Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
*IMPORTANT- Be careful of IMPERSONATOR like this: private acc/<level 100 DO NOT TRADE

I'm taking a break from tf2 and playing SC2 and AOE2 Expansion :)

P.S. If I removed you from my friend list, it's nothing personal:EXPLODARAMA:. It could be one of these reasons:: 1. I have a habit of keeping my friend list under a manageable level. 2. There's currently a report/ban against you & some cautions must be taken. 3. I receive requests from phishers often so I might have blocked/unfriended you by accident when clearing the list

Favorite pub server: Skial
:ai_flare:Have a good :TheD::A::Y::ai_flare:
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
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Market Transactions
Another item showcase as I love my collections <3 They are reflection of the time, effort and nerdiness I put into tf2 artworks :3

I'm selling the following items: (captain space mann reserved...)

My rep:
I play medic on Skial servers.
I donated unusual for Children's Oncology Services:
Screenshot Showcase
<3 <3 <3
4 4
Rarest Achievement Showcase
My MvM Experience
How many times do I have to tell you that orange rockets don't kill:d2tidehunter:

What you gotta watch out in MvM is not the enemy, but your teammates XD:heart:

My worst nightmare: getting panned down by RoboPan on MvM 30 wave mission >.<...worse than getting rekt by Indian Sniper:tank:

You can be good at any class in MvM if you really try incl spy. I can never be good at spy in pubs tho...not sure if high ping or I just suck at assassin class :ss13down:
Review Showcase
4,948 Hours played
Action packed drama be it pubs, MvM, AKF, idling or trade! 'First rule of unboxing crates: You don't :3 '
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TF2 Backpack Wholesale - Public Group
Safe and Secure Wholesale Backpack Selling
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Created by - Cali
5,947 ratings
How to succeed in the opening of Mann Co. Supply Crates
FBN 17 May, 2016 @ 10:38pm 
i saw your msg, msg me when im online and we can discuss
Urip 29 Dec, 2015 @ 6:59am 
Thx for giving me time to collect those pures, I wish i could add you as my friend. Totally would trade again. Thx.
apollothelion 26 Nov, 2015 @ 5:36pm 
+ rep, bought too many keys from this guy :) Friendly and sweet, smooth trades. ♥
b0mbd0tc0m 16 Sep, 2015 @ 3:13am 
ayy lmao terror squad :TheBureauAlien:
Robotpan 4 Jul, 2015 @ 4:55pm 
People who use orange stickies in MvM you made me ragequit :3
ZigZag 29 May, 2015 @ 12:12am 
+++Rep, sold him my Scorching Lid + Burning Hazmat via Western Union. Very kind and trustworthy guy, recommend him! One of the best buyers I dealt with.