47 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.3 hrs on record
Posted: 21 Nov, 2023 @ 7:39am

This is one of those cases where I wish I could have a "maybe"/middle ground button but, hey. I guess I'll go for a yes since it has its merits. Scorn is a fairly short FPS survival horror/puzzler (more leaning to puzzles but the survival element is there at least for a few acts) employing a tremendously striking visual artstyle inspired by H. R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński. On art and scenery alone the game is worth a playthrough.

However, it appears this game had a Kickstarter and that it completely under delivered in a lot of aspects. I cannot vouch for that since I didn't follow the campaign but I do feel that something is a bit amiss or that content had to be cut for the sake of being able to release.

All that aside, the puzzles offered here are mostly interesting but are affected by the extremely clunky and cumbersome mechanics and bugs, heaps of bugs that made me reload saves several times since buttons tend to bug and not work and sometimes the character itself would get stuck on geometry despite the efforts they made to keep you on rails. (You can't even jump.)

The weapons are very cool and alien looking but are pretty much 1 melee option, 1 pistol, 1 shotgun and a very limited grenade launcher. You would find more alien weapons in Halo, at least in the way they work than here where it's basically known guns with a coat of gory flesh. Still, it's neatly animated gory flesh I guess.

If I have to think about something is that there is too much style over substance. It's an interesting, weird alien romp that I feel falls a bit short but since it doesn't ask a lot of your time, it may still be worth it on a sale.

So, yep, not sure I would recommend it full price (considering it had a very steep price here) but worth a shot during a sale and it won't demand much of you to 100% it so that's always a plus in a sea of 100 hours romps.

Oh, one special mention to it being on Unreal Engine, so be prepared for random stutters and delays when the maps load, a hallmark of the engine. Other than that, it performed at full frame rate, all maxed out even on my aging PC.
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