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Recenzii recente de ApexOne

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162.0 ore înregistrate (79.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
1.5 PATCH is a changer

Played the game since launch. In the past year, even the majority of small updates and hotfixes did not really manage to fix majority of the issues; not to mention, majority of them were minor fixes - which still failed to fix a lot of stuff, and only created new issues.

1.5 patch is huge. It fixed a lot of major issues, but not only that; it also introduced some new, nice features and content.
E.g. weapons, mods, overhauled perks, new apartments to buy etc. It also overhauled a lot of systems like combat AI.

What to expect?
It isn't the game we were still promised, but if you put down the expectations and put aside the hype that killed it, Cyberpunk 2077 is still a really good game that offers an incredible story experience, followed by amazing mo-cap, voice acting, music, atmosphere etc.

Most of the side quests are also nicely executed and offer nice stories and background to lots of Night City, characters you will meet and more.

Worth a buy?

Game is definitely worth buying on a sale. Depending on what you expect, it might also be worth the full price.
Story is amazing and so are the side quests. There is lots of content here to complete: story, side quests, GIGS and lots of miscellaneous content, which I might add, is pretty generic quests like in most RPGs and is there mostly to get you XP and money.

The ambiance, atmosphere, music, story; all merge and create an impressive game. You can easily get immersed into it.
It is also one of the best looking games, or at least among best looking games out right now.
I have finished the main story and some of the side content at launch, but I'm having way more fun now with 1.5.

This is the best patch thus far and makes the game a lot more enjoyable. Hopefully, with more patches like this, this game could become something incredible.

Heads up: there are still visual bugs and occasional gameplay bugs, but it's miles better than before.
Postat 8 martie 2022. Editat ultima dată 8 martie 2022.
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If Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk 2077 had a baby = Odyssey
Too many bugs and awful performance - including lots of disconnections.

Advice: wait for sale and fixes. It's really not worth it right now. Base game and Horizons offer plenty of good content until they get this bow rowing...properly.
Postat 24 mai 2021. Editat ultima dată 24 mai 2021.
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13.4 ore înregistrate (10.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I'm recommending the game so I can get Steam to stop reminding me to or not to recommend the game.
Postat 22 aprilie 2021.
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18.9 ore înregistrate (10.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)

Only 10h in, but so far I have had a very unique, fun experience. Is it a walking simulator? Yes, it is a walking simulator. It is a massive open world filled up with outposts you can ignore or clear while you are walking around carrying massive cargo; which makes it up to you, if you wish to risk to clear the outposts or not.

Lots of walking awaits you - or driving

The map is clustered with tough terrains, cliffs, rivers, streams and rocks to make your journey hard and make your boots rip apart - until your feet are sticking out (literally).
I'm currently playing on normal difficulty and I must admit, the game can be slightly too easy when it comes to combat (and yes, there is also combat). Melee and guns, among other stuff. Is it the best combat? Far from it, but it is fun and impactful.

Not a spectator game

I'm not going to go into full details and say you need 1000IQ to understand or like the game or story; you don't. Concept is unique, but it is still inspired. Story so far is good, albeit confusing, just like in Kojima style. I know I'm only 10H in, so I suppose it all gets explained over time. From a gameplay perspective though, this game is really good and really fun. It is a fun, interesting and interactive walking simulator. You will just have to play it to know if it's something you like or not - it is not a spectator game. Watching someone play it can be boring and not a good way to judge the game. It's not a good way to judge if the game is for you.


And the online part of it is really nice and feels rewarding and makes you feel as if you are contributing selflessly and making other player's trips easier. If you put down a ladder to use to cross over a small canyon, or climb over a cliff - that ladder, if you leave it, will be there for another player to use. If they are kind, they will award you likes.
Tools you use to help yourself, can help others.


1. Good story so far
2. Depth in the gameplay (traversing tough terrain, managing cargo, balancing yourself, combat while shallow, is still fun and feels impactful)
3. It is fun to use all the tools at your disposal to traverse tough terrain (ladders to cross rivers or climb up cliffs, ropes to climb/descent a cliff/obstacle, or use vehicles to carry more cargo and faster)
4. Good atmosphere.

