Aaron   Memphis, Tennessee, United States
I've been abducted by aliens since I was a child.
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Gustav Vasa 24 Jan @ 5:50pm 
GG very nice guy in hunt
Junkie 10 Jan @ 4:15pm 
ah, yes. Going beyond the steam forums to reply to you... on my own steam profile. Really absurd, isn't it? I know you get a notification, that's kind of the point of replying. When did you start playing Hunt? What MMR do you play at? It's likely you don't even understand the problems I have with it. You say my post is among the worst you've seen yet you do not elaborate as to why. You haven't refuted any of my arguments and I don't even know what post you saw. I've played the game a long time and it just doesn't play like it used to and I find that quite disappointing. I bought every DLC usually the day they drop just to support the devs and have played religiously for years. It's not Hunt anymore, it has lost its identity.
chode ma 9 Jan @ 9:51pm 
hello again, I'm glad to see that you're keeping up your record of bad posts and actually going beyond the hunt forum to post here is a great step up. also don't worry about my profile being private I can actually see your posts here so keep it up you're doing great +rep
Junkie 8 Jan @ 2:55am 
@ape So says the loser so afraid of criticism he has a private anonymous steam profile. I’m a man so I’m not gonna roast you for having a different opinion than me on the state of Hunt, that’s valid. But your need to comment on my profile because my opinion triggered you says a lot about who you are as a person and that speaks for itself. Have a great day my friend.
chode ma 19 Dec, 2024 @ 2:15am 
hey man saw your posts on the hunt forum and just wanted to say they're among the worst ive ever seen, keep it up +rep
EnoTeK 14 Oct, 2024 @ 11:03pm 
GG's. Sadly our fight got cut short. Hope you have a good time going forward. You did pretty well yourself