Durham, New Hampshire, United States
Top games, aesthetically, in no particular order or genre: Super Metroid, ICO, Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Final Fantasy X, Alundra, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Primal, Megaman X, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, .... I'll think of more later.

Wow. I've played some awesome games. I've been bored lately : (

But don't forget Zenoclash. The Rat Guy was the LEAST weird thing in that game.
Currently Offline
King Joshington 22 Jun, 2017 @ 12:18pm 
"Last online 75 days ago"?! What?! What universe is this?!
Eleven Robots 16 Mar, 2014 @ 7:53pm 
I just bought the Shatter soundtrack ($3). Gonna play it during class.
King Joshington 15 Feb, 2014 @ 10:09am 
Did someone hit the Steam store recently? What's up with that Hate Analogue thing?
adipy 27 Aug, 2011 @ 3:53pm 
Singularity was a fun romp, and lasted just long enough that I didn't get bored. Story was a little cliche but I like how you just can't win in any of the alternate endings. Plus I'm still kind of itching to play a little more - combat was fun if a little too easy and you have a decent number of options.