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Kingdom Come Deliverance is a lot of fun and a good RPG.
It apparently had a rocky launch, but since I only started playing the game in early 2020 I didn't encounter any major bugs or issues.

With its "realistic" medieval setting, it is unlike other first person RPGs: it has a slower pace than traditional fantasy games and there is no dungeon or monster around every corner. It is a lot of fun to ride around in medieval Bohemia though and everything you see and encounter makes sense in a normal human historical context. The world feels like a believable medieval region.

Given this more realistic approach and Henry (your character) being a lowly peasant, you're pretty much useless for a lot of the early game: you barely know which end of the sword to hold, you drop dead from an elderly lady looking at you the wrong way and you can't even read. But going from that to a badass in full plate armour is a real journey and really fun.
Be warned though: even with full plate and capped combat skills, a big broup of enemies can still kick your ass! Overall, combat stays challenging throughout the game and there is no point where you can just faceroll the enemy.

Tip: at some point the game will tell you to go train with Captain Bernard. Do this for longer than the game requires so your combat skills go up a bit and only then continue with the story. Once your skills are higher still, return to Bernard and train more. The game doesn't tell you this, but he will teach you fighting techniques that are essential in the later game and there is no other way to learn these.

I enjoyed the story and characters. It gets pretty dark pretty soon, but that does set the stage for Henry's motivations and actions throughout. The main quest is interesting for the most part and side quests are good too, adding more medieval life to the game.
One downside on the story-side are that sometimes you get a bit of an info dump from NPCs and it is often hard to keep all the fueding nobles (those you don't see in-game, but other people talk about) apart. This also happens in the epilogue, where this is clearly done to introduce new characters to set up the next game. It might have been better to do this through an in-game way than through a wall of NPC dialogue though.

Another minor annoyance is that there is a point of no return (the game warns you of this) where any open side quests will automatically close/fail. This is no issue in itself (again, it is clearly marked), but the main quest is still quite long after this (a good thing!) and involves a lot of occassions where you have to wait for things to happen. Since all your side quests were closed before, there are no useful/fun activities to pass this waiting time with anymore. So the only option is to fast forward time.

Overall I had a lot of fun with this game and recommend it to anyone who likes medieval history and PC RPGs. If you can appreciate KCD's slower pace and realistic approach, this will be a game for you.
If you want to be The Chosen One that owns giant monsters right out of the gate, this is not for you.

Mad props to Warhorse Studios! I can't wait to see what they come up with next!
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