媽的, 乾脆把我們從法國踢飛到英國好了)
5I. 敵人的手榴彈幾乎無限多, 光是靠手榴彈就有可能把你砸到滅團.
5J. 後期遊戲中, 大半的電腦兵都有範圍攻擊技能, 而且還會帶負屬性.
(然後, 你的角色有一堆技能, 要擠在一起才會作用)
5K. AI的行動永遠比你快.(雖然勇氣值決定移動順序, 但數字相同時就是電腦先動)
5L. 電腦的賊, 潛行沒有冷卻時間.(而你的賊脫離潛行後, 要4回合冷卻)
5M. 電腦能心控你的兵.
5N. 後期的電腦兵, 有點"地位"的都能攻擊兩次.(我早晚會見到電腦一回合可以攻擊五次的兵)
5O. 你會發現, 多數的戰鬥, 你都會在非常差的位置開始, 沒有掩護, 或是方便電腦側面攻擊或背刺的地形.
5P. 電腦的閃躲, 比你看到顯示出來的數字還要高的多.
5Q. 致命一擊的次數 <<< 毀滅性失誤的次數.

6. 你不能更換隊友.
6A. 隊友三選一, 其效果是持續到遊戲結束.

7. 小心,很多怪會衝過來阿拉花瓜, 而你只有那個貧弱的小水槍火力.
乾脆萊一隻阿拉花瓜怪背著核彈如何? 保證一秒滅團, 讓玩家放棄遊戲.

8. 這種設計, 乾脆給玩家用8位5級團隊去打80個25級敵人算了.

9. 嚴厲的裝備限制和帶敵意的掉落.
9A. 多數的裝備只有一個人可以使用, 只有腰帶, 項鍊跟戒指是通用部位.
9B. 你已經撿過/買過的裝, 會有較高重複掉落率, 幹你娘故意的是吧??(你只有一個人能穿, 然後同一件裝備掉三件.)

10. 你的角色有一堆技能, 需要大家靠的夠近才會生效, 剛好送電腦漫天亂飛的手榴彈跟範圍攻擊炸爽爽.
Posted 16 November, 2023. Last edited 23 November, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 17 Nov, 2023 @ 2:09am (view response)
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67.8 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
1. Mad Game Tycoon "Lite".
2. Many events.
3. Study Japanese Game history.
4. Stable game with smaller size and low hardware requirement.
5. Pixel humor.

1. Your 3A games are always suffering from f+u_c+king negative events.
1A. The WORST events are included system crash and blackout, both would decrease your game rating and YOU CAN'T RECOVERY FROM DAMAGE!
I'd made 5 games, 3 of them suffered from system crash and blackout, I'd DELETE 2 of them at f+u_c+king debug phase, wasted millions and over an year.
1B. No back up system or upgrades could avoid such frustrating events.
2. Single save,
3. Limited options.

1. 瘋狂遊戲大亨簡易版.
2. 多種事件.
3. 觸級日本的遊戲業發展史.
4. 穩定程式, 遊戲尺存小巧也不需要高級硬體.
5. 幽默畫風.

1. 你的3A大作永遠會遭遇到一些幹他媽的負向事件.
1A. 最糟的事件包括系統損毀和停電, 而且造成的損失你無法恢復.
我做五個遊戲, 一個遭遇停電, 兩個系統崩潰, 其中兩個我因此怒刪(開發進度到除蟲階段), 浪費我好幾百萬跟超過一年工時.
1B. 沒有備用系統或升級, 可以讓你避開這些極為令人憤怒的事情.
2. 單一進度.
3. 有限自由度.
Posted 30 July, 2023. Last edited 1 August, 2023.
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183.1 hrs on record (31.0 hrs at review time)
歐洲人專用, 非洲人退散, 至少我遭遇到的機率都遠比作者宣稱的要糟糕的多.
喜歡被虐的來, 討厭被虐的人滾


