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25 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Doesn't run on Steam Deck
Posted 16 February.
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0.6 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
If you want Action and Blood, this is the wrong game for you. If you want to relax and build beautiful things, pet some sheep and just enjoy the little things - this is for you. You can play 20 minutes or 20 hours. Game is excellent for both.
Posted 1 December, 2024.
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3.3 hrs on record
- Graphics are excellent. I played on a RTX4090 at 4K highest settings but with DLSS on Quality and Frame Generation enabled because otherwise you drop down to 40-ish fps.
- Controls are definitely made for a controller, mouse feels super weird, yet even with a controller movement is kind of different.
- Story was interesting but falls flat at the end. You do not get a satisfied ending.
- Price is way too high for this.

I am not recommending this game even though graphics and the graphics engine are really great, because it's a bad "cinematic game" in which you walk around a lot with very basic interaction and sometimes even completely stupid forced interactions. The main problem is the story and the price. It is just too expensive for what it gives back. At least no jumpscares!
Posted 17 November, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
The demo is not optimized well enough. With all graphical options set to their highest values, a RTX4090 is at full load but all you get is less than 100 fps. It looks great though, but 430 Watt is too much. I don't know how quality / performance scales with lower resolutions / settings.
Posted 11 October, 2024.
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19.3 hrs on record
I haven't touched a game for some month now but this one I bought, started and kept playing. And I finished it, which is rare.

The graphics aren't those of a high polished AAA one (you can only set the resolution, that's it) but even though I "only accept only the best" I preferred these ones: they brought back memories of "the good old games". Nostalgic feelings. The animations are a little stiff too but they fit perfectly into. It did not matter to me.

It's very hard for me to get immersed, this game did it. I enjoyed every minute I played this game! I really liked the story and most of the decisions I had to make and the consequences they may cause. The game did not felt like a episode of a TNG era show. It felt like a good movie!
Posted 1 June, 2024.
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0.5 hrs on record
works great on Steam Deck
Posted 19 February, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
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0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is not a micromanage game, it's a nanomanage one. It runs in realtime but you're supposed to keep it on pause all the time, do all the managing, then let it play for a few minutes and pause it again to manage again. Making it a round based game would have been a much better choice.

The videos you see are most likely not from a working playthrough but placed in a sandbox just to get a good video.

I cannot recommend this game because there are some major flaws that make it unplayable until the developer completely overhauls the whole system. For example, when you build a hunting hut that hut has a warning about "no food" and maybe the hunter will get some food from the city storage. But why? Beside from him "creating" food his food should be at his home or the city storage.

Another problem is that villagers have to go to eg. a hunting hut to get food; but they don't put it into the city storage so that everybody has food; they put it into their very own home and nobody else will get it. Technically this means that your whole village can die because of starvation while one house survives because they still got some food.

You have multiple storage locations. For meat 1) hunting hut, 2) small city storage 3) large city storage 4) each individual house and the problem is that you cannot control who has what and where it gets stored automatically.

I built a large storage but nobody was interested in putting something into that storage. They kept the stuff elsewhere (but don't ask me where, I have no clue).

The graphics engine isn't very efficient. It's easy to get a RTX 3090 to 100% load with less than 60 fps at 1440p.

Yes, Early Access ... but boy, there is so much fundamentally broken, they'd need to start all over again to fix it.

EDIT: Oh, did I mentioned that one year ingame (spring, summer, fall, winter) only takes around 30 minutes realtime? gametime-realtime-ratio is completely f***** up.
Posted 17 August, 2022. Last edited 17 August, 2022.
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63.4 hrs on record (45.6 hrs at review time)
The game is a complete mess. For me it is running well (constant 120 fps - dialed in settings on custom watercooled 10900K @ 5 GHz and 3090) but the gameplay mechanics and the balancing is horrible.

A LMG is more stable than an AR or SMG. A stock SMG (iron sights and no grip) is horribly overpowered and better than a fully modded SMG or AR.

The locations you spawn at, especially in Rush (so-called Breakthrough) are more than dumb, because you most often spawn far away from the point you have to defend but also with not your main base (and your team) in your back but the enemy itself. You spawn and die within 5 seconds and that repeats a few times until you lucky mofo spawn in a more secure place.

All maps are massive, so massive that you don't want to run for two minutes straight and than get shot down. You rather suicide and spawn somewhere else or (if available) you spawn one out of the huge amount of "personal transport vehicles", either a jeep or a hovercraft. Both are extremely overpowered towards helicopters. Two hovercrafts and you better off flying away with your nice and shiny attack helicopter.

The sound ... well I hear helicopters right above me ... but they're hundreds of meters away. I also hear enemies right beside me ... but they're 50 meters away. Whatever sound setting you chose, you cannot distingush where vehicles or soldiers are based on the audio.

And the specialists ... one of them basically has a wall-hack she can use every 30 seconds. Combined with proximity grenades you can constantly "ping" all enemies near you. Another has a shields of which he can instantly build up two, so you can bunker up yourself and be a well protected sniper (with a spawn beacon). And another specialist has a portable shield which is indestructible and even withstands RPGs. And if he pushes you with the shield you die. The only way to kill him is from behind or by shooting at his feet. Another specialist has a resupply box he can use to constantly refill the Anti-Air Rocket Launcher. And so on ...

The whole game is horribly unbalanced by design and if EA would change this, they'd have to remove the specialists all together, re-design every map and the vehicles, weapons and gadgets.

"But wait, there's more" you'll say. What about Portal? Well, Portal. While you can create a fully customized experience, eg. BF3 soldiers / vehicles vs. BF1 soldiers / vehicles on BF2042 maps with instant soldier and vehicle respawn and massive damage or "knifes only" or whatever you want, you always have to keep your game running just to keep "your server" online. But that is not the biggest problem, because you cannot create a server at all because "THE QUOTA IS EXCEEDED". There are already "too many servers" thus you cannot create one.

If you want to play one of the greatest maps, Caspian Border, here is quick comparison of that map between Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 2042. Also be sure to listen and look at the helicopter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdct5LVip6U

I hate BF1 and BFV but I'd rather play these titles than BF2042.
Posted 19 November, 2021.
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208.8 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
I like the graphics quality and that (as usual) it takes a few years until you can really get enough fps at high(est) graphics settings.
Posted 3 May, 2021.
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