Brunei Darussalam
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Scyツ 25 Jun, 2015 @ 1:37am 
I will definitely pick up the game again sometime with a legit, paid cd-key, currently I am "whoring" CS:GO at the moment because of the low graphics requirements. But after I am getting a desktop replacement for my laptop, I will start playing different games again - and of course - CoD4 will be one of my main priorities again! One reason that I am waiting is that in CoD4 you gain advantages at 125, 250 and 333 fps. At these "locked" com_maxfps settings you can jump further and be able to do strafe jumps, bounces on sandbags and such!

Also I am pretty rusty too last time I played CoD4 (a year ago?), the experience was pretty rage inducing for me too. As I had no idea it would've be so hard to get the groove again. :)

Comment 2 of 2. (Because of 1000 characters restriction).
Scyツ 25 Jun, 2015 @ 1:36am 
I wish I could play CoD4, I changed from laptop so I don't got the game anymore, I had the cracked version. I don't really know if the game still is alive either... The memories to the game is so alive within me! The no-scopes basically consisted off using "bind CTRL "weapnext; wait 2; weapnext" for the quickswitch, doing it too fast would screw it up - too slow and it had no advantage. I digged CoD4 so much because it had many advantages for pro's instead of newer call of duty's which are more beginner friendly, one could kill a pro easily by just using a certain perk or camping tactic in those games.

Comment 1 of 2.
Autom4tic 20 Jun, 2015 @ 7:38am 
Thanks for those kind words, Scy, they really mean much to me. I won't forget you either but for different reasons. The quickscopes... - No, scratch that. - The no-scopes you were dishing out were pretty rage inducing but also pretty amazing at the same time! Much respect for your playstyle and of course for you personally.
Let's play someday. (I'm rusty but my double-switch is still pretty fast haha)

-Auto :D
Scyツ 20 Jun, 2015 @ 5:21am 
Autom4tic, the CoD4 hero. One, so wise to pull a WarZone server together. Thanks to this guy, memories haven't gotten lost throughout the years. Together with Endymion and Coiler they manage to secure and maintain a friendly playground on the 24/7 Broadcast server and others. I will never forget you mate!

Signed, Scy:]