1. 電腦會經常派人潛入你家洗劫,你衛兵的警戒沒到達9,就有可能得手.
(作者說白天是20%機率被搶,但我四天被搶兩次,20%? 我呸)
2. 玩家的機率要減半看待,尤其開鎖.
45%: 10次成功2次就算謝天謝地.
60%: 大概開4次成功1次
75%: 大概開3次成功1次.(但我有過75%開了5次才成功)
90%: 大概開3次成功2次.
3. 打獵:
45%: 大概4次成功1次.
60%: 大概3次成功1次.
75%: 一半一半
90% 大概3次成功2次.
4A.挖礦(一樣要一個人到旁邊.), 生存技能是影響你不會弄斷礦鎬的機率, 最好假設一定會出怪.
(目前碰過最屎的情況,一個礦點共接敵五次,路上兩群,挖礦出三群; 90%生存去挖礦,一樣可能出三群.)
5. 致命一擊(機率很低)
A. 電腦的機率比你高的多
B. 出現過量擊殺條件時, 你的人就容易致命一擊, 反之面對強敵, 不要指望.
6. 週期性傷害
7. 生存力.
電腦的暈技攻擊, 對玩家角色必然有效, 有可能導致全隊悉數被擊暈,
此外, 電腦會集中攻擊你被暈倒的隊友.
8. 怪物的數量與強度隨著玩家進度提升.
後期, 連原本初期區域的怪, 都會以6隻滿編上場, 護甲,血條, 抗性也同步上升.
但是, 怪物掉落和野外箱子的掉落內容/數量皆不變.

電腦會思考, 包括殭屍, 開場就大招齊飛, 包括要你技能點滿才能使用的絕技.
給你上滿debuff, 而且無視於資源限制.
(電腦的兵和技能永遠比你高級, 只是傷害比你低, 不過靠debuff跟持續輸出夠磨死你.)

Non-traditional RPG, VERY HARD in early phase.
But uneasy even in the medium game.

Anyone your man get killed, you won't able to continue anymore, have to restart.
Because you have only 5 man before late game.
Fight against enemies with unlimited resources.
In battle, AI enemies are thinking a lot, give you ALL DEBUFF as they can.
Reputation is very hard to growth, but drop easily.

Percentage cheating is disgusting.
1.Looters: 20% in the day? Yeah, 2 loots within 4 days is 20%?
50% or 100% in the night, ALWAYS have 1 man on forever guard, than you have only 4 survivors available.
With forever guard, looters chance were decreased slightly, very few attempts even in the night.
2. lock pick in what I'd suffered.
45%: 1/6
60%: 1/4
75%: 1/3
90% 2/3
3. Hunt:
45%: 1/4
60%: 1/3
75% 1/2
Never reached 90%.
4.Gathering would be getting harder and harder.
Each harvest may encounter enemies,
20%, never engaged.
20%, 1 wave.
50%, 2 waves.
10%, 3 waves.
Good for farming, but waste your time and spent a lot of ammo.
4A.Mining, worse than gathering, your survival means "not to broke the pickaxes", consider mobs are ALWAYS!
40%, 1 wave.
40%, 2 waves.
10%, 3 waves.
In worst case, I've engaged 5 waves of enemies in a mining spot.
(2 waves on the road, 3 waves when mining)
Most of critical hit are making overkill; when facing something strong, FORGOT IT!
(You must use other debuffs to increase your chance)
6. Damage over time
Enemies have their dot counts after their turn.
Gamers' dot counts when applied, than counts before each character actions.
7. Survival
Mobs have huge chance to stand with only HP 1 left.(yes, 1)
Then survived from player's turn, it's means mobs can launch another wave of attack.
Mobs' stun skills are always success against player and mobs would attack stunned guy together.
8. Mobs get stronger depend on gamer's strength.
More mobs in late game, always full 6 mob slots, and increased HP and armor.
Mob drops and resource boxes, are NEVER CHANGED.

Smart AI, even zombies,
they'd give ALL debuff as they have, even it's LATE skill, regardless resources.
Posted 4 July, 2023. Last edited 16 July, 2023.
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994.2 hrs on record (252.8 hrs at review time)
Anything smarter than HAMSTERS, they're also smarter than your DWARFS.
You're leading a group of DWARF HAMSTERS!(the most stupid hamsters)

Disasters are only hurting gamers, not hurting hostile targets.
Enemy AI is smart, always know your weakness, find somewhere can hit your turrets safety, even undeads are thinking about this, for dead brains, that's F_U_C_KING SMART!
(don't tell me about lich, vampire or undead dragons, they are highest rank of undeads)
But your dwarfs are F_U_C_KING IDIOTS, when facing tornado, they'd stunning like hamsters facing dangers.
(both dwarfs and hamsters are digging, right?)
If your guard tower been destroyed, there'll NOTHING LEFT, in a resource tighten game, how hostility intention??
DON'T LEAVE your PC or your dwarfs may commit suicide or waiting with SMILE for your resurrection.(with soul keeper)
KIA chance: Archer >> Mage > Warrior.
Each battles, archer always(sometimes, mages) 1st arrive and 1st die, never wait for warriors, don't have too many of them, or they'll drain your potions.

