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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.7 hrs on record
Posted: 26 Oct, 2020 @ 6:23pm

When I played a machine for pigs (even knowing it was from a different developer) I thought, "no horror game can be more boring that this", well... I was so wrong.

* The game works
* it's cheap

* Voice acting is so, so, soo bad
* The writting of the dialogs gets anoying so fast, "My love" "Little one" "My heart".
* Graphics are from a past generation
* Monster design is so bad, the original monster from Amnesia gave me nightmares, this is like a lower poly copy and paste from Until Dawn. And don't get me started with the end game monster, the sound it makes is sooo annoying.
* You don't even need light, you just run straight forward in the dark (because there's always one way to go, so, no way to get lost...), and since the mechanic of the "Sanity" has change, there's no problem in rush through the dark.
* Puzzles are almost Non-Existant.
* The only "new" Mechanic besides the matches, which, let's be real, it's not a mechanic, is the compass, which... is not a mechanic either. You just need to pop it when there's a portal, nothing more.

I can go on and on, but I'll rather forget this as soon as possible. I finished the game and the only two things I enjoyed were:

1) A chase scene which was actually neat.
2) Uninstalling it.

I really fail to see how someone can emphatize with the main character (I already forgot her name, this is how little I was interested in her story).
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