You won't like it if you dislike slower gameplay and story pacing, which takes a while until it pops off. This is game for a patient gamer, who enjoys peaceful strolls with occasional challenges.
Postat 12 septembrie 2020. Editat ultima dată 12 septembrie 2020.
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14.2 ore înregistrate (4.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I recommend this game, but I highly suggest giving this a full read first
Only reason I'm recommending this game is because it's some of the most tense fun shooters I have played in years.
Gunplay and gun feel is just extraordinarily good, and they feel like they have weight and true firepower.
For me Insurgency is a new experience, so it does take a bit to get used to getting killed in 3 bullets and constantly dropping out of the blue because someone is camping in a good spot, but that's why every encounter and every fight feels fun, intense, powerful and impactful.

Don't even get me on the sound design. This is some of the most authentic sounds I experienced. With my Hyper X Cloud 2 headphones, playing the game on max and getting shot at, especially by a Thunderbolt, they literally start to vibrate. It freaks the hell out of me and it's amazing!

However, the reason why I said I barely recommend this game is because the performance is just awful and there is loads of bugs here and there that get in the way of gameplay.

1.) Performance is just all over the place. I get 70FPS in one area and then drop to 20 few seconds later in a another area, then 30, 40, 25, 60 and so on. Every map so far has this issue.

2.) Often I get stuck in walls/windows because the vault feature doesn't let me vault over normal vaultable walls and I often die because of this bug. I need to tap space several times in order to get it working.

3.) Textures/objects when game is loaded or I respawn often keep popping up from extraordinary low to my set resolution and it kills performance while they load.

4.) Often male/female voices get mixed up depending who I play first. My Insurgent is a male and my Security is a Female. If I play a round of Security first and then next round I play my male Insurgent, the female's voice will stay with the insurgent. I will play a guy with a female voice, mostly when running and running out of breath, he/she has the opposite sex's breathing sound.

Now that's not really a bug that annoys me, it's quite hilarious actually, but it's just another bug that should be potentially looked at.
I would give this game a 9/10, if it wasn't for the awful performance because the game is amazing.

However with the huge performance issues in the, I give this game a 6/10, but I do recommend it, but I HIGHLY advise caution when buying this. If you are not ready to experience crap performance, massive stuttering/FPS drops, just wait and hopefully the devs will start patching it up.

PS Sorry for the awful spelling and grammar. I'm exhausted and typing the review while the game is running kind of makes Steam here run like crap on their browser, so often the text appears few seconds after I type it. :P
Postat 3 august 2019. Editat ultima dată 3 august 2019.
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129.5 ore înregistrate (37.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
A very rare breed of game. Slow paced immersive gameplay while staying highly competitive and extremely fun. Optimization is a bit iffy and over the place, but that's expected from an early access game. Lots of different items and guns to unlock when it comes to levelling and keep people busy playing while waiting for new content.
Postat 27 noiembrie 2018.
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49.5 ore înregistrate (8.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
I would recommend this game, but I won't due to following reasons.

1.) Horrible, terrible optimization. Sometimes when landing on ground, buildings aren't even fully rendered and I can just walk through walls and then it lags out or I get stuck. Overall optimization of the game is just awful. No excuse. I have a mid-tier PC and I'm having huge issues playing this game sometimes. And I've heard people with beastly PCs sometimes can't run it smoothly on higher graphics.

2.) Clunky. Game just feels clunky all the time. Sometimes you have to press mulitple times (interact) with a door for it to respond so it opens or closes. Picking up loot from the ground sometimes is harder than it looks. Gotta press "F" multiple times for my character to react and take the damn loot. Shooting sometimes feels clunky and movement of the game overall. Nothing feels nice and smooth.

3.) Lootcrates in early access. I hate being that guy, but I mean - it's still early access. Focus on your freaking optimization instead of how to milk more money.

I would keep on going, but I prefer to stick with these 2 major issues above. Game has more issues from what I heard from veterans, so read more reviews if you want info on those.

Honestly, this game has lots of potential. Just start fixing the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing.
Postat 1 decembrie 2017.
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390.6 ore înregistrate (119.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
So I made a review before, but it was more of a troll/funny review, so after playing the game for 70h and experiencing Operation Health and now Operation Blood Orchid, I decided to delete it and just make a new one.

I'll start this review up with negatives. Get those out of the way and then move on the positives.

Rainbow Six crappy sides </3
Now don't let this discourage you. These are more of technical issues. If you are very fragile and technical bugs can piss you off, Siege might at this point be a bit of a tipsy option.

