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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 39.8 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Jun, 2023 @ 5:13pm
Updated: 21 Nov, 2023 @ 11:41am

eeh where do I start

definitely NOT up to par with the original. not a bad game but this is nowhere near the full resident evil 4 experience, so go play the original if you haven't already. just go.

THEY REMOVED U-3 LIKE- WHHHHYYYY??!?! AND NO DRAGON ROOM??? the mine cart sequence too... the whole time i felt as if i'm in a kindergarden lol. and and ashley's sequence is basically milking the puppet mechanic from the shadows of rose, it was scary but still...

attempts at trying to make the game less "annoying" for the "modern" gamer def stripped out the game out of its character, bosses are just too easy and significantly lack depth, strategy. there's been also some pacing and layout changes that felt... questionable. also style-wise that gritty and murky look of the original's graphics didn't transfer to this remake at all imo. almost every scene feels as if taken from the unreal asset store lol; high in quailty but veery generic in style.

not everything's bad though. i did like a few things like ada, ada wong and again ada wong. aand i also really enjoyed reworked regenerators, they're terrifying. and verdugo. that's pretty much it.

edit : ain't gonna buy a dlc with cut out content :))))))
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