i stood before my God filthy, and He accepted me, to cleanse me, and heal me,
and help me to change..
therefore it is my heart's desire to serve Him, and do His Will. and so i love you, and will give my life in service, that i might lead anyone of you to my Master, to be saved by Him, the same as me.

with :crown1:His Help, by His Grace,
i will finish my game, & build a companion website for it as well
& they will be excellent :MLG_REKT:
i'll post here when they're up,so you can download the closed beta, and i'll also let you know in the group chat

my game is a f2p tactical turn-based strategy game i'm making with over 140 playable units already & it's still in alpha :evilidk:

we will be able to play :vs: each other soon :coding::Binary_v2:

in the meantime read the bible and pray, get to know your Creator and God, The Lord JESUS :tsc_revolution:

^be extremely careful when using this resource
it is (very) easy to read words out of context, mis-applying them in your mind to the topic you entered
sometimes God very well may use those words out of context to help you
but sometimes also might the devil use them to trick you
..often man will just confuse himself and stumble...

remember to read in context, to clearly understand what is being said

..and understand that these links, these are links in truth to The Word of God..

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Truth does not need protection by censorship. Lies and liars do.
Artwork Showcase
it's been my dream to create this game for over 25 years
Featured Artwork Showcase
i actually started coding it almost 13 years ago, in the fall of 2010
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Aug @ 8:54am 
it is The Cross, but when Solomon spoke of it,
he referred to Noah's Ark..

GOD does this many times thru the bible: you must read, or you are going to die

"man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God"

you are literally starving to death, on your feet, awake, but asleep...
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Aug @ 8:51am 

i've long since (clearly, brilliantly, obviously) recognized The Truth of this man's words

how that they are like unto my own

spoken by that man's soul

but bolstered by The Spirit of God

given wisdom and understanding by Him

now then when i read this i began crying

and biting on my hand

holding onto my hand with my teeth

7 For blessed is the wood whereby righteousness cometh.

this is the cross (obviously when Solomon spoke it, he did not know)

man did not know of The Cross, it had yet to be given

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug @ 7:16pm 

this link has 11 books hidden from the world at large

read the bible (all of it)
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug @ 3:11pm 
video of a man driving around on mars!!

it's not?

it isn't?

this isn't exactly what NASA has shown you pictures of, claiming it to be mars?????


..this is indeed a man driving around "mars"

and eventually the entire world will look this way,

after which

"the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up"
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug @ 6:02am 
ofc and obviously there are many evils i did not commit

and yet, if i judge any man, of anything, i am a hypocrit

i realize this plainly and in truth,

for in varying degrees and with a different flavor,

the way for instance all cannabis is cannabis but the variation of it across the world is extreme,

of any sin you want to discuss, in some form or manner, i am guilty

i love my brothers, and want to help them to change

they are just like me and i am just like them: we are the same

all guilty before God

and needing The LORD's forgiveness to be saved

i prayed for Him to wash me from the tip of my hair on my head to the soles of my feet

but in tears pleaded further for Him to wash my feet
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug @ 6:01am 
this is the animosity, the hatred, the hypocrisy and insanity that accumulates in our mind and heart and soul as we walk thru this life,

and none can avoid it: it is the filth upon our feet:

and only The Power & Grace of The LORD JESUS Christ can make us clean

..so i begged my Master, God Almighty, to stoop low once again to wash my feet:

because without Him doing so, i have no place with Him, my LORD,

in The Kingdom of Heaven

so then, if i have asked GOD ALMIGHTY that He should stoop low to wash the dirt off of my feet

what evil can i accuse my brother of? or what think can i demand of a man, in recompense for having mistreated me?

no i am guilty, of terrible, wretched sin

and even at almost 42 years old i mis-judge my brothers and give place to wickedness in my irrational thoughts

now then if me whose mind is so secure and made clean by The LORD can still be blinded by my own arrogance,

me who is meek and humble beyond men in this world, and without guile,