  • Ping
    - Current issue with Siege is that having higher ping (unless it's like 200 or more) can give advantage to the player. For example, while you are peeking behind a corner with higher ping, you can see the enemy before your head appears for him behind the corner. That of course also impacts while shooting and getting kills.
  • Map bugs
    - Sometimes it happens that there are bugs in some maps where people fall through, get stuck in floor and so on. Also some minor bugs.
  • Netcode
    - Netcode in this game is like a marriage that's fine, but sometimes comes to a point the couple want to break the hell up. In general - it's bullshite. One minute it works, next is trash. You die behind a corner (and I'm not talking about being shot through a wall), but actually running away but still dying. Also people often die in stupid damn ways in the game by getting oneshot through torso or sometimes you land a headshot on the enemy and it legit doesn't register.
  • Matchmaking
    - While they fixed it a little bit, you will often get matched by people either much higher level than you or lower than you. This of course can be a big turn off for new players coming to the game and getting stomped by higher levels. I enjoyed the game well enough and after reaching around level 30, I started to improve enough to actually have games where I'm now stomping back.

There are other issues outside of ping/lag/netcode that can be most of the time hilarious. If you are person who gets easily triggered by clunky netcoding - stay away for now.

Now enough craping on this game. Ubisoft on this OP Blood Orchid is working on the netcode issues and making sure that higher ping doesn't give advantage. Hopefully they fix it.

Now let's talk about...
Rainbow Six beautiful sides <3

I don't want to make this review too huge so I'll try to be as short and clear as possible.

-Operators are diverse and extremely fun.

-Gameplay is usually slower paced, but if you know what to do, you can play more fast-paced aka use rush tactics. Of course, that depends on what operator you play. Some have more movementspeed while sacraficing armor and vice-versa.

-Big variety of maps and most are balanced except a few.

-Graphics and optimization are nearly perfect. For a competitive shooter, game looks fine and it's one of the finer optimized games. So good job to Ubi in this case.

-Tactical gameplay. It's not your average shooter where you rush in with no brain and get rewarded and get kills. You can, but you need to be extremely careful and have really good map knowledge.

-Unlocking operators is done with either Renown (in-game currency you earn for playing matches) or real money using RS6 credit. Does that make it Pay2Win? No. You can unlock lots of operators just watching 3 tutorial clips and playing Situations, which is like short singleplayer missions which you can complete less than an hour, if you don't die all the time and then you can buy several operators. More expensive operators from DLC are most expensive and take little more grind than usual.

And biggest plus to the game...

FREE EXPANSION PACKS AND DLCs! WHaaaat---Ubisoft, is that you?

Yes. Rainbow Six Siege comes with free content and free updates. Only thing you "buy" is new DLC operators which you can buy with in-game currency. Otherwise, all updates and content is free, even skins for weapons and Operators.

How does it run on my PC?

My specs:
GPU: AMD RX470 Nitro + OC edition (4GB)
CPU: AMD FX 4100
Windows 10 64 bit.

I get 60-70 constant FPS on medium-high settings with ocassional drops to 50 when there is lots of explosions or huge shootouts, which doesn't happen a lot. All in all, if you have a RIG like mine or close to it, you can run it perfectly fine.

And that would be closely it...

For me personally, the technical issues can be annoying, but they don't overwhelm the good sides of the game.

I personally rate Siege with a very solid 8/10 and would be 9, if some of the technical issues were fixed. As I said above, Ubisoft said they are working on fixing the ping and netcoding issues. New updates and expansions have been planned for long-term, so expect a constantly updated game.
Postat 11 iunie 2017. Editat ultima dată 24 noiembrie 2017.
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70.2 ore înregistrate (34.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
One of the best combat system in MMOs. Removes the classic tab-aim and makes the game a lot harder to play, but also a lot more fun. Every class is extremely fun due to the combat system in the game. Graphics are really good for an MMO, very colorful which can make someone love it more or less, depending on their taste.

I tried many MMOs, but Guild Wars 2 and TERA are the only ones that I thought were worth it. I'm extremely picky with MMOs and try to look at many different things:
1.) Character creation
2.) Combat
3.) Gameplay
4.) Questing
5.) Social features

If these 5 things are all good, then I will probably like that MMO and TERA hit all 5 points near perfect, but combat is what makes TERA seriously fun and makes it stand out above all MMOs. It's not Pay2Win from what I've wittnessed so far, but it is a grindy game (in a fun way.)

I highly recommend this game to any MMO player, even to players who want to get in the genre.
Postat 14 iulie 2015.
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142.8 ore înregistrate (2.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Great game. I been playing it since Beta and enjoyed it a lot. For a free to play game, this game offers just too much. No need to spend a penny. :)
If you are bored, got nothing to play, but want to experiment with some game, you must give this game a try. Tons of action. Tons of fun.
Postat 18 februarie 2014.
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