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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 47.5 hrs on record (47.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Nov, 2014 @ 3:06am
Updated: 14 Jan, 2015 @ 8:28am

This is a performance review NOT GAMEPLAY REVIEW.

As of launch:

  • Lacking many graphics options
  • Terible FPS on very high end PCs
  • Giant FPS drops all the time in open world
  • Terrible FPS during many cut scenes (I go down to 15 at some points)
  • Crashes
  • *NEW* Borderless-Window Mode does not work
  • Mouse acceleration (Not able to turn this off)
  • Mouse is very laggy on menus (Its a mix of FPS problems and Mouse Acceleration)
  • Game freezes alot at random in open world
  • Sound cuts out somtimes (happens during interaction or walking into a building)
  • Interacting with NPCs bugs out (Somtimes the animations twitch around)
  • Poor texture rendering (Textures pop infront of you)
  • Item rendering poping (You can see chairs pop infront of you and other props)
  • NPCs face won't render right "I have not had this but some people are having it"
Coop also does not work.
-Launching the game with fraps will have you in offline mode. This has been a problem with most Uplay games.

NEW* SLI is now broken with the latest patch. When you are using sli most water and other textures constantly flicker.

  • Settings That the Game has:
  • Vsync (Only has on/off)
  • Refresh Rate (Mine goes up to 144hz)
  • Resolution
  • Enviorment Quality
  • Texture Quality
  • Shadow Quality
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Anti-Aliasing Auality (FXAA, MSAA 2x-8x, TXAA)
  • Bloom
(This is lacking many settings needed for PC)

If you are having problems that are not listed please comment letting me know, I try to reply to all of them.

Note as I have stated MANY TIMES: This game should not need this much GPU power to run it. It is a bad port. Stop saying "You need to upgrade" I don't.

Also I am now able to run the game at 45-60, I have Overclocked my GPU now.

BTW Turn off AA, giant performance problems from it.

Also my specs:
GTX 780
16 gigs ram
i7-4790k CPU overclocked
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Zoraldo 15 Mar, 2015 @ 5:31pm 
@darkSim, What FPS are you getting? What setting do you have on the game? What GPU do you have? On SLI the game bugs out on sore of the enviorment.

The game does not run great, the game has no reason to run how it does. The game is poorly optimzed on ALL platforms Nvidia GPU, AMD GPU, Xbox one, PS4.

Zoraldo 14 Jan, 2015 @ 8:28am 
Broken still
Zoraldo 12 Dec, 2014 @ 8:21am 
DarkSim, I have played the game with every setting. I have the game down to low with no AA and I can't keep 40 FPS. This is not my problem this is there problem. Also why should I have to play on all low? I have a PC that runs most games on high 60-144 fps.

Next time don't try making me look like a idot, you just made a fool of yourself.
MiKeYROG 15 Nov, 2014 @ 7:36am 
Its unplayable on a GTX580 even on lowest settings. Getting same 20-25FPS on very high and low settings, no difference.
Prof. Oak 14 Nov, 2014 @ 11:47am 
No just really bad fps
Zoraldo 14 Nov, 2014 @ 11:40am 
With the update I have crashed 2 times now. Anyone else crashing?
Prof. Oak 14 Nov, 2014 @ 6:42am 
there will be another one within the upcoming days
Zoraldo 13 Nov, 2014 @ 12:44pm 
@Thennus, Update came out?
Prof. Oak 13 Nov, 2014 @ 12:25pm 
They fixed the crashing and are looking into th fps issue
Zoraldo 13 Nov, 2014 @ 11:47am 
@PolarBear32 I already did that. Game runs like shit.