ʟᴏꜱᴛ ɪɴ   Nepal
"You know, a heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating, just the same."
— Fannie Flagg, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

…………« :csgoct: Counterstrike:GlobalOffensive settings »…………
:cozyovercooked2: execb1
:flashoflightning: bind "v" "+jump; -attack; -jump"
:flashoflightning: cl_autowepswitch 0
:flashoflightning: bind c "toggle cl_righthand 0 1"
:flashoflightning: bindtoggle j voice_enable
:flashoflightning: bind X "toggle cl_crosshairsize 9999 3"
:flashoflightning: bind MWHEELUP "r_cleardecals"
:flashoflightning: cl_show_observer_crosshair 2

:flashoflightning: Dpi 800 Sens 1 ScopedSens 1.20 RawInput On
:flashoflightning: Flash: Left CTRL
:flashoflightning: Molly: Mouse 4
:flashoflightning: Smoke: Z
:flashoflightning: HE Grenade: G
:flashoflightning: Drop Weapons: CapsLock
:flashoflightning: Crouch: Left ALT
:flashoflightning: 1 Primary 2 Secondary 3 Melee 4 Cycle Utility R Reload
:flashoflightning: Tab: Scoreboard
:flashoflightning: Res- 16:9 1920x1080 Monitor- 60hz 60 Fps
:flashoflightning: Launch Options: -novid -tickrate 128

………………………………………« Crosshair »………………………………………
:csgocross: " Cyan Always Sus " :cozyrealmroyale: : CSGO-xhYZj-7A9ep-BCGHO-vNSOx-AR3ED
:csgocross: " Lightning Fast " : CSGO-Kchxe-aqMFE-Ruuid-yFpeD-V2NQC
:csgocross: " TheWhiteDeviL " : CSGO-Cp4fv-vK9PE-dj45z-bmDNN-j3UrC
:csgocross: " Four White Blocks " : CSGO-PtmB4-53Lkw-W5m3z-cDGPu-qvnkP
:csgocross: " Four White Blocks " (Dynamic) : CSGO-FY9Az-COGws-zdKqa-MDs4e-FFzQN
:csgocross: " A Dot on the head " : CSGO-xBJhT-7X9A3-xSXUW-2HRxG-kPOpP

…………………………………« Practice Config »…………………………………
sv_cheats 1;sv_infinite_ammo 1;sv_grenade_trajectory 1;mp_maxmoney 65535;mp_startmoney 65535;mp_afterroundmoney 65535;mp_buytime 60000;mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_roundtime_defuse 60;mp_restartgame 1;mp_freezetime 3;bot_kick
D3XT3r 23 Jan @ 5:18am 
dexter here bro accpect hanu la
76561199215907488 20 Oct, 2021 @ 10:42am 
Felhador 30 Jun, 2021 @ 5:38am 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat
14jewdiddler88 22 Jun, 2021 @ 2:11am 
lulida 5 May, 2021 @ 10:48am 
yo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together
assume 2 Apr, 2021 @ 7:38pm 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat