Inner Sight
Hello. I'm Inner Sight aka Aasha
My account was hacked and my friends were removed.
已遊玩 54 小時
I like Chimera Squad. I like XCom 1 and 2 more though. It's like comparing a meal to a snack. Even if you like both, but you innately understand that a meal is the better of the two.

Chimera Squad is like a compact version of Xcom. The missions are quickies. Where you might play 20-40 minutes in one XCOM 1 or 2 mission you'll play 5 in Chimera Squad.

The voices aren't bad but they do feel too... human. Like the voice actor had no idea they were voice acting a snake. Honestly the banter vibes like a cop movie. The whole game kind of does now that I think of it.

I do kind of miss making my own characters though.