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Favorite Guide
Created by - LordBuckethead and PAFFiepartie
174 ratings
A set of common misconceptions in Warframe, mainly ones that are prevalent amongst new players. Also includes a basic startup guide and a FAQ section.
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F.U.Q (Frequently Uttered Questions) Section
1. Trade?: I only trade with my close friends and families. Sorry!

2. Long Reviews and Guides?: I write guides and reviews to be helpful, not to be funny or popular. Thus, I try to be as informative as possible for people who are considering to purchase the game or just recently purchased the game. In my experience, this is not something that I can achieve with a single paragraph or a one-liner joke. In fact, one of the reasons I started writing reviews in the first place is because I despise the joke reviews. Although I find them funny as well, they can be terribly annoying when I am seriously considering purchasing a game.

One 'Helpful' vote is good enough for me to know that my review/guide isn't a waste of time. I'm not a professional writer or a game critic and I have neither interest nor skills to be one.

3. Review playtime?: I do not have a minimum playtime for my reviews. This is a highly subjective matter and fluctuates among games. I am aware that people often have very strong opinions about this, but I believe I already have enough gaming and reviewing experience to decide whether my playtime is already appropriate to write a review.

4. Do I still play games or write reviews?: In my free time, maybe. Since I'm no longer an undergrad spending his free time gaming and writing embarrassing stuff on Steam from his dorm room, I only write reviews when I feel like I have some important and strong points to make.

5. Want to write nasty comments about what I wrote? : Have you ever read your old social media posts? People sometimes write stupid stuff when they were young and stupid. My Steam profile is a decade old by this point - of course I've also written some incredibly stupid stuff that I regret and cringe at. However, I recognize the fact that cringing at it also means that I've grown up...have you? Being mean to internet strangers will only show that you are insecure and/or immature. Being kind, or simply not unnecessarily berating internet strangers, does not cost you anything.

6. For all the nice messages about my reviews and guides : Thank you! I'm glad you find my reviews/guides helpful. It's uncommon these days to still be kind under the cover of internet anonymity. You should be proud!
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128 hrs on record
last played on 17 Mar
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last played on 16 Mar
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last played on 16 Mar
Bogdan beleaua 2 Jul, 2023 @ 12:05am 
I love the way u review games man thank you
Majordomo 14 Feb, 2023 @ 11:02am 
Greetings, I added you because I like your reviews ;)
Snowy~💙 31 Dec, 2020 @ 8:24am 
Happy new year anthony!! :pinkheart:
dr. kleiner 22 Mar, 2020 @ 12:00pm 
they're hella good
dr. kleiner 21 Mar, 2020 @ 9:16pm 
your pubg reviews
LordBuckethead 28 Feb, 2020 @ 5:35pm 
Of course I do. My latest gaming activity is literally above this comment section. Why do you care about a stranger's profile comment section though?