Positive rating, for better path finding, from "dwarf hamster -> Syrian hamster".

好玩但是"惡意滿滿", 想玩前要注意, 你指揮的是群"dwarf hamsters".
(由於過高的惡意, 所以我會給"不推")

沙漠關有龍捲風, 最密集時2分鐘生一個, 會捲走你的矮人或小型敵人,
對敵人只造成輕微傷害, 超過一個格子高的敵人捲不走, 對你的矮人可以一直捲, 掉下來再捲上去, 直到1% HP.
在一個資源匱乏, 要仔細盤算的遊戲之中, 你昂貴的砲塔被摧毀時, 將會什麼都不剩,(自己拆掉會有零件) 真是幹你媽的善意滿滿.
電腦敵人不分種族, 連不死生物都會思考, 找你的防線弱點和砲塔死角攻擊.
(砲塔死角極多,有時候還會在你想像不到的地方, 連蜘蛛都知道要找砲塔死角攻擊, 甚至當出生點.)

相對的, 你的矮人比哥不林還笨, 說是一群"酒囊飯袋"絕不過份.
剛好, 矮人跟倉鼠都很會挖洞, 但矮人比倉鼠笨就不知道怎麼解釋了.
矮人愛啤酒大家都知道, 遊戲裡也是.
你在補桌上的啤酒時, 矮人還會"故意"擋在你要補的餐桌前面, 讓你不小心點到矮人,多喝一杯(啤酒buff"效果和時長"不疊加), 無愧於"酒囊"的形容.

我方矮人的愚蠢, "讓遊戲變的更難而且充滿挫折感", 而且多年來也不修正矮人AI, 是可謂之"惡意".
你可以在蓋了靈魂容器後復活矮人, 等待復活的矮人會"不知羞恥"的在那邊笑著要你復活牠.
死亡率: 弓箭手 >> 法師 > 戰士.
每次戰鬥, 弓箭手永遠跑的最快, 然後第一個到前線送頭(偶爾是法師), 不要養太多個弓箭手, 不然喝光你的復活藥水.

改給正評, 是因為尋徑有改善, 大概從"小倉鼠變成了黃金鼠".
Posted 26 May, 2023. Last edited 2 January, 2024.
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134.5 hrs on record (128.9 hrs at review time)
電腦AI很蠢, 但作弊一流.

當你研究過電腦怎麼挖神器, 你就知道什麼叫明目張膽.(的作弊)

除非是你以前就很愛這遊戲, 不然不如去玩五代.
(五代在是三代的"精神續作", 雖然最好玩的是四代)

If you have HOMM 5, DON'T BUY THIS, 5 is far better than this and more fair play.
Posted 1 May, 2023.
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1.9 hrs on record
2代是EGS獨占專賣, 你們收了騰訊的大錢, 當然就不需要我的小錢了.
喜歡組電腦的人還是可以買來玩, 但我對騰訊的痛恨程度遠大於對這遊戲的喜愛程度, 故給負評

PBS 2 is EGS executive.
You have taken the huge amount dirty money from 10cents,
I'm not rich, so I WON'T GIVE YOU A F__K anymore
Posted 1 November, 2022. Last edited 1 November, 2022.
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53.6 hrs on record
Recently patch caused A LOT OF CRASHES.
Almost unplayable, black screen, shutdown your map(you can neither see your city nor hero team.)

Before it been fixed, I WON'T GIVE POSITIVE!

當機嚴重到難以進行遊戲, 在戰鬥中黑畫面, 甚至無故把地圖蓋上國防布.(然後你連自己城市部隊都看不到)

在修正這麼嚴重的錯誤之前, 我不推這遊戲.
Posted 25 September, 2022.
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7.5 hrs on record
A RTS mixed up with action games.
You have to aim by yourself, depend on range, it's will getting harder.

But AI cheats a lot, they can aim better than you and know where your weakness are.
AI's machine gun is FAR BETTER PRECISE than yours and shorter overheat time.
An AI's machine gun, can stop your artillery fire, but if you want to stop AI's artillery, you need 3 or more.

即時戰略混合了動作遊戲的成份, 動作遊戲的成份在於你必須手動瞄準才能打贏.

但是電腦一樣作弊, 他們瞄的比你準, 而且能夠找你的弱點攻擊.
此外, 電腦的機關槍比你的準多了, 機槍可以做為近迫武器擊落敵火, 但電腦一座機關槍的效能等於玩家三四座.
Posted 17 June, 2022.
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