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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 657.0 hrs on record (516.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Jun, 2019 @ 12:18pm

Early Access Review
By and far one of my favorite games. They've refined the game over the years to make looting more enjoyable, and the physics-based building system has been something I was always fascinated (struggling) with. It's always been fun to build a giant concrete base and exploit the physics to collapse entire regions of earth to make giant holes. The introduction of turrets and the electrical system has made the game a lot more interesting. Gunplay is satisfying, at least against NPCs. The levelling system has seen refinement for better or worse, but hasn't been frustrating to deal with. Random world generation keeps the game fresh.

Gonna be honest, multiplayer has had some issues - at least in the past - with hackers. Private servers have no issue, but public servers that don't keep on top of it may create some issues. A good multiplayer server has ping limits (because cheaters are almost 90% Chinese) and has admins that keep on top of it. It's still entirely possible to have fun on a multiplayer server, though.
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