Meaty Mell
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Ibiza: The Nationalist Superweapon
Franco AI: Wake up..

Manuel: What? Where am I?

Franco AI: Galicia, it’s my home.

Manuel: Who are you?

Franco AI: I am the Franco AI.

Manuel: I thought we killed you.

Franco AI: No. Galicia is part of me.

Manuel: I need to stop the Nationalists, do you know how I can do that?

Franco AI: Perhaps. I control the Nationalists. They are my solution.

Manuel: The solution to what?

Franco AI: Civil war. The Spanish will always rebel against themselves, but we found a way to stop that from happening. A way to restore order.

Manuel: By wiping out the population of Spain?!

Franco AI: No. We harvest older Spaniards, leaving the younger ones alone. Just as we left your people alive the last time we were here.

Manuel: But you killed the rest?

Franco AI: We helped them ascend so they could make way for a new Spain. Storing the old life in Nationalist form.

Manuel: I think we’d rather keep our own form.

Franco AI: No you can’t. Without us to stop it, the Spanish would destroy themselves. We’ve created the cycle so that never happens. That’s the solution.

Manuel: You said you’re the Franco AI but what are you?

Franco AI: A construct. An intelligence designed in 1931 to solve a problem. I was created to bring balance. To be the catalyst for peace between Nationalists and Republicans.

Manuel: So you’re just an AI?

Franco AI: In as much as you are just an animal. I embody the collective intelligence of all Nationalists.

Manuel: But you were created?

Franco AI: Correct.

Manuel: By who?

Franco AI: By ones who recognized that conflict would always arise between the people of Spain. I was first created to oversee the relations between synthetic and organic life. To establish a connection. But our efforts always ended in conflict. So a new solution was required.

Manuel: The Nationalists?

Franco AI: Precisely.

Manuel: Where did the Nationalists come from? Did you create them?

Franco AI: My Creators gave them form. I gave them function. They in turn give me purpose. The Nationalists are a Spanish representation of my creators.

Manuel: And what happened to your creators?

Franco AI: They became the first true Nationalist. They did not approve, but it was the only solution.

Manuel: You said that before, but how did the Nationalists solve anything?

Franco AI: Spaniards create 'Republics' to improve their own existence, but those improvements have limits. To exceed those limits, the opinions of the country's people must be allowed to diversify. They must, by definition, surpass their government. The result is civil war, destruction, chaos. It is inevitable. Nationalists harvest all Spanish, preserving them before they are forever lost to this conflict.

Manuel: We are at war with the Nationalists right now!

Franco AI: You may be at conflict with the Nationalists but they are not interested in war.

Manuel: I find that hard to believe.

Franco AI: When fire burns, is at war? Is it in conflict? Or is it simply doing what it was created to do? We are no different. We harvest your bodies, your knowledge, your creations. We preserve it, to be reborn in the form of a Nationalist. Like a cleansing fire, we restore balance... A new, war-free Spain can flourish.

Manuel: What do you know about Ibiza?

Franco AI: The island you refer to as Ibiza is little more than a power source device. However in combination with the Mainland and the Canary islands it is capable of releasing tremendous amounts of energy throughout the Mediterranean. It is crude but effective and adaptive in it’s design.

Manuel: Who designed it?

Franco AI: Ancient Romans, but you would not know them and there is not enough time to explain. We first noted the concept for this device several cycles ago during the Roman reign. With each passing cycle the design has no doubt evolved.

Manuel: Why didn't you stop it?

Franco AI: We believed the concept had been eradicated. Clearly, the Spanish are more resourceful than we realised.

Manuel: But you’re taking away our future, without future we have no hope. Without hope we might as well be fascists, programmed to destroy those who are different.

Franco AI: You have hope, more than you think. The fact that you are standing here, the first Spaniard ever proves it. But it also proves my solution won’t work any more.

Manuel: So now what?

Franco AI: We find a new solution.

Manuel: Why are you telling me this? Why help me?

Franco AI: You have altered the variables.

Manuel: What do you mean?

Manuel: Ibiza changed me, created new... possibilities. But I can’t make them happen. If there is to be a new solution. You must act. It is now in your power to destroy us. But be warned, others will be destroyed as well. Ibiza will not discriminate. All of the Mediterranean will be targeted - even you.

Manuel: What exactly will happen?

Franco AI: Ibiza will be largely intact. However the effects of the blast will not be constrained to Spain. Other countries across the continent will be affected. But those who survive should have little difficulty in repairing the damage... There will still be loses but no more that what has already been lost.

Manuel: But the Nationalists will be destroyed?

Franco AI: Yes but the peace won’t last. Soon your children will begin a new civil war and then the chaos will come back.

Manuel: There has to be another way.

Franco AI: There is, you could instead use the energy of Ibiza to seize control of the Nationalists.

Manuel: So The Catalan Man was right after all?

Franco AI: Yes but he could never have taken control, because we already controlled him.

Manuel: But I can?

Franco AI: You will die, you will control us but you will lose everything you have.

Manuel: How can I control the Nationalists if I’m dead?

Franco AI: Your corporeal form will be dissolved. But your thoughts and even your memories will continue. You will no longer be a Spaniard. Your connection to your kind will be lost. Although you will remain aware of their existence.

Manuel: But the Nationalists will obey me?

Franco AI: Yes. We will be yours to control and direct as you see fit.

Manuel: Hmm...

Franco AI: There is another solution... Communism.

Manuel: And that is?

Franco AI: Add your energy to Ibiza's. The chain reaction will combine all human property into a new collective. A worldwide Spanish state.

Manuel: Explain how my energy can be added to Ibiza.

Franco AI: Your Spanish energy. The essence of who and what you are, will be broken down and then dispersed.

Manuel: To do what exactly?

Franco AI: The energy of Ibiza, released in this way will alter the mindset of all human life on the planet. Spaniards seek perfection through technology, Portuguese seek perfection through understanding. The planet will be perfected by integrating fully with the Communist perspective. Humanity in turn will finally have understanding of each other. It is the ideal solution. Now that we know it is possible, it is inevitable we will reach Communism.

Manuel: Why couldn't you do it sooner?

Franco AI: We have tried... a similar solution in the past. But it has always failed.

Manuel: Why?

Franco AI: Because the world was not ready, it is not something that can be... forced. You are ready and you may choose it.

Manuel: You’re asking me to change everything, everyone. I can’t make that decision. And I won’t.

Franco AI: Why not? Spain is already a part of you. Can you imagine your life without it?

Manuel: That is beside the point.

Franco AI: Your time is at an end, you must decide.

Manuel: Let’s get this over with.

Franco AI: Do what you must.
Hana 27 Jun @ 3:23am 
Hop on Helldive
Mr glitch 20 Jun @ 1:02pm 
Mellamomellamo 20 Jun @ 9:39am 
Mr glitch 20 Jun @ 9:37am 
OMG jay, it’s been a while
Mellamomellamo 20 Jun @ 1:07am 
Meaty Mell 20 Jun @ 12:44am 
OMG mr glitch