Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn
⠀⠀   Boras, Vastra Gotaland, Sweden
Editing top comment to say this: if you for any reason think this is bs or conjured for internet likes then you are projecting. Dm me to see what I look like, or ask how you can have interesting conversations with people online easily. I ghost tons of people I don’t find interesting enough, regardless of how “hot” they are. I want both. Hot AND interesting. Almost like sex isn’t all there is to a person.

Quick stats: Yes I’m tall af(6’4), got a bomb ass beard and am in good shape. I also have a surf boat in a lake town(this does wonders for the tourists especially). Getting laid is easy. Being there for a friend who’s going through an extremely hard patch of life takes the kind of commitment I like to receive from my friends in my time of need.

Alpha Chad and Thunder
Alpha Chad and Thunder

If you think the Internet has no settings and no nonsense, you are right. Check your status or ask to be contacted as soon as possible. Most don't like it, even if it's "pretty." I need two owners. The human form is not just one.

It’s actually simple: yes, a beard (6.4 inches) is long and beautiful. There are major systems that facilitate communication (done in English).

I showed CS2 to a girl at work

She came into work and was talking with me, and I randomly blurted out "so do you play games?" and she said "ah.. nahh not really"

So the crying demons inside me told me 'say it, Habit, tell her'. So I couldn't resist and I said 'I play CS2, do you want to see?' She reluctantly said 'oh yeah sure I guess', so I quickly found a 1v4 retake clutch with only a five-seven kami pattern 909 that I uploaded years ago, and she watched in horror.

Afterwards she was silent and said 'oh cool..!' and I didn't know what to say so I said 'yeah so that's me. Anyway I'll see you next week' and then I left work early to avoid having to explain myself

Hopefully by next time I see her she will have forgotten about my awkwardness completely

So I looked into synthesizing estrogen for purely scientific purposes And I have concluded that the only two viable options without robbing a pharmacy, Are to either take a ♥♥♥♥ load of time extracting from eggs, and siphoning cholesterol before synthesizing estrogen that way Or Taking pregnant horse urine and synthesizing that into estrogen, or better yet performing a horse abortion and synthesize horse urine into estrogen from placenta

It was 4:13 am on a Sunday morning, when suddenly my ass started feeling itchy, and I felt like there was something up my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I quickly started running into the bathroom, and sat on the toilet. Minutes pass, when my butthole starts bleeding. I feel suspicious about it and decide to touch my butthole. Feels like theres a layer of hardened ♥♥♥♥ in my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, so I decide to wait a few more minutes so it perhaps breaks or falls out. It bleeds even more. I shove a finger up my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - nothing works. It’s only lightly scraped. I take the extreme route, so I ran to the other side of the bathroom in pain, unlocked the closet, and found a pack of tampons my ex girlfriend left when she found out I was a homosexual. As we all know tampons are a murder weapon so I unwrap one and put it up my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. The rock-hard ♥♥♥♥ breaks, and my toilet is getting clogged by the morbid amount of ♥♥♥♥ I’m currently producing. Not a long amount of minutes pass, and I pick up the bathroom boredom emergency phone and Google up “gay furry sex”. As I click on E621 dot com my penis goes up like a rocket and ♥♥♥ starts spreading all across my bathroom. Behind my arched back and my bloody ass there is a giant pile of ♥♥♥♥. If I let out one more drop of liquid into the toilet the enormous pile falls on me. Let’s not forget that when I was honking off the ♥♥♥ spread everywhere. I mean everywhere including the ♥♥♥♥ pile. Not only i would be covered in my own feces, but this mixed with ♥♥♥. I decided to turn off my phone and try to stop thinking about gay furry porn (I have a major furry porn addiction) and clench my cheeks so hard no liquid can get through it. It kept like that normally until I got a notification from one of the buff gay furry dating simulators on my phone. My cheeks instantly unclenched, and I became even more horny that before. The pile of ♥♥♥♥ slowly started falling on me, as I was still intensively ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. At this point the whole bathroom was bloody ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ liquid. I ran up to the sink since I was dehydrated, and then I got an idea. I will start pissing on the walls to clean them. When they were finally cleaned, my buff gay furry boyfriend came in and started to have intense gay sex with me.

