seven ♟ nea main.
fortnite victory royale yeah fortnite we boutta get down.
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seven / axel. xxiiii. he / him. gay, trans + audhd.
the besties : vampazz
——— ♟ ———
killer adepts needed: all except shape, wesker & trickster.
killer adept i refuse to get: skull merchant.

survivor adepts needed: n/a.

survivors left to prestige 3:
meg, claudette, jake, bill, david, ace, quentin, tapp, adam, jeff, jane, ash, elodie, yun jin, jonah, yoichi, hadie, rebecca, vittorio, thalita, renato, ellen, nancy & steve.

currently working on p100 leon.

——— ♟ ———
Favorite Game
Hours played
2Ez:D 27 May @ 5:04pm 
+rep, took the hit for me as i was being tunnelled. pretty cool if you ask me :steamhappy:
Your Mom 16 May @ 2:55pm 
+rep sexy surv, will body block any day for you honey <3
tinky winky 11 Jan @ 12:19am 
hello fellow edgeworth
Your Mom 13 Dec, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
+rep good tips great player :)
dumb bitch 2 12 Dec, 2023 @ 11:21am 
+rep cute leon, u'll get the challenge done eventually I believe in youuu
modikken 5 Dec, 2023 @ 9:31pm 
+rep leon skennedy