My roommate only likes Japanese girls. He has never met a Japanese person in his life, everything he knows he's learned from anime. He has shown me his dating profiles on mixerusa which I thought was straight up delusional. But since I didn’t wanna have an uncomfortable conversation with him and was certain he wouldn’t hit, I didn’t bring it up.

But recently he actually brought a girl over who looked decent and really cute. An actual real-life Japanese girl. She swings by for his date and I’m trying so hard to contain myself and want to high-five him so bad. Anyhow he goes out with her and turns out she got really weirded out by him cos he kept bringing up these anime references thinking she would get it and reciprocate. I don’t know what to say, except I knew it would happen.

He’s a really nice guy, just that he needs to drop the Japanese girl anime pedestal thing and be more normal. So i sit him down, and start telling him how it’s super weird to real females and how they aren’t like that and how if he gets out of this mentality, it would definitely improve his chances.. He starts crying and doesnt want to talk to me anymore, he is also moving out next week. I lost a friend and someone to help pay the rent.

I just started using toilet paper recently and I'm wondering why the ♥♥♥♥ they sell them in such big quantities. Every roll is way too much to clean my ass after a ♥♥♥♥, way way too much, if I kept wiping I'm pretty sure my ass would literally start bleeding before I got to the end of it. Not to mention that I have to flush my toilet like 15 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ times for the whole thing to go down, I might as well just start throwing them into the trashcan after I use them because at least that makes a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ semblance of sense. It's also like 12 bucks for a pack of rolls, you're telling me I have to buy this basically useless ♥♥♥♥ every week now? ♥♥♥♥ that, I'm not buying into any of that consoomerism ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that's beyond retarded.

Wow. My long story short. Born empath (not empathic but empath) Understanding world too early . Dad had drinking problems (he was not agressive but still) , I was only child that would stop him from doing anything crazy, since my energy is very calming my mom automatically spoke to me like to a grown-up from young age as her own friend even. So I would try to repair relationship of them always. My sister would belittle me Infront of friends and humiliate (what i was not aware BC I was too young) she would scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of me also. Em when I was 6 she made me start stealing in very mean way by putting knife to her wrist saying U steal or I cut myself. So I started stealing money from dad. She had a huge grudge on him. I didn't BC I am very loving pure child. Eventually things kept going when I would steal I would get beaten by belt (parents grew up in Soviet union still can't blame their own conditioning because it was heavy asf ) . My 90s was 80s how world seen it because Lithuania was free from Soviets only 1990s. So what followed then. I didn't ever wanna cry even tho I was very sensitive child. I was too advanced for my age and I was still with child's mentality so world was intense. But I could handle it. I started smoking when I was 9, drinking alcohol when I was 10. That made me feel very good. Like there's escape in this world

So eventually I started having bursting panic attacks from repression. When I was 12 is when things escalated most. My dad would get doctors at home sometimes BC of over consuming alcohol. But tbh I don't blame him his life as artist especially was so gucking hard. He lived on his own since he was 12. Without mom , he was rejected by his step mom and etc... Not to mention ofc I was going to school and after school I would go to classical music school where I was bullied since age 6-14 because I was "different" and I wasn't fancy and all that I was rejected and bullied. I was shy and I was playful and out of ordinary ofc. But nobody could understand me. So that was heavy. Hence why I didn't wanna talk to women for the rest of my life. BC it was only girl
Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn 3 Sep, 2022 @ 11:35am 
اذبحوهم الخنازير
Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn 3 Sep, 2022 @ 11:35am 
اذبحوهم الخنازير
Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn 3 Sep, 2022 @ 11:35am 
اذبحوهم الخنازير
Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn 3 Sep, 2022 @ 11:35am 
اذبحوهم الخنازير
Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn 3 Sep, 2022 @ 11:35am 
اذبحوهم الخنازير
Ermenegildoniamh SinéadBjorn 3 Sep, 2022 @ 11:35am 
اذبحوهم